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 I'm not sure anymore

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Regular Fantagian

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PostSubject: I'm not sure anymore   I'm not sure anymore Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 9:58 pm

well, one day got like super bored and i made this Ficton book and like it comes in parts and i completed part one soo kids desided to read and turns out, people actully like it but.....the only problem is, i wake up and go to school everyday to listen to"Are you done with part 2?"and they repeat it like every hour(class) i have acting like i don't have a life. I'm busy as you can see on my signature, i have issues in my life i need to be fixed and i'm the only person who can fix those type of problems(because i'm gifted when it comes to that type of stuff) and they won't leave me alone and it's sooo annoying that i actully think i don't want to continue the story but i don't wanna give up on my dreams. I'm stuck in front of two roads one is sayying no and actully living my life to the fullest or the second one is continuing even though i have lots of work, i shouldn't quit now. I don't know please help me deside which one because i'm really confused right now.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: I'm not sure anymore   I'm not sure anymore Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 11:20 pm

My advice is to first explain to them that writing takes time, and you won't be able to finish part two overnight. After all, chapter books take months to finish. Tell your friends to be patient, and you'll have part two out for them to soon as soon as you possibly can. What with end of the year testing and whatnot, I'm sure your classmates have a ton on their hands, too. Just make sure they understand that you won't have it out right away, so at least you won't be bothered by them.

In my opinion, the best time for you to work on part two of your story is when you have some extra time, like over the weekend, or on weekdays when all of your homework is done. If you're writing it on paper, you could always work on your story at recess or lunch, unless you don't want to sit around writing during lunch. It's your choice when you work on you story, but do it at a time when it's most convenient for you. Considering that your friends are eager to read your story, you shouldn't put off writing it, but don't do it before your homework. Write it when you have down time, or on homework-free nights. If you have testing this week or next week, you shouldn't have a lot of homework assignments (besides studying), so that would be a good time to write part two of your story. c;
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Regular Fantagian

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Age : 25
Location : At your place,i'm actully at your door-just waiting

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PostSubject: Re: I'm not sure anymore   I'm not sure anymore Icon_minitimeThu Apr 26, 2012 9:22 pm

Thank you Hop. I will try your idea because it seems like it's going to work. Thank you Hope but i don't really have free time which is the problem. I barely have time to get on the forum. but i will try my best to make a sample so you guys can see but to me, i left out alot of detail but i'll tell a little something about the book since you wrote me your thoughts about my problem. You Rock

Lizzi-Main charecter-Mermaid
Ginger-Lizzi's best friend-Mermaid
Chase-Sara's exboyfriend-Lizzi's Boyfriend
Sara-Most popular girl at Inkster High-vampire
Kim-Luke's girlfriend-Mermaid
Lexi-Sara's bestfriend-vampire
Luke-Chase's bestfriend-kim's boyfriend'
Megan-Ginger's sister
Tony-very wierd stalker

The only problem with showing you the story is that it's not ment for under-aged kids eyes. Some actions in the book is not ment for little kids, readers decresion is advised.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: I'm not sure anymore   I'm not sure anymore Icon_minitimeThu Apr 26, 2012 10:21 pm

cupcakesrock wrote:
Thank you Hop. I will try your idea because it seems like it's going to work. Thank you Hope but i don't really have free time which is the problem. I barely have time to get on the forum. but i will try my best to make a sample so you guys can see but to me, i left out alot of detail but i'll tell a little something about the book since you wrote me your thoughts about my problem. You Rock
Thanks. :3 Are you sure you don't have any free time over the weekends? I know you're probably really busy, but just do it during those moments where you feel like you have nothing to do or something along those lines. Sorry I'm not the best at explaining this.
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