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 Going to Camp (6/10/2012)

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dana scully
Angus Bethune
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PostSubject: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2012 8:03 pm

Hey peoples!

I am going to camp like on Thursday with a cousin and I am like reallly nervous. I have never been to a camp before.... and like the longest I have been away from home is like 3 nights... its four nights there so its not much of a difference but still! What can I bring thats not embarrassing or something that will calm me down? and what advice do ya have for me??? Thanksssssss!
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Angus Bethune
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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2012 8:06 pm

Hi. WTTF! Good for you that you get to spend time with your cousin, and I don't have any advice for you as I don't have experience with those things, and that I'm better at graphic design advice.
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Junior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2012 8:07 pm

Yahh..... idk. im new and i had to post something... i feel bored ok? gimmie a break! Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2012 8:13 pm

If you're going away for a bit, it's at least good that you know someone. This summer I'm going to a UC camp and I'm not going to know anyone. >n< I'm not sure what to bring in terms of comfort, but you should bring anything that makes you happy. I'm not sure if you're allowed to bring any electronics or anything, but I'd bring my phone or something to keep contact with my friends and family if I was in your situation.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2012 8:19 pm

bring maybe a stuffed animal. don't be embarrest! I am 12 and i still bring my spongebob stuffed animal to every sleepover i go to! also, bring a picture of you family. when my last day of school was over and i was sad because i missed my teacher, i looked at a picture and felt better. bring a celphone to call home if it is allowed. well i hope your camp will turn out fine!
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Junior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2012 8:26 pm

ya that sounds good... only thing i cant do is bring electronics. Sad sad face. Anyway i can do the other two...... Smile
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2012 8:31 pm

skittles4117 wrote:
ya that sounds good... only thing i cant do is bring electronics. Sad sad face. Anyway i can do the other two...... Smile

this idea might sound crazy but when i was at an over night camp i just used a book mark for my book but my mom wrote on it saying all that mom stuff that parents say when they are tucking their children into bed.
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dana scully
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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2012 8:47 pm

Havent been to any summer camps I once went to a one day girl scout camp but u know one night lol anyway im sure camp is fun! U will meet lots of new friends
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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 12:02 am

I used to go for an away camp for two weeks, it's always hard the first night but then every other night after you're just like, "LOL THIS IS FUN. DERPDERP."

Anyways, have fun! :33
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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 6:23 am

AAAAAH!!! I hated camping! There were bugs everywhere, my sleeping bag had rainwater in it, and the portable toilet was unbelievably disgusting. I almost wanted to barf by the end of the trip. Oh my god it was horrible.
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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 6:50 am

well all you need is the things you need :3
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 6:57 am

I suggest you bring a barf bag.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 7:00 am

well she needs to bring water Razz
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Junior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 9:56 am

Haha, that would be good, except im pretty sure we have like cabins and if I remember right it has air conditioning... Smile I still need a sleeping bag and water! Wink
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 12:51 pm

Cabins? When I went camping I was sleeping with my whole family in a soggy little tent. And then I didn't screw my water bottle right, and it spilled all over the bottom of the tent. and there were mosquitoes everywhere. I got about a zillion little bites up and down my rear end. It was horrible. And I had to haul this bag, which must have had about a tonne of crap in it. Well, have fun.
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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 12:55 pm

i have no advice since i dont camp i go away a full week in a caravan and its just like a house so :\ i wouldnt have anything too say
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 2:07 pm

I went on a school field trip for about 2 days.
My suggestion:
Go in there with average expectations, and you should be fine.

Also don't fight over the small things. It's the worst way to ruin something.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 2:17 pm

cynthia wrote:
I went on a school field trip for about 2 days.
My suggestion:
Go in there with average expectations, and you should be fine.

Also don't fight over the small things. It's the worst way to ruin something.

The small things like food? I deem that worth fighting over.
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 4:46 pm

Here is a list of things to bring:
2. Sunblock. There's nothing worse than a week of walking around like the stiff people in the Nutcracker. And it looks weird Razz
3. Bring a million comforters and blankets to create a matress with. Believe me, it's necessary!
4. Goggles. They are a life-saving invention. Bring lots, as they can easily be misplaced.
5. A squishy ball. It's entertaining and distracting when you miss your parents.
I hope this helps!
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Junior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 9:08 am

Hey so just to update u guys, I took a lot of you guys's advice and put it into one. I'm going to take suddle ways to be reminded of home and no one notices. Yet I'm still probably going to bring a stuffed animal. Smile. I am bringing one thing that reminds me of everyone. I'm taking a pillow my youngest brother (but still older than me) made a few years back that says his name on it. I am taking my oldest brother's Nebraska jersey to sleep in. I am taking my middle brother's sweatshirt (he's really skinny, so I don't really just have to sleep in it, I could wear it around. Smile) On my camera, I took a picture of my parents together. My mom said shes going to have everyone write letters to give me when I come home, but she is going to write one for both to make me feel better. Thanks for the comfort guys!
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Junior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 9:12 am

Oh, and a squishy ball. Razz
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 9:14 am

skittles4117 wrote:
Hey so just to update u guys, I took a lot of you guys's advice and put it into one. I'm going to take suddle ways to be reminded of home and no one notices. Yet I'm still probably going to bring a stuffed animal. Smile. I am bringing one thing that reminds me of everyone. I'm taking a pillow my youngest brother (but still older than me) made a few years back that says his name on it. I am taking my oldest brother's Nebraska jersey to sleep in. I am taking my middle brother's sweatshirt (he's really skinny, so I don't really just have to sleep in it, I could wear it around. Smile) On my camera, I took a picture of my parents together. My mom said shes going to have everyone write letters to give me when I come home, but she is going to write one for both to make me feel better. Thanks for the comfort guys!

that's "subtle".
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Junior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 9:22 am

oh well!!! Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Going to Camp (6/10/2012)   Going to Camp (6/10/2012) Icon_minitime

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