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 Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE]

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Veteran Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Empty
PostSubject: Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE]   Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Icon_minitimeThu May 16, 2013 8:16 pm

Remake because Witch insisted, plus I really love this roleplay anyway so yeah. I'm pretty much copy and pasting from the first application topic and making a few small changes to the setting/story.

Also the other reason I'm remaking is because I'm rewriting/working on again the Heart's Ruby story (which this RP is based off, but not the same).

Anyways, back on topic.

What's happening:

How the story works with your character:

Character Selection

Girls in real life and in forum can be boys in roleplay. You can have up to three characters. Please try to be different species and types.

Some dragons are based off their habitat (forest dragons, swamp dragons, water dragons). Some are based off an element (fire dragons, storm dragons, light dragons). You can choose either of these types.

If you don't want the types above, or just don't know which type, you can select a dragon type from Dragon Cave. Click here to choose from Dragon Cave dragons.

If you're choosing a Dragon Cave dragon, be sure to scroll through the entire list (it's not that long). Please pick a female dragon (the ones on top) if you're a girl and a male if you're a boy (if you like a opposite gendered dragon sprite you can pick that). Once you see a dragon you like, be sure to read the description by clicking on the name of the dragon.

Just to let you know, if you like the striped dragons, they are available in more colors than just white. You can also kind of "edit" your dragon like say "A striped dragon, but with rainbow stripes".

The Golden Rule: No Mary Sue dragons. Your dragons will have some powers yes, but don't make them all powerful gods. This applies to humans too.

Humans are rather easy to create. Just pick your characteristics and age, and you're off.

Application Form

You can be part of a dragon family, a loner looking for a friend, anything really. You just have to live somewhere near the Ruby's mountain. If you choose "Other" in #3 in the form, please describe. "Other" is for dragons with special stories.

Name of dragon:
Species type and picture/appearance:
Age or stage (hatchling, young adult, old):
Guardian, Dweller/Normal, or Other:
Your story/what you are:

[b]Name of dragon:[/b]
[b]Species type and picture/appearance:[/b]
[b]Guardian, Dweller, or Other:[/b]
[b]Your story:[/b]

Name of human:
Your story/what you are:

[b]Name of human:[/b]
[b]Your story/what you are:[/b]

Hope the story and setting was clear and all. I'll make my form sometimes later. I'll start the RP... until the end of Friday (after 4 pm because that's when I get home from school) or the start of Saturday.

People who joined:

Witch: Chanista the Blusang
Rin: Lisa Martin (human)
Flower: Nymph the dragon
Rufistar: Leafe the Terrae
Fuko: Fisher the Seawyrm Pygmy

Total: 5

Last edited by Rufistar on Sat May 18, 2013 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE]   Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Icon_minitimeThu May 16, 2013 8:19 pm

I have no idea how to express my lobe for this roleplay, I'm just so happy that you brought it back! Thank you so much ;w;

Name of dragon: Chanista
Species type and picture/appearance: Bluesong Linduwurm Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Blusan10
Age or stage (hatchling, young adult, old): Matured hatchling
Guardian, Dweller/Normal, or Other: She doesn't have an occupation really but she considers herself a nomad
Your story/what you are: Chanista is a nomadic dragon. She was born at the beach and was living with her family when she was very young, but doesn't remember the time because one day, she was blown away from her family, and ended up somewhere else. She believes that she has never met another of her kind. Chanista's dream is to one day, live by a beach. She currently lives in a forest by the Ruby. Chanista is an eccentric, careless, energetic, and peculiar dragon. She is somewhat greedy, gluttonous, unreliable, and selfish, but she's still loyal, affectionate, and loving. Chanista likes to observe other dragons and laughs for no reason often.

Last edited by Witch on Thu May 16, 2013 8:49 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE]   Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Icon_minitimeThu May 16, 2013 8:21 pm

Name of human: Lisa Martin
Picture/appearance: long Brown hair, green eyes, wears leather a lot. She is usually seen as an aggressive person.
Age: 19
Your story/what you are: she was born from a family of forest nymphs, but she was born half human. Her family taught her to be an archer.

