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 Barrier RP apps

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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeTue Mar 05, 2013 7:19 am

I'm the awesome, powerful creator that thought that now more people are gonna get Witchopius and join this thing. Except this time, since there are also witches in other mangas, all of you have to be an official character except for boys. AND CAN SOMEONE BE A BOY THIS TIME I WANT THERE TO BE BOYS! Here we go:

Your gem is gone. This is all you have left. Black. Despair. A seed. An evil home. How you had saved one person, and now you will curse another. Welcome to your barrier.

Sooo yeah. It really is obvious that this is a PMMM-like RP but this is told from the WITCH'S/WARLOCK'S perspective, like what the heck they do when they don't fight Magical Girls/Boys. Yes I am making boy characters to balance up the fairness, and you can only a Magical Girl/Boy if your gem will break somewhere in the RP.

IMPORTANT: I will not accept you APP unless your character is official, and only boy characters can be original.

Witch/Warlock APP
Old name:
Age (When your gem exploded, that is your permanent age):
How long ago you became a witch/warlock:
Power Rating (1 highest, 10 lowest):
Picture/Description Modern (like Gretchen in Madoka's signature):

Magical Girl/Boy APP
Witch/Warlock Name:
Power (1 highest, 10 lowest):
How long ago you became a Magical Girl/Boy:
When you will die (Post Page):
Witch Picture/Description:
Modern Witch Picture/Description:
I know a lot of you like PMMM if anyone wants to be an Incubator, whether you are Kyubey or a made-up one, PM me!

Maii Wicked APP:
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeTue Mar 05, 2013 9:46 am


Old name:Unknown
Age (When your gem exploded, that is your permanent age):11
How long ago you became a witch/warlock: She just hatched
Personality: Usually a mischievous little trickster, don't let her sweet appearance fool you. She enjoys joking around with other witches, about anything, really. She rarely gets serious and really just wants to enjoy herself. She doesn't really know when she's doing harm. Also very tenacious, she never ever gives up.
Powers:Creating an infinite amount of any dessert she wants (no cheese sadly), and when injured her second form comes out from her mouth, others
Power Rating (1 highest, 10 lowest):3-5? I don't know
First Form:
Second Form:
Picture/Description Modern (like Gretchen in Madoka's signature):
Like this?:
Copy and paste~
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeTue Mar 05, 2013 9:48 am

ACCEPTED!!!! Any more Apps?
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeTue Mar 05, 2013 5:06 pm


I'm being my favorite; Elsa Maria. <3~

Name: Elsa Maria
Old name: Unknown
Age (When your gem exploded, that is your permanent age): 14 or 15? Not sure so I'm guessing. :s
How long ago you became a witch/warlock: Unknown, but she is a long-lived witch.
Personality: Quite Weak, Quiet, Religious, Lonely//Depressing, Mysterious, and quite unknown on what she really is due to the fact no one really got to know her
Powers: She can fight with tree branches that extends from her body. Some of her powers are not showed and I'm tired to search so I'll just say... etc?
Power Rating (1 highest, 10 lowest): 5-8
Picture/Description Modern (like Gretchen in Madoka's signature):


Name: Dexter Smith
Witch/Warlock Name: Ghetto
Age: 15
Power (1 highest, 10 lowest): 3 [[ Want long fights. >:D ]]
How long ago you became a Magical Girl/Boy: Few months.
When you will die (Post Page): Not sure yet, we'll just see. c:
Witch Picture/Description:
Modern Witch Picture/Description:

Last edited by Kiyoko.Tianyi on Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:54 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeTue Mar 05, 2013 5:39 pm

Wait a minute, I'm confused. Can we create our own characters or do we have to be someone from the PMMM anime? [I never watched it]
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeTue Mar 05, 2013 8:33 pm

I'm changing to Homulilly~

Oh and Incubevil

Name: Homulillly
Old name: Homura Akemi
Age (When your gem exploded, that is your permanent age): 15
How long ago you became a witch/warlock: 5 years
Personality: A depressed, lonely witch, Homulilly became who she is when Homura Akemi's soul gem became black. She doesn't talk much and mostly cries.
Powers: Umm...I don't really know...I'm come back to this later.
Power Rating (1 highest, 10 lowest): 4-6
Picture/Description Modern (like Gretchen in Madoka's signature):
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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeTue Mar 05, 2013 10:04 pm


