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 Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical?

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. w .
Senior Fantagian

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Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Empty
PostSubject: Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical?   Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2011 10:38 pm

My name is Amy I have two sisters one litte one tongue and my big sisiter Rolling Eyes and my mom and dad Smile Very Happy. It was my first day of school. My mom said '' Lets go Amy! '' she yelled. I got out of bed put my stuff in my bookbag and stuff. I went to school. I had a teacher named Mrs. Twinkle. She said '' Good morning class '' We all said Good morning back. After 4 hours 12.00 i thought its time for lunch. I walked into the lunch room hoping i would see some nice people i sat down next to my sisters i said '' whats going on? '' my big sister ignored me and rolled her eyes Rolling Eyes my litte sis was too busy playing around she giggled Razz. I walked away to my friends from last year. After school.. I knocked on my door. .... No answer i thought. i deiced to go to my friends house next to mine. I walked inside. my friend was playing the computer when he saw me he smiled and said hi! i said hi back His name was Josh he was my best friend. I asked him if he knew were my parents were. He explained '' there out on a trip i think he'' said in a low voice. He said he had a key because he knew id come here i smiled and blushed Embarassed i said thank you and walked inside my house i gasped affraid .

To be Countinued....
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Loyal Fantagian

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Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical?   Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2011 10:40 pm

So far so good. ;]
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. w .
Senior Fantagian

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Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical?   Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2011 10:41 pm

thank you! :L
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Dedicated Fantagian

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Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical?   Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2011 11:04 pm

Imo the smileys are a bit distracting but I can kind of see how it would work by helping people picture it in their minds, but a good story would already have it a picture set in the reader's mind already.
It's a good start though; what's it about? o:
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. w .
Senior Fantagian

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Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical?   Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2011 11:06 pm

Sowwie cant tell you you have to wait ! Razz
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Dedicated Fantagian

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Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical?   Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2011 11:12 pm

Aww :c
alrighty then lol
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PostSubject: Re: Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical?   Chapter 1 First Day Is it really magical? Icon_minitime

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