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 My sister is so annoying

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My sister is so annoying Empty
PostSubject: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 5:30 pm

Ok new here I know but I have to let this out.

My sister she broke my Ipad! I screamed my heart out about 7 seconds ago! I used my money for that! A week ago she threw away my Sony Vegas tape! On purpose. I need help! If you have a 15 year old sister who is annoying and distrcutive what would you do! I am getting angry she breaks all my money things. That sony vegas was like 600 dollars in the trash! She deleted my IMVU movie i been working on for months! I can't believe her!
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 5:34 pm

Woah woah woah
I would scream so hard at her (and possibly cry)
What's the situation with your parents?
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 5:36 pm

Cefie wrote:
Woah woah woah
I would scream so hard at her (and possibly cry)
What's the situation with your parents?

They keep saying they will buy me a new one or install it back but thats not the point. My pictures and my movies were on their. I worked so hard to make my IMVU movie. I cherished those pictures and that sony vegas was really expensive. I been saving pennies for that!
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Dedicated Fantagian

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My sister is so annoying Empty
PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 5:46 pm

To prevent it from happening again make a password on your computer. Wait is is on your computer right? ._.

Your parents sound like they don't care. Try to talk to them about it, and make comparisons about stuff they don't want thrown away. Do not get revenge on your sister yourself. You'll just get in trouble.

Last edited by cynthia on Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 5:51 pm

Put it in a place that's out of reach from your sister, or somewhere you know she wouldn't find it. I am sorry about that.
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PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 5:54 pm

What's done is done. If your movies are gone because the tape is gone, I don't think you can get them back unless you've saved them somewhere on a SD card. I'm sorry for what happened, though. You can always try to talk to her and your parents to settle things out.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 5:56 pm

Ignore step 2
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Veteran Fantagian

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My sister is so annoying Empty
PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 6:01 pm

Talk to your parents so your sister won't see any allowance for the rest of her life. Or if she doesn't have that, they'll take whatever she loves, like a computer, away from her. >:D They are the only ones who can really do anything about it. Like cynthia said, don't get revenge on her on your own. You'll get in more trouble.

She broke your iPad and threw away something like $600, on purpose? She can't get away with that.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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My sister is so annoying Empty
PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 6:05 pm

Tomothy Jone wrote:

Ignore step 2

Am I crazy if I laughed at this?

I know this is meant to be funny, but I'm going to be serious here and say no one here can handle murder. Most of us would start crying.
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PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 6:21 pm


Ok, i would get revenge on her if i were you, because i know a way you wont get in trouble. :3 Twisted Evil

Ok, when your asleep and she is too, do this:

1. Tip toe near her, with a plastic weapon and some makeup HEHEHE

2. Say creepy things like "Im stalking you..." and stuff.

When she opens her eyes, say "JEFF THE KILLER!" really loud, but dont wake your parents.

4. Run.

She wont know what hit her..... :3

But still, do stuff like the toothpast oreo thing to trick her.

My one way to get back at people?

Ultimate pranks.

And wow, she broke your Ipad? Shes spoiled.
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 8:14 pm

I have experienced worse, my little brother deleted all my editing systems, 1500 dollars out the window. My little sister somehow changed my settings on the Ipad (that I payed 600 dollars for)
and I could not access it anymore. Both of them broke my last camera, which I payed 500 for.

In total: 2600 dollars gone.
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PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 8:34 pm

Take away her bookbag. She'll go nuts.


Watch her go crazy. But gosh, she must've had a motive. Me and Cynthia are sisters and we always have motives. What'd you do to her in the past week. THINK HARD.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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My sister is so annoying Empty
PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 8:36 pm

She's 15 and doing these type of stuff? Just wow. She seems immature, tbh. If I were you, I would break one of her precious things. Y'know to let her know how it feels to have your stuff being broken! Buy a flash drive! You could put your movies in there so if anything happens to the original, you have a backup!
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Ultimate Fantagian

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My sister is so annoying Empty
PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 9:15 pm

♪FantaFan♫ wrote:

Ok, i would get revenge on her if i were you, because i know a way you wont get in trouble. :3 Twisted Evil

Ok, when your asleep and she is too, do this:

1. Tip toe near her, with a plastic weapon and some makeup HEHEHE

2. Say creepy things like "Im stalking you..." and stuff.

When she opens her eyes, say "JEFF THE KILLER!" really loud, but dont wake your parents.

4. Run.

She wont know what hit her..... :3

But still, do stuff like the toothpast oreo thing to trick her.

My one way to get back at people?

Ultimate pranks.

And wow, she broke your Ipad? Shes spoiled.

that is pretty much what i would do. but to prevent getitng in trouble, talk to your parents about it
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Legendary Fantagian

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My sister is so annoying Empty
PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2012 7:21 am

I have siblings too, and I literally cannot lend anything to my 10 year old sister because it always gets handed back broken or missing some pieces. Talk to your parents and likely they will make your sister buy you a replacement out of her money.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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My sister is so annoying Empty
PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2012 8:28 am

3agle wrote:
Take away her bookbag. She'll go nuts.


Watch her go crazy. But gosh, she must've had a motive. Me and Cynthia are sisters and we always have motives. What'd you do to her in the past week. THINK HARD.

