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 The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012)

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The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012) Empty
PostSubject: The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012)   The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 02, 2012 10:09 pm

Well today sometime at 3:00, I went to a theater called Regency Theaters. My mom told me that Regency Theaters shows mostly some older movies, and a little bit of new ones. Well after we bought the tickets and some candy, Icee, and popcorn, we went to the line to go into our theater room, we got the one labeled Cinema 1. It seemed that most of the people at the theater went to watch Spider-Man, since there was a bunch of people in line, and I know because when the employee told us to move the line for Spider-Man to the left, the other people in line moved to the left, too. Well in Cinema 1, it was really crowded with people, and it was like after someone comes in and they seem like they're the last one, more come in, it was crazy. The movie was 2 hours long, and it interested me a lot. My favorite part was when he started realizing that the spider that bit him gave him the ability to be stronger, he was in the bathroom and pretty much squirted toothpaste on the mirror by accident xD. And since he was afraid of breaking the door knob off, he used only his index finger and his thumb to open it, which made me a bit jealous, but I soon got over it when all the action came in. The movie was really funny, too, but for most of the funny lines that the characters said, I couldn't hear, which was disappointing :/. Well, because of that movie, I don't really like Thor anymore and now I like Spider-Man as my favorite Marvel superhero xD. Well this wasn't much of a summary of my time at the theater, but I just felt like doing this after I watched the movie c: Well bye now!
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The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012)   The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 02, 2012 10:19 pm

I've seen The Amazing Spiderman in my brother's birthday, that part when he squirted the toothpaste was so funny. x3

Must be a fun day.
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Loyal Fantagian

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The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012)   The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 02, 2012 10:20 pm

i never saw the movie sounds cool
and i know how you feel about when you can't hear the funny parts
i really want to watch it
i saw all the spider-man movies
did you have fun watching it
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The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012)   The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 02, 2012 10:29 pm

@Kistune Yes it was 8D.
@Wizzy Yup it was disappointing when I couldn't hear them :/, since I really like jokes, I mean, who doesn't? I remembered when I was 6 or 7, I watched the movie, "Spider-Man 3" and I thought it was scary, I forgot why, though xD. What do you mean have fun? I was just eating my gummies and watching the movie lol.
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PostSubject: Re: The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012)   The Amazing Spider-Man (9/2/2012) Icon_minitime

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