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 aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13)

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Veteran Fantagian

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aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13) Empty
PostSubject: aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13)   aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 27, 2013 1:25 pm

Smrfff I'm on spring break but I'm already worn ouuuuuuutttttttt....

I still have a couple classes during spring break and Wednesdays are where I have most of my classes....
I did this debate thingggggg today and it was really tiring...and then I have fencing which is BASICALLY and hour and a half of drills. THEN I HAVE TO PACK FOR THE WEEKEND. I am going on a trip that I am excited about but I REALLY. HATE. PACKING.

So now I'm just eating food and pretending I'm reading.

Sorry that was the most boring "Your Day" ever.

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Hero Fantagian

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aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13) Empty
PostSubject: Re: aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13)   aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 27, 2013 1:30 pm

Debates? I have always wanted to do one. Wah classes on Spring Break must suck
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Legendary Fantagian

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aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13) Empty
PostSubject: Re: aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13)   aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 27, 2013 1:32 pm

You do fencing? That is so flipping cool. I always wanted to try that.

Your day actually doesn't sound too bad. I spent the first half of my day at the comic book store and the second half eating ice cream in front of the computer.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Location : clap aloNG IF YOU FeeL THA t hapPINESS IS THE //TRUTH//

aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13) Empty
PostSubject: Re: aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13)   aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 27, 2013 1:38 pm

@Miki yeah they are really fun! You have to be really firm with you opinion though, so sometimes it is hard.

@Pippin Omigosh I am jealous of your day. And yes, fencing is pretty fun. It is not easy though and there are way more rules then you think. Also I am left handed so there are some Pros and Cons with that since everyone else I know is right handed. But I think if you wasn't to do something unique you should try it!
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aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13) Empty
PostSubject: Re: aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13)   aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13) Icon_minitime

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aha what? already tired -_- (3/27/13)
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