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 today. [ 1.24.12 ]

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2 posters

Posts : 9590
Join date : 2010-02-07
Age : 24

today. [ 1.24.12 ] Empty
PostSubject: today. [ 1.24.12 ]   today. [ 1.24.12 ] Icon_minitimeTue Jan 24, 2012 7:20 pm

today was okay.
one month anniversary with himm ♥
too bad i don't see him much anymore. he moved, but we still keep in touch whenever we can.


i'm bored
& depressed
idk why
but yeah

let me add more to this. i just remembered what else happened today, lol.
SO, like, we're having a dance this friday, & i was asking people, like rocky, daven, omar, jacob, carly, marie, etc., what i should wear & stuff. i asked them questions like, "white or red. heels or no heels. straight, curled, or wavy hair." & so on.
& based on the results i got from them, i know what i'm going to look like & what kind of dress, if i can find that type of outfit, harharharharhar
- curled hair, left down
- white tube dress [ if i can find one ]
- most likely black flats.
- tights under my dress cus i hate the cold
- cardigan or leather jacket, idk yet
- some makeup

i might take a picture after finding everything & getting ready on friday : D

kate & i promised to go with each other if we didn't have any dates
& i have no date so far

okay i'll be on the cb
& i might edit this again
so bye

Last edited by b2uty. on Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:06 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 25
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today. [ 1.24.12 ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: today. [ 1.24.12 ]   today. [ 1.24.12 ] Icon_minitimeTue Jan 24, 2012 7:55 pm

Happy anniversary! : D
Why are you depressed? : /
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Posts : 9590
Join date : 2010-02-07
Age : 24

today. [ 1.24.12 ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: today. [ 1.24.12 ]   today. [ 1.24.12 ] Icon_minitimeTue Jan 24, 2012 8:05 pm

N wrote:
Happy anniversary! : D
Why are you depressed? : /

thank you. c:
& i dunno, it sort of came out of no where during lunch today.
&&&&& i added more to the first post
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today. [ 1.24.12 ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: today. [ 1.24.12 ]   today. [ 1.24.12 ] Icon_minitime

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