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 Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS)

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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS)   Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 13, 2013 4:58 pm

This is probably the stupidest RP Idea I have ever came up with ;u;

Anyways, The title is pretty-selfexplanitory, but I will still write the plot for those of you who don't understand.


Information on the Dream Potion:


There are two APPS: A child who stays in the village and tries to keep from dreaming about things,

and one of the children who goes to explore. There can be as many children thats tay behind, but its first come first serve for the explores, And I'm only accepting five people! ( not counting myself)


Age ( 4-12):
Is she/he an explorer or does she stay behind?:
Family members ( Living, please! You DO role-play as them, too. The role-play is as if there is narrating.)


There can be romance, but keep it PG-13!
Do not kill someone elses character!
Put " Dream" ANYWHERE in your APP if you read these rules!



Name: Christina Grace
Age ( 4-12): 12
gender: Female
Personality: Christina is a very stubborn, bossy and open-minded girl. She enjoys being the leader and centre of attention, and can sometimes be considered a bully. However, she is a good/hard worker and is mature.
Is she/he an explorer or does she stay behind?: Explorer
Looks/Description: Christina is a very short, skinny girl, with pale skin and long, dark blue hair that reaches her waist. She wears a yellow dress that reaches her knees, and has chocolate brown eyes. She wears white shoes.
Family members ( Living, please! You DO role-play as them, too. The role-play is as if there is narrating.) Mother, Father, Baby brother, Eliot, Baby sister, Megan. ( both four)

1. Christina Grace- Virgo
2. Ari- blu

Last edited by Virgo on Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hero Fantagian

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Age : 23