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 How do you picture the future?

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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 5:44 am

I had this discussion with my friend and her step father. His vision of the future did not depict the future as a happy place. Me and my friend were listening on and on. Then I had an idea.

I'm going to equip myself with the futuristic inventions to fly myself and several others to a remote archipelago in the south pacific, where we can take advantage of the futuristic inventions to survive in a place that's still beautiful and untouched by humans. You can all come if you want!

How do you picture the future?
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 5:57 am

The future will be much like today, but technology will be much more advanced, and some animals like tigers, rhinos and elephants may be extinct. But on the other hand, we may by that time have developed a good method of cloning such animals.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 6:58 am

There would be more technology and flying cars and machines that transports you in one second where ever you want,People live in moon and other planets.

Like that....
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 8:08 am

i think that it will have new animals that we don't know today, extinct animals, a phone in your wrist that you get when you are a baby, more tecnoligy, and more! i don't think that you can be transported to another place though. there is a difference in beetween imossible and not invented yet! wait... i read a book and it said that they were testing a transporter and if you went in it you would die or something and it woulnd come out with a copy of you with the same hopes, dreams, etc.
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Junior Fantagian

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How do you picture the future?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 9:05 am

Lots of people picture the future to have technology like flying cars and stuff but I think it will look pretty much like today. Technology might be more advanced but not that advanced in my opinion.
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 9:13 am

Mhm, technology is actually developing at an extremely fast rate. Human beings are an innovative species, but just like any other animal, we will likely evolve to suit new circumstances. Interstellar travel is definitely a possibility, it simply a matter, at this point, of time and resources. What we really, and probably will, focus on in the near future is ending the process of global warming, and providing a source of renewable energy. People will change, countries will change, animals and plants will change, the the continents, the air, and the planet will change. I honestly don't think anything will remain the same, in the long run.

What I'm really wondering about this question is, how far in the future do you mean? Just a decade, a century, a millennium? It's sort of hard to answer if I do not know.
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Former Staff
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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 9:30 am

depends on how far in the future you mean. a couple of years? a couple hundred years? a couple thousand?
what im hoping the future will be like (before i die) is hospitals will have more advanced things to help patients with ease, and people will have found more ways to kill cancer cells, things like that. im pretty sure people will be really tall, too, considering through all the generations people have been getting taller and evolving.
(i dont think therell be like all the stuff you see in shows, you know, with funky metal flying cars and stuff.)
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 9:56 am

I don't think flying cars or transporters, just more advanced technology. Like maybe an iPhone 57XX or something. And the future depends on the presidents. If we get a good president the future might be awesome. But if we have a failing president the future might be a miserable place of poverty and job-loss. I'm scaring myself I should stop.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 10:00 am

As Richter said, it depends on how far in the future.

However, I do believe we will find a new resource but seeing as most people don't understand oil isn't just used to fuel your cars (it's in your medicine, plastic, make-up, even in your food and more) oil will still be drilled. Also seeing as their is more oil than what most people think there is, we'll have the resource for quite some time.

Any who, technology will definitely be more advanced, war will be fought much differently, interstellar travel will come up soon enough, medicine will be advanced, many known diseases that were once with out cure will now have a working cure. Of course I can see a lack of athletics and out-side going as down-side of advanced technology, but of course who knows.

On the bad side of it all, I think if we aren't careful we may find ourselves in a one world order, more than likely socialist or, well, something worse like a communist dictatorship (let's not end up like Korea on a world-wise span .-.). Oh and if we have Obama as President again, you can say good bye to good old America.
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 10:14 am

Relora wrote:

On the bad side of it all, I think if we aren't careful we may find ourselves in a one world order, more than likely socialist or, well, something worse like a communist dictatorship (let's not end up like Korea on a world-wise span .-.). Oh and if we have Obama as President again, you can say good bye to good old America.

Ah, I had to raise my eyebrow at this section of your post. First of all, there can be much worse governments than those defined by communism. I think what you meant there is fascism. I'm not going to try to derail the discussion by pursuing this further, but I believe that in a good government that uses a socialist system, a lot of suffering and indignation caused by inequality could be ended. Every kind of leadership the world currently has is susceptible to corruption, none more than any other.

I'm not going to comment on the Obama section. To each their own.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 10:18 am

I picture the future as a dangerous place. The trees will be cut down, and most animals might be extinct. I just hope that they still care about the wilderness, or else, humans might not be able to live.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 10:35 am

Eldritch wrote:
Relora wrote:

On the bad side of it all, I think if we aren't careful we may find ourselves in a one world order, more than likely socialist or, well, something worse like a communist dictatorship (let's not end up like Korea on a world-wise span .-.). Oh and if we have Obama as President again, you can say good bye to good old America.

Ah, I had to raise my eyebrow at this section of your post. First of all, there can be much worse governments than those defined by communism. I think what you meant there is fascism. I'm not going to try to derail the discussion by pursuing this further, but I believe that in a good government that uses a socialist system, a lot of suffering and indignation caused by inequality could be ended. Every kind of leadership the world currently has is susceptible to corruption, none more than any other.

I'm not going to comment on the Obama section. To each their own.

Oh I know about Fascism, but I know more people know about Communism , plus I believe that would be the point we'd reach. I also know that a reason why America is great is because of the Capitalist system we use as well as the right to bear arms, our racial tolerance, the tolerance towards Gays, bisexuals etc., and our freedom of speech and religion.

I'm a little surprised you didn't comment on Obama, most people just hate when I bring it up, of course I appreciate that someone for once doesn't bash on my opinion.

off to getting back on topic, I think I should add I don't think we'd be using flying cars, but space ships seem likely for public use 0:
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 11:18 am

If people had enough money, TODAY we will be riding around in flying cars, talking to our pancake making robots, and living in the best eco-design home. So I am not really sure what to picture, maybe less expensive versions of these.

As for animals, I don't know.There are more and more human buildings, and yet more and more conservation groups. So we can build eco-design homes. We may have developed a way to clone the mammoth.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 11:20 am

Squirtle wrote:
i think that it will have new animals that we don't know today, extinct animals, a phone in your wrist that you get when you are a baby, more tecnoligy, and more! i don't think that you can be transported to another place though. there is a difference in beetween imossible and not invented yet! wait... i read a book and it said that they were testing a transporter and if you went in it you would die or something and it woulnd come out with a copy of you with the same hopes, dreams, etc.

Maybe what I am talking about is nonsense, but everything, including the human body, is made out of particles. The teleporter moves your particles at top speed to another teleporter. That other teleporter puts your particles together again. Although it will take a lot of intellegence to firgure out which particle goes where, and do it so quickly it is painless.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post, I had to go and I just clicked send instead of copy and apsting this into my other post ._.

Last edited by Rufistar on Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 11:50 am

I think the futer will horrible beacause there is alot of chaos going around in the world we will have more advance technolgy but then different and different countrys will try and steal our ideas and our inventions and try to claim it as theirs then there will be mad ness and i think another war will happen so i just think we will have to wait and see what happens
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Angus Bethune
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Angus Bethune

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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 12:20 pm

HeavensentAngel wrote:
I think the futer will horrible beacause there is alot of chaos going around in the world we will have more advance technolgy but then different and different countrys will try and steal our ideas and our inventions and try to claim it as theirs then there will be mad ness and i think another war will happen so i just think we will have to wait and see what happens
I don't think other countries will try to claim it as their's, since every country has microwaves and they don't go around claiming that they made it.
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PostSubject: Re: How do you picture the future?    How do you picture the future?  Icon_minitime

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