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 Rainy Season....

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Hero Fantagian

Posts : 7338
Join date : 2010-07-20

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PostSubject: Rainy Season....   Rainy Season.... Icon_minitimeWed Aug 03, 2011 2:19 pm

k so where in i live it's still rainy season and um it's weird but instead of raining all day... it's hot and dry in the morning and wet and rainy in the afternoon O o and in the afternoon there is ALWAYS (most of the time) thunder/lighting in the night.... O o so sometimes i can't sleep... Sad and yep i am going back to school tomorrow so um k uh i need to post a lot before i go back Sad
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Age : 25
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PostSubject: Re: Rainy Season....   Rainy Season.... Icon_minitimeThu Aug 04, 2011 3:46 pm

That's awesome. I live in California so theres like no snow, no rain, and it's hot out somtimes. :l
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