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 Heart's Ruby [RP APP]

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 9:01 pm

My first time making an RP. I might not even join, the only reason I made apps is because I love making up the characters. It's just that I have such a hard time keeping up and stuff. But maybe I'll do this one.

Anyways, back on topic.

What's happening:

How the story works with your character:

Character Selection

Girls in real life and in forum can be boys in roleplay. You can have up to three characters. Please try to be different species and types.

Some dragons are based off their habitat (forest dragons, swamp dragons, water dragons). Some are based off an element (fire dragons, storm dragons, light dragons). You can choose either of these types.

If you don't want the types above, or just don't know which type, you can select a dragon type from Dragon Cave. Click here to choose from Dragon Cave dragons.

If you're choosing a Dragon Cave dragon, be sure to scroll through the entire list (it's not that long). Please pick a female dragon (the ones on top) if you're a girl and a male if you're a boy (if you like a opposite gendered dragon sprite you can pick that). Once you see a dragon you like, be sure to read the description by clicking on the name of the dragon.

Just to let you know, if you like the striped dragons, they are available in more colors than just white. You can also kind of "edit" your dragon like say "A striped dragon, but with rainbow stripes".

Humans are rather easy to create. Just pick your characteristics and age, and you're off.

Application Form

You can be part of a dragon family, a loner looking for a friend, anything really. You just have to live somewhere near the Ruby's mountain. If you choose "Other" in #3 in the form, please describe. "Other" is for dragons with special stories.

Name of dragon:
Species type and picture/appearance:
Age or stage (hatchling, young adult, old):
Guardian, Dweller, or Other:
Your story/what you are:

[b]Name of dragon:[/b]
[b]Species type and picture/appearance:[/b]
[b]Guardian, Dweller, or Other:[/b]
[b]Your story:[/b]

Name of human:
Your story/what you are:

[b]Name of human:[/b]
[b]Your story/what you are:[/b]

I will start this in a week, to let people get a chance to join. I'm going to do my form later.

And yes, if this sounds familiar, it's based off a story I am working on. Am still gathering thoughts for the story.

Last edited by Rufistar on Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:42 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 9:10 pm

I'd like being a human..
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Veteran Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 9:22 pm

Post updated to allow humans to join. Please review info.
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Luka✯ + Ruko¿
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PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 11:05 pm

Name of human: Miyuki Shimizu
Age: 17
Personality: creative, calm, quiet, mildly depressed, and protective of her sister. Keeps a diary of her emotions and ideas.
Your story/what you are: Miyuki and Kumori live alone in their own house. They were taken away from their mother for child abuse, mostly lack of caring for them because she was an alcoholic.They never have and probably never will meet their father. They get a monthly check from child services, but it still isn't much. Miyuki is currently working at a clothing store, barely making minimum wage. That still isn't enough to take care of herself, not to mention her sister.

Name of human: Kumori Shimizu
Age: 15
Personality: nurturing, lovable, ailurophile (cat lover), easygoing, bubbly, nosy, energetic, adventurous
Your story/what you are: Babysits and helps neighbors with chores (example: mowing the lawn, housesitting) to help her sister make enough money to pay for electricity, water, and food. One day, she finds Miyuki's diary and begins to read it. There is a page where it says that they need money and that there might be a hidden magical stone in a hollow mountain somewhere not too far away. Kumori decides to tell her sister she plans to hunt for the stone and fix all of their problems. Miyuki says it probably isn't real and they should just stay home, but Kumori refuses and sets off to find the stone. Miyuki goes with to protect her sister from the dangers out there.

(The Shimizu sisters' story begins)

How's that?
I'm also thinking about them finding a tiger or lion or something to go with the cat lover thing.
Name: Jun (meaning obedient--pronounced June)
Age: cub
Personality: shy, obedient, kind, fluffy!!, cutesy (becomes strong and protective later, maybe finds mother or something)

lol this is loooooooong
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Veteran Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2012 3:41 pm

Blah, messed up the codes. You can bold the letters yourself, I'm gonna do it now. You can add anything to your form.

Name of dragon: Leaf
Species type and picture/appearance:Terrae dragon (girl)
Heart's Ruby [RP APP] 4kmp10
Age or stage (hatchling, young adult, old):Somewhat 1,000 in dragon years. Average Adult.
Guardian, Dweller, or Other:Dweller
Personality:Carefree and nice. The complete opposite of that dragon who ate an entire village.
Your story/what you are:Leaf is a Terrae dragon that has been living in the forest since she was a hatchling. Leaf lives near a cave and she sleeps outside unless there is a storm. She loves the animals and knows most living near her, and her closest friend is a wolf that she calls Rain. Leaf met Rain not long after she looked for a place to live by herself.

Leaf, being a Terrae, does not need to eat. Instead, she goes through photosynthesis like plants. Leaf also loves rain and loves flying through the clouds.

Name: Rain
Species and picture/appearance: Gray Wolf
Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Wolf10
Personality: Curious, playful, nice to friends.
Your story/who you are: Rain is a lone wolf that lives in the forest. He and Leaf, a Terrae dragon, were great friends since they met.

