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 Backstabber~ RP APPS.

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dewey decimal system
Expert Fantagian
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Backstabber~ RP APPS. Empty
PostSubject: Backstabber~ RP APPS.   Backstabber~ RP APPS. Icon_minitimeFri Feb 08, 2013 8:01 pm

This is a Hunger Games RP. I know L.O.L has a HG role play, but this is different... Plus so what if there are 2 HG role plays anyways? -.-
It's the 100th Hunger Games, and obviously a Quarter Quell. For the Quarter Quell this time, the tributes have to pick 1 family member to join them in the Games... This should be interesting.
About the Arena:
This year's arena is a mixture of different climates and areas.
The River of Poison- The river of poison is smack-dab in the middle of the arena. You start at the top of the river on your platforms, then have to swim to the Cornucopia which is at the bottom on a very small island.
The Forests- On both sides of the river of poison is forest areas. Here is where most of the attacks from the Game Makers are. There are some edible plants, but not many. There are, however, some poisonous plants that literally explode in your stomach. Doesn't that sound delightful? And to make it even better, we've even thrown in a few carnivorous mutated animals! (How lucky are you?!) But don't worry, not all the animals there are mutated and carnivorous.
The Desert- To the East of the river of poison, there is a desert. Here, it never rains and it's scorching hot. Which explains why the ground is rock hard and cracked. Oh, about those cracks, be careful not to fall in! They're huge. Trust me, I've learned the hard way.
The "Winter Wonderland" Area- To the West of the river of poison is the "Winter Wonderland". Here, its always snowing. The wind is very strong aswell. The snow is extremely high and thick, so be careful. You can barely see anything because of the snow, making it a good hiding place, but dont stay too long or else you'll catch hypothermia. Make sure you know where your going because it's not hard to get lost here, and your tracks will be covered most likely within seconds so that wont help you either.
Yes, the Arena was made to torture you guys. Your welcome c:
1: Female taken (Madoka)
2: Female taken (Silent Night)
7: Female taken (Seto)
[b]Training Score:[/b]
[b]Family Member:[/b]
Game Makers
Wanna be a Game Maker? PM Me.
My App:
Name- Kristina ("Kris") Wilber
Age- 16
Gender- F
District- 2
Training Score- 12.
Weapon- Knives.
Family Member- Her sister, a previous victor. (Looking for someone to play her...)
Personality- Determined, brave, natural-born leader and warrior, unforgiving if you betray her, protective of loved ones, always hides her emotions, strong, secretive, cunning, sometimes selfish, loud.
Appearance- Backstabber~ RP APPS. H1110 I love this picture omg.
Biography(optional)- Kris had pretty much grown up her whole life alone except for her best friend, who was ironically killed in the Hunger Games. Her mother had died shortly after giving birth and her father was abusive, which pretty much explains her appearance.
Other- Join, or else. *evil laugh*

Last edited by Insanity. ♥ on Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:55 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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Backstabber~ RP APPS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Backstabber~ RP APPS.   Backstabber~ RP APPS. Icon_minitimeFri Feb 08, 2013 9:50 pm

Name: Cassia Daroll
Age: 18
Gender: Female
District: 1
Training Score: 10
Family Member: Stupid brother, Tyler
Personality: Rude, snobby, serious. Tyler is funny, annoying, and snobby.
Backstabber~ RP APPS. Img_1910

Backstabber~ RP APPS. Img_2010
Biography(optional): Tyler is Cassia's twin. She volunteered, and dragged her brother up with her.

Last edited by Madoka on Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:44 pm; edited 2 times in total
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dewey decimal system
Expert Fantagian
dewey decimal system

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Backstabber~ RP APPS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Backstabber~ RP APPS.   Backstabber~ RP APPS. Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2013 3:42 pm

Madoka wrote:
Name: Cassia Daroll
Age: 18
Gender: Female
District: 1
Training Score: 10
Family Member: Stupid brother, Tyler
Personality: Rude, snobby, serious. Tyler is funny, annoying, and snobby.
Backstabber~ RP APPS. Image10

Backstabber~ RP APPS. Image11
Biography(optional): Cassia was born 6 years before him. She volunteered, and dragged her brother up with her.
Accepted. I have also added many things to my first post.
Also, you don't have to play the Family Member. Someone else can, unless you want to.
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Hero Fantagian

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Age : 24

Backstabber~ RP APPS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Backstabber~ RP APPS.   Backstabber~ RP APPS. Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2013 4:28 pm

Name: Effie
Age: 13
Gender: Female
District: 7
Training Score: 9
Weapon: Bow and arrow
Family Member: Older sister, Jeanette
Personality: Just by taking one glance at her, people think she is a total weakling. That is not true at all. She is actually very tough and tries to look like it.
Appearance: Backstabber~ RP APPS. Effie10
Other: Effie is red/green color blind

Name: Jeanette
Age: 13, 5 minutes older than Effie
Gender: Female
District: 7
Training Score: 11
Weapon: Bow and arrow
Family Member: Younger sister, Effie
Personality: Since she is the older sister, people take her as the 'more serious' type of sibling and should be bossy. She is very sweet and cares for Effie if she ever gets hurt. She is tomboy.
Appearance: Backstabber~ RP APPS. Jeanet10
Other: Just like Effie, she is red/green colorblind

They are twin sisters, BTW.
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dewey decimal system
Expert Fantagian
dewey decimal system

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Age : 23
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Backstabber~ RP APPS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Backstabber~ RP APPS.   Backstabber~ RP APPS. Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2013 4:51 pm

Seto wrote:
Name: Effie
Age: 13
Gender: Female
District: 7
Training Score: 9
Weapon: Bow and arrow
Family Member: Older sister, Jeanette
Personality: Just by taking one glance at her, people think she is a total weakling. That is not true at all. She is actually very tough and tries to look like it.
Appearance: Backstabber~ RP APPS. Effie10
Other: Effie is red/green color blind

Name: Jeanette
Age: 13, 5 minutes older than Effie
Gender: Female
District: 7
Training Score: 11
Weapon: Bow and arrow
Family Member: Younger sister, Effie
Personality: Since she is the older sister, people take her as the 'more serious' type of sibling and should be bossy. She is very sweet and cares for Effie if she ever gets hurt. She is tomboy.
Appearance: Backstabber~ RP APPS. Jeanet10
Other: Just like Effie, she is red/green colorblind

They are twin sisters, BTW.
Come on people join. LOL >3<
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PostSubject: Re: Backstabber~ RP APPS.   Backstabber~ RP APPS. Icon_minitime

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