Last edited by Rin on Thu May 16, 2013 8:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hero Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE]   Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Icon_minitimeThu May 16, 2013 8:25 pm

Name of dragon: Nymph
Species type and picture/appearance: ( Didn't use one from Dragon's Cave.) Nymph is a pre-mature; She hatched very early. She isn't up to her full powers, yet, but she's trying very hard to mature and learn new skills everyday. Her skill is Earth; She can use something made from the earth; Flowers, vines, dirt, ECT as long as it isn't man-made, she can control it.
Guardian, Dweller, or Other: Hatching/Dweller. She doesn't know what the Ruby IS EXACTLY, YET, but she will when she's older. For now, she stays in the bushes, lurking. She was abandoned by her mother.
Your story: When Nymph hatched early, her mother immediately disowned her. When all the others hatched, she scared Nymph away, then left the territory with her other babies.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE]   Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Icon_minitimeFri May 17, 2013 7:42 pm

I'm sorry for copying an "earth" dragon but this is my old app and I love my character.

Name of dragon: Leafe
Species type and picture/appearance:Terrae dragon ♀
Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] 4kmp10
Age or stage (hatchling, young adult, old):Somewhat 1,000 in dragon years. Average Adult.
Guardian, Dweller/Normal, or Other:Dweller
Personality:Carefree and nice. The complete opposite of that dragon who ate an entire village.
Your story/what you are:Leaf is a Terrae dragon that has been living in the forest since she was a hatchling. Leaf lives near a cave and she sleeps outside unless there is a storm. She loves the animals and knows most living near her, and her closest friend is a wolf that she calls Rain. Leaf met Rain not long after she looked for a place to live by herself.

Leaf, being a Terrae, does not need to eat. Instead, she goes through photosynthesis like plants. Leaf also loves the rain and loves flying through the clouds.

Name: Rain
Species and picture/appearance: Gray Wolf
Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Wolf10
Personality: Curious, playful, nice to friends.
Your story/who you are: Rain is a lone wolf that lives in the forest. He and Leaf, a Terrae dragon, were great friends since they met.
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Hero Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE]   Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Icon_minitimeFri May 17, 2013 7:42 pm

Rufistar wrote:
I'm sorry for copying an "earth" dragon but this is my old app and I love my character.

Name of dragon: Leafe
Species type and picture/appearance:Terrae dragon ♀
Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] 4kmp10
Age or stage (hatchling, young adult, old):Somewhat 1,000 in dragon years. Average Adult.
Guardian, Dweller/Normal, or Other:Dweller
Personality:Carefree and nice. The complete opposite of that dragon who ate an entire village.
Your story/what you are:Leaf is a Terrae dragon that has been living in the forest since she was a hatchling. Leaf lives near a cave and she sleeps outside unless there is a storm. She loves the animals and knows most living near her, and her closest friend is a wolf that she calls Rain. Leaf met Rain not long after she looked for a place to live by herself.

Leaf, being a Terrae, does not need to eat. Instead, she goes through photosynthesis like plants. Leaf also loves the rain and loves flying through the clouds.

Name: Rain
Species and picture/appearance: Gray Wolf
Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Wolf10
Personality: Curious, playful, nice to friends.
Your story/who you are: Rain is a lone wolf that lives in the forest. He and Leaf, a Terrae dragon, were great friends since they met.

Am I accepted?
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Veteran Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE]   Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Icon_minitimeFri May 17, 2013 7:44 pm

Yep, everyone's accepted.

I would like to see more detail's from Rin's form, but acceptable.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE]   Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Icon_minitimeSat May 18, 2013 5:04 pm

Name of dragon: Fisher, female
Species type and picture/appearance: Seawyrm Pygmy
Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] 4nha
Age or stage (hatchling, young adult, old): Mature hatchling
Guardian, Dweller, or Other: Dweller, lives at the coast (near the Ruby)
Personality: Later when I can think
Your story: See Personality
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PostSubject: Re: Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE]   Heart's Ruby [RP APPS] [REMADE] Icon_minitime

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