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 Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}

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Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeThu Feb 21, 2013 7:23 pm

You are a toy. Because of your horrible past, you seek revenge. Yes, revenge. Why, and on who? Well, like I said, your past. Most toys have been abandoned by their once-loving owners or have never had the chance to experience love. They then become... evil. And they want their owners, they want every no-good human to feel the pain they felt. Can the uprise be stopped? What will happen if it's not?


Name: Ella Winters
Age: 190 years old; looks like a teenager.
Gender: F
Type of Toy: Barbie doll.
Biography: Nobody would buy her, so she sat often alone on the store shelves. Eventually she managed to escape and began to hate people for not buying her but buying other dolls.
Personality: Ella is really shy and usually wont approach you first. She's extremely kind and caring once you get to know her, but you don't want to be on her bad side. Because she's a doll, people always assume all she cares about is looks but they're wrong. She's actually really into books and loves school. Even though she does, she's also athletic and has a knack for sports.

Last edited by Insanity. ♥ on Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:33 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeThu Feb 21, 2013 7:27 pm

NAME: Jacklyn "Jackie" Redminton
AGE: 16
GENDER: Female
TOY: PM me, evil toys!
BIOGRAPHY: She got her toy when she was five, and it was already really old. She played with it until' she turned 13.
PERSONALITY:Only on her phone, overly-obsessed, clings to things fast.
OTHER: mmm idk
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeThu Feb 21, 2013 8:30 pm

NAME: Lollia [[ Lah-lee-a ]]
AGE: Brand New, but physically 16
GENDER: Female
BIOGRAPHY: Lollia was a figma, she had a fair price so her owner bought her and kept her. Her owner always played with her and changed her parts to make her look better or to just have a silly time. Lollia loved her a lot until her owner started hanging out with other human people and was always late and didn't have time to play. But when there was time her owner always went to bed or just watched T.V without even looking or glancing at her once! Lollia then started to get jealous and angry of her friends and the things that started to change so she started to plan out a revenge plan. For humans to suffer and for toys like her to rule the world!
PERSONALITY: Friendly, caring, and courteous when her owner played with her. But she started to turn mischievous, cruel, and mean when her owner stopped carrying about her. Although, sometimes she can just switch to her normal and caring self when someone shows or says that they care about her. And some of her main personalities are being clumsy, questioning, and murmurous.
OTHER: She's sort of good at foods and fashion.
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PostSubject: Re: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 3:31 pm

You guys are both accepted ^.^
(this is off topic but wow Kiyoko Luo is so cute x3)
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 4:00 pm

NAME: Katherine Momentum
AGE: 245 ( She lived in the 1800s.)
GENDER: Female
TYPE OF TOY: Porcelain/Glass doll
BIOGRAPHY: Katherine's first owner was a little girl who lived in a castle. She'd play with Katherine all the time, and have the castle's seamstress sew her toys. But When the girl was about 8, she had a dream about her porcelain dolls that really scared her. So, she demanded having all of them destroyed or given away. Katherine was then stuffed in a box, and put in the attic where she would stay for many years until the elders of the castle passed away, and the little girl sorted out everything stored. When she saw Katherine, she was shocked and threw her on the side of the road. Katherine barely survived the cars.
PERSONALITY: Evil, Rash, Unforgiving, Grudge-holder, Rude, Mean, and never cares about other peoples feelings.
APPEARANCE: Katherine has long, flowing red locks, with a white lacy dress and a pink ribbon around it. She had leather, black dress shoes and was often on her stand. She had a straw hat with a flower and pink ribbon on it. She had green eyes and pale skin.
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PostSubject: Re: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 4:12 pm

DBMD, you're accepted ^D^
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Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 4:13 pm

Am I aloud to have an toy and human character? Thanks in advanced.
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PostSubject: Re: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 4:16 pm

Cherry wrote:
Am I aloud to have an toy and human character? Thanks in advanced.
Yeah, you can have as many characters as you want toy and human.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 4:22 pm

Ok thanks :3

(Reserving a spot)

Toy APP:

Human APP:
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Loyal Fantagian

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Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 5:35 pm

NAME: Torelai
AGE: 44
GENDER: Female
TYPE OF TOY: voodo doll
BIOGRAPHY: Torelai was a happy little doll. Her Owner,Mariah,slept with her,ALWAYS played with her and brung her everywhere. then, Mariah's friends said dolls were for losers. Mariah actually believed them and started to torture her doll. Now Torelai has scars.
PERSONALITY: Stuck up, A big jerk,Snobby,Cold,brave,sometimes gets sensitive.
APPEARANCE: [spoiler=Torelai before being tortured]
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PostSubject: Re: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 5:44 pm

Wizzy-- accepted :3
Might start soon, latest will probably be Monday.
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Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Feb 24, 2013 11:55 am

NAME: Nani
AGE: 15
GENDER: Female
TYPE OF TOY: Marionette Doll (I can't believe no one took this one yet!)
BIOGRAPHY: Nani was crafted for a baby, a nice, quiet baby. She was always treated with care and had a new dress every week. When her owner was done playing with her, Nani was placed on a shelf next to teddy bears and dolls. As her owner grew older, she became an otaku and replaced most of her bears and dolls with Nendoroids. Her owner finally took her off her shelf and placed her in a huge chest full of other toys and was rarely took out. She then started to plot her revenge...
PERSONALITY: A care-free, happy go lucky doll. She gets annoyed easily when someone says she looks like Miku Hatsune, but overall, a happy doll. She loves to play and hates when her owner has to go to bed. She often talks like a lady, but when she gets mad, she sounds like a boy. After she is locked in her case, she her personality changes. She becomes slightly more sarcastic and hot-tempered.
OTHER: She can move like a human even though she has strings.
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PostSubject: Re: Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS}   Revenge of the... Toys? {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2013 3:03 pm

...Should I start this? >o<
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