Name: Ophelia
Old name: Kyoko Sakura
Age (When your gem exploded, that is your permanent age): 15-16
How long ago you became a witch/warlock: Ophelia doesn't remember or care...
Personality: Ophelia is hot headed, easily offended, and somewhat arrogant. She aimlessly wanders in the fog of her barrier resulting in her being rather forgetful, confused, and such. She doesn't have any of her human memories except for the fact that she had a family. These memories are foggy and aren't very accurate. Prior to becoming a witch, Ophelia has forgotten they are dead and believes that they have abandoned her. Ophelia almost doesnt care about anything and even forgotten what the horse she rides was or the fact that it's even there. She is very quiet buy aggressive and savage. Unlike her human self Kyoko, Ophelia is very wasteful and lets the humans and magical girls who enter and die in her barrier decade away. It is her nature to abandon. She has abandoned practically everything, even herself. Ophelia is very lonely and enjoys company even though she doesn't act like it.
Powers: She can transform into a lance form but carries one so she can use it without transforming, and Ophelia has some enchantment magic and can make duplicates of herself which can attack therefore not completely illusions.
Power Rating (1 highest, 10 lowest): 3-6
Picture/Description Modern (like Gretchen in Madoka's signature):
Why did I just type absolutely everything omg when I could have copied and pasted?!
Lol that's how long I can ramble about my precious Ophelia
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 12:39 pm

Everyone is accepted!

@Ciel if you are making a girl character, it has to be official. If it is a boy, is is made-up.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 3:38 pm

Alright, here is my app. I made this character up, since I never watched the anime

Name: Timothy Jakkaru
Old name: Rioichi Cooper
Age (When your gem exploded, that is your permanent age): 14
How long ago you became a witch/warlock: Not that long ago... about 1 month or so.
Personality: Timothy is extremely shy. He finds it to be very ordeal [painful] to be greeted to others he's never met. He gets lonely sometimes but not often.
Powers: He can create fire using his hands. If he was skilled enough, he would be able to set his own self on fire.
Power Rating (1 highest, 10 lowest): 9. He's very inexperienced and unfamiliar with his powers at the moment.
Picture/Description: I STILL don't know what to put here...
Picture/Description Modern (like Gretchen in Madoka's signature): Like this?:
Oh look! It's a non-Maplestory Sprite!:


Last edited by Ciel on Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 5:55 pm

it took forever, but you are accepted!
@Witch can you be Elly instead? It'll be easier for you probably.
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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2013 5:56 pm


Name: Mami Tomoe
Witch/Warlock Name: Candeloro
Age: 13-15
Power (1 highest, 10 lowest): 3-5
How long ago you became a Magical Girl/Boy: 1-2 years ago
When you will die (Post Page): Pages 3-4
Witch Picture/Description:
Modern Witch Picture/Description:
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2013 6:02 pm

You are accepted, Evie!
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2013 6:27 pm

Name: Gertrud
Old name: Unknown
Age (When your gem exploded, that is your permanent age): 13-14
How long ago you became a witch/warlock: Three years ago.
Personality: Quiet, Formal, Aloof, Sometimes Rash, Gets annoyed when Puella Magi try to kill her.
Powers: Rose-Garden, I believe.
Power Rating (1 highest, 10 lowest): 3-5
Picture/Description: Barrier RP apps Card_g10
Picture/Description Modern (like Gretchen in Madoka's signature): Barrier RP apps Unknow13
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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2013 6:39 pm

Kriem wrote:
it took forever, but you are accepted!
@Witch can you be Elly instead? It'll be easier for you probably.
I wanna try roleplaying all sorts of characters. Sticking to one only is a bore. Could I just please stay as Ophelia?
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2013 10:35 pm

That's okay, Elly! Go ahead and RP as your fiancé!
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PostSubject: Re: Barrier RP apps   Barrier RP apps Icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2013 10:46 pm

Kriem wrote:
That's okay, Elly! Go ahead and RP as your fiancé!
Thank you so much sweetheart ;u;
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