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 Tired beyond belief! =9/13/12=

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Hero Fantagian

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Tired beyond belief! =9/13/12= Empty
PostSubject: Tired beyond belief! =9/13/12=   Tired beyond belief! =9/13/12= Icon_minitimeThu Sep 13, 2012 8:40 pm


So yea let's start the day at 4th period x3

So 4th period is my band class, it's the class I go to for marching/symphonic season. It's marching season so a lot of marching and perfecting and stuff is going on and let's just say it's a LOT of work. Have to: watch the drum major, stay on step, play our music, get to our positions, march, rear-march, pivot, avoid the flag girls and a whack on the head, be dropped, drop my section, watch my section! Gosh so much to do! The worst of all is staying set x-x You just stand there! In the sun! But it's worth it, I love band and our new director is great!

Fast-forward to after school band practice. It was hot, I was sweaty, I stunk and I did a lot of marching because some people *cough* percussion *cough* can't play on time ;3 It wasn't to bad but let's just say I was exhausted by the end. On the car ride home, great news, a friend of mine is going out with J. Now if you don't remember J, was the guy who was apparently homosexual and I had a MAJOR crush on him. Well turns out that's not the case and I'm not so much as jealous as I am happy for my friend B. I actually made sure she said yes to him >3<. I guess I just want her and him to be happy you know? But yea that added some stress or something on top of band sterf.

Okay after I got home I immediately went to our other house (yea I'm moving like not even a mile away from where I am, but our new house is beautiful >:3) We had to put fence up! Oh the agony. My legs were already weak from practice, and my allergies started to act up so I want to claw my eyes out Dx, but we're home now thank goodness!

Tomorrow we- the band- play at our home game and pep rally >:3. It's going to be fun >:D
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Age : 25
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Tired beyond belief! =9/13/12= Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tired beyond belief! =9/13/12=   Tired beyond belief! =9/13/12= Icon_minitimeThu Sep 13, 2012 8:42 pm

Oh hey I have fourth period band, too! : D

Congratulations for B! ;w; And I hope you enjoy your new house~ aaa
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