You haven't stolen homework from me have you? ._.
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2012 3:08 pm

Thanks for the advice but it wont happen. Robeta gets her own way and can manipulate my parents as a bowl of soup. Like:

She gave them the idea i need braces and they went to the dentist and i am now a metal mouth.

She told them my hair is to long when hers is way longer. They cut my hair!

She told them the summer camp i was supposed to go to has snakes and dangerous animals when there's not and I stayed home all summer!

Its so cold living with her. Same room, same computer same everything! I try to ignore but it makes no sense. My money I save is just always a waste because of my sister throwing or damaging it. I store my stuff in a secret place some how she finds them and breaks it. Sabotaging her will make it worse! For Halloween 2 years ago I remember she returned my costume for a refund. She took the money and bought herself her own outfit. I dressed up as myself 2 years ago.

Its so sad living with her. She embarrasses me at school and kills me at home. Ever since her boyfriend dumped her she has been getting meaner by the minute. I had my own computer once but she broke it so I share with her and she edits all my movies. I had Sims 3 and Sims late nights saved on my computer and she uninstalled it for Sims pets! I never wanted that! Than she uses my youtube account to make mean comments on videos to make people insult me over the web! My parents just keep saying: "I'll buy it back, I'll install it back, I'll fix it back, I'll bring it back." And Robeta just sits on her bed laughing. That's why I can't get a boyfriend! She scares them away!
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dana scully
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dana scully

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PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2012 3:11 pm

Maybe be nice to her (kill her with kindness XD) then maybe she will stop doing those things or something
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2012 3:14 pm

anna:) wrote:
Maybe be nice to her (kill her with kindness XD) then maybe she will stop doing those things or something

You know your right. That reminds me of a time I did that and she told me stop its annoying. Great idea!
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Legendary Fantagian

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My sister is so annoying Empty
PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeMon Aug 27, 2012 7:00 am

Qumbie wrote:
Thanks for the advice but it wont happen. Robeta gets her own way and can manipulate my parents as a bowl of soup. Like:

She gave them the idea i need braces and they went to the dentist and i am now a metal mouth.

She told them my hair is to long when hers is way longer. They cut my hair!

She told them the summer camp i was supposed to go to has snakes and dangerous animals when there's not and I stayed home all summer!

Its so cold living with her. Same room, same computer same everything! I try to ignore but it makes no sense. My money I save is just always a waste because of my sister throwing or damaging it. I store my stuff in a secret place some how she finds them and breaks it. Sabotaging her will make it worse! For Halloween 2 years ago I remember she returned my costume for a refund. She took the money and bought herself her own outfit. I dressed up as myself 2 years ago.

Its so sad living with her. She embarrasses me at school and kills me at home. Ever since her boyfriend dumped her she has been getting meaner by the minute. I had my own computer once but she broke it so I share with her and she edits all my movies. I had Sims 3 and Sims late nights saved on my computer and she uninstalled it for Sims pets! I never wanted that! Than she uses my youtube account to make mean comments on videos to make people insult me over the web! My parents just keep saying: "I'll buy it back, I'll install it back, I'll fix it back, I'll bring it back." And Robeta just sits on her bed laughing. That's why I can't get a boyfriend! She scares them away!

I think you might actually be exaggerating just a little...
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My sister is so annoying Empty
PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeMon Aug 27, 2012 1:01 pm

Qumbie wrote:
Thanks for the advice but it wont happen. Robeta gets her own way and can manipulate my parents as a bowl of soup. Like:

She gave them the idea i need braces and they went to the dentist and i am now a metal mouth.

She told them my hair is to long when hers is way longer. They cut my hair!

She told them the summer camp i was supposed to go to has snakes and dangerous animals when there's not and I stayed home all summer!

Its so cold living with her. Same room, same computer same everything! I try to ignore but it makes no sense. My money I save is just always a waste because of my sister throwing or damaging it. I store my stuff in a secret place some how she finds them and breaks it. Sabotaging her will make it worse! For Halloween 2 years ago I remember she returned my costume for a refund. She took the money and bought herself her own outfit. I dressed up as myself 2 years ago.

Its so sad living with her. She embarrasses me at school and kills me at home. Ever since her boyfriend dumped her she has been getting meaner by the minute. I had my own computer once but she broke it so I share with her and she edits all my movies. I had Sims 3 and Sims late nights saved on my computer and she uninstalled it for Sims pets! I never wanted that! Than she uses my youtube account to make mean comments on videos to make people insult me over the web! My parents just keep saying: "I'll buy it back, I'll install it back, I'll fix it back, I'll bring it back." And Robeta just sits on her bed laughing. That's why I can't get a boyfriend! She scares them away!
Okay. First off, you need to calm down. If you have braces, you have them for a reason. I had mine for three and a half years. And I need to wear retainers until I'm out of college. Sometimes parents do thing you don't necessarily like, but they do it for a reason, most of the time it's a good reason. Just because you don't understand doesn't mean they're being mean or don't listen to you at all. I'm sure they listen to you.

If your sister continues to bother you, you really need to tell your parents, to the point where they'll do something. You can also talk to a counselor at your school.
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My sister is so annoying Empty
PostSubject: Re: My sister is so annoying   My sister is so annoying Icon_minitimeMon Aug 27, 2012 1:06 pm

God that is annoying. I'm so glad none of my sisters are like that! :C You're sister is 15 right? She should know better!
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