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 Awake [RP APPS]

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Ultimate Fantagian

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Join date : 2011-08-27
Age : 21
Location : District 12

Awake [RP APPS] Empty
PostSubject: Awake [RP APPS]   Awake [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2013 4:32 pm

You are in your bed. Its 2:30 in the morning. The next day, you wake up. You are in a huge exhibition at a kind of zoo at an unknown planet. Every day you see small, cute white creatures with light blue eyes and big bunny ears. You are trapped inside a semi-transparent glass wall. There is a lot of terrain in it, but it has a huge mansion with a big pool and many things. It seems like paradise, but you start to get tired of it. Will you ever leave?

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Awake [RP APPS]
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