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 Tired Day... [21/12/12]

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2 posters
Maddie Ziegler
Senior Fantagian
Maddie Ziegler

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Tired Day... [21/12/12] Empty
PostSubject: Tired Day... [21/12/12]   Tired Day... [21/12/12] Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2012 2:22 am

Hi Guest
You are currently reading about my day
Part one
Yesterday was such a tiring day because I have a charity fiesta to host and I have tuition!!! Okay!! Yesterday, it was 'the end of the world' as you all know... I was also freaking out about it! So, I was the emcee for my charity fiesta. (YAY!!) I'm excited coz' I get to see performances. It was my second time being an emcee for the fiesta! Smile
Part Two
During tuition, My teacher was talking about Gangnam style (the comprehension passage was about Gangnam Style) My teacher said that the real meaning of that song was : Status and affluence does not necessarily make a person happy.

Well that's all!!
Till next time!! Smile
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Veteran Fantagian

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Tired Day... [21/12/12] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tired Day... [21/12/12]   Tired Day... [21/12/12] Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2012 3:23 am

well thats pretty tiring xD..

Gangnam style~
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Tired Day... [21/12/12]
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