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 Today (8/01/2012)

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PostSubject: Today (8/01/2012)   Today (8/01/2012) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2012 6:13 pm

Hello, Hello
Today was a good day, We went yard sale shopping as well as Target in Ohio.
The big garage was fun! It was very large and indoor. The sale had everything, It had toys, games, bags, and well everything you can think of. I got a bunch of stuff that were great prices. It was so fun!

Next. we went to a Target that had 2 floors, very amazing. It was clean, had everything, a small food court, the best part, it even had a cart escalator! This Target was better than the ones in Michigan. While I browsed around the movies/electronics area. I saw a rip-off movie that sounded familiar, and came out a month ago in movie theatersDisney/ Pixar's Brave, Ratatouille, and saw at RedBox( they sell ripoffs too, very cheap) . As well as another ripoff that came before it came to the theatersDreamworks Puss n' Boots, Kung Fu Panda. I was so shocked that they sell ripoff movies. I just can't believe it.. Come Take a look..
Well, what do you think of these trailer, does it sound familiar to any of your favorite films? Beside that, my day was fine.
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Well, I'm off...
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Today (8/01/2012) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today (8/01/2012)   Today (8/01/2012) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2012 6:22 pm

Oooh, cool! I've never been to a Target with two floors. ;w; I've already seen the movie boxes for the spinoff movies ; u;

By the way, I love Kiki's Delivery Service! :3

Last edited by Midna on Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Today (8/01/2012)   Today (8/01/2012) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2012 6:41 pm

Glad you had fun Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Today (8/01/2012)   Today (8/01/2012) Icon_minitime

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