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Veteran Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2012 3:51 pm

Name of dragon: Sunstone
Species type and picture/appearance: Sun dragon Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Lickin10
Guardian, Dweller, or Other: Guardian
Your story: Sunstone was a normal hatchling that was captured and torturized by evil people. Though as a hatchling, she managed to escape. She lives her life up high in the sky, not trusting any human, only dragons.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2012 3:59 pm

♪FantaFan♫ wrote:
Name of dragon: Sunstone
Species type and picture/appearance: Sun dragon Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Lickin10
Guardian, Dweller, or Other: Guardian
Your story: Sunstone was a normal hatchling that was captured and torturized by evil people. Though as a hatchling, she managed to escape. She lives her life up high in the sky, not trusting any human, only dragons.

So how does she guard the Ruby? From above? That's possible, as the mountain is like this. You can kind of see the ruby glowing, but humans can't because their eyesight isn't exactly the best.

Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Untitl11

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Ultimate Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2012 4:01 pm

"Horse dragons have equine-shaped bodies and hooves instead of claws, which allow them to be fast runners. They specialize in running takeoffs, which are quicker than taking off from a stand-still. Horse dragons are able to stalk their prey from the ground then quickly execute an aerial attack for the kill."

Name of dragon: Vira (Female)
Species type and picture/appearance: Horse Dragon
Age or stage (hatchling, young adult, old): Adult (we would call her 17 1/2)
Guardian, Dweller, or Other: Dweller
Your story/what you are: Vira is an independent Horse Dragon. Instead of claws, Vira uses her swift hooves to run through the jungle with speed. There is one small spike on her tail, allowing her to cut something. Vira is friendly, but sometimes she'll be harsh.

Last edited by Tikaani on Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:57 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2012 4:05 pm

Rufistar wrote:
♪FantaFan♫ wrote:
Name of dragon: Sunstone
Species type and picture/appearance: Sun dragon Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Lickin10
Guardian, Dweller, or Other: Guardian
Your story: Sunstone was a normal hatchling that was captured and torturized by evil people. Though as a hatchling, she managed to escape. She lives her life up high in the sky, not trusting any human, only dragons.

So how does she guard the Ruby? From above? That's possible, as the mountain is like this. You can kind of see the ruby glowing, but humans can't because their eyesight isn't exactly the best.

Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Untitl11

I guard it like that.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 01, 2012 7:13 pm

In "how the story works with your character" I said...

Your characters will be dragons or humans. There are guardian dragons who guard the Ruby. These guards are getting restless and bored of their job. Others think that it is still important to guard the Ruby.

A few more people and I'll start this! Please join!

We have enough dragons and humans, maybe we need another guardian.
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Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 01, 2012 7:25 pm


Name of dragon: Mayrin
Species type and picture/appearance:
Waterhorse Dragon:
Age or Stage: Young Adult/ Just became an adult
Guardian, Dweller, or Other: Dweller
Your story: Mayrin lives in a river near the Heart's Ruby. She is slightly immature, though, she tries to hide it. It seems at though she only uses her wings when "on" land, by flying a few inches above land, since she is afraid of being embarrassed when actually walking on it.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 01, 2012 7:44 pm

Thanks. It's just my first RP that I created, and I want to be sure that enough people join.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 01, 2012 9:25 pm

Name of dragon:Jasmine Ross
Species type and picture/appearance: Day Glory Drake, almost an adult (What we would say a 16 year old), Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Dayglory
Guardian, Dweller, or Other: Dweller/Guardian. Lives in the forest and dwells around but sometimes guards the Ruby
Your story: Jasmine has been living in the forest since she was a young hatching. As she raised by herself she knows how to take good care of herself. She sleeps in the forest in a field of flowers. Jasmine loves sunlight so much that she sometimes goes up into the sky and fly around like a maniac.
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Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 02, 2012 10:26 am

Name of dragon: Chanista
Age or stage (hatchling, young adult, old): Mature Hatching
Species type and picture/appearance: Bluesong Linduwurm Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Brinfem
Guardian, Dweller, or Other: Dweller
Your story: She is nomadic and is only temporary resident of the volcano. She likes to stay near water and loves to eat fish. Chanista can fly very well at such a young age due to having two sets of wings. She loves to ask a ridiculous amount of nosy and highly annoying questions. She dreams of living by the ocean when she is older.
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Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitimeMon Sep 03, 2012 12:14 pm

ASDF i hate to double post

Name of dragon: Lulia
Species type and picture/appearance:Two Finn Bluna (what you though i was going to be a water dragon?) Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Bluna_female
Guardian, Dweller, or Other: Dweller/Guardian
Your story: Lulia lives in a river near the volcano so she some what guards the ruby. She is snooty and aloof and is unwilling to help strangers unless if its to protect the ruby. She has been living in that river for her whole life and is very loyal to those who she trusts.
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PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APP]   Heart's Ruby [RP APP] Icon_minitime

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