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 There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]

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Melissa H.
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There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Empty
PostSubject: There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]   There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 4:25 pm

Sooo... here's the story.

I was on line to go to another class (in my history room). My teacher was outside. What happened is that a friend of mine, Ashford, accidentally slapped this guy named James. James threw his crayons our of shock and it hit this guy named Gabriel, an old friend of mine. Afterwards, Ashfords backs up and Gabriel starts mocking James. 'Accidentally' James hits Gabriel and Gabriel hits him bag. Gabriel embraces him and James starts smacking him. When a witness caught this, Janisa, she told the history teacher. My best friend and I were laughing and it was just awful. They ended up falling on the ground and the teacher grabbed one of the people and carried them off. Someone told the history teacher, "Wow! You are strong, you carried James off!"

Anyway, thank goodness no one else was involved.
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PostSubject: Re: There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]   There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 4:30 pm

Lol. What a funny story. Did anyone get hurt?
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There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]   There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 4:32 pm

The worst part, when I found out, that Gabriel did end up hitting James in the lips, making him bleed. I wasn't laughing afterwards the fight, there was just many gossips, probably is going to clear tomorrow.
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Melissa H.
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Melissa H.

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There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]   There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 5:55 pm

Abstract wrote:
Sooo... here's the story. Ashford, accidentally slapped this guy

lol man
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There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]   There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 6:05 pm

Piper M. wrote:
Abstract wrote:
Sooo... here's the story. Ashford, accidentally slapped this guy

lol man

Hey it happens. Sometimes your hand slips off a wall and hits someone. It happens to me and my sister.
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PostSubject: Re: There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]   There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 6:07 pm

Yeah. xD I think Ashford just kind of turned around and smacked the guys head when he was sitting at his desk. It was so funny, 'til the end.
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PostSubject: Re: There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]   There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 6:09 pm

I'm imagining everything in my head right now..
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There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]   There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 6:53 pm

*Raises hand*

I have never heard the name Ash Ford Before.
Is he into cars?
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There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]   There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 8:01 pm

Abstract wrote:
Sooo... here's the story.
James threw his crayons our of shock and it hit this guy named Gabriel


Does not approve.
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There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]   There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 8:04 pm

Ashford is Arabic I think? Ashford Mohammed to be exact... I think.

At S: That's the story I'd approve.
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There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]   There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012] Icon_minitime

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There was a fight at school today! [April 30th, 2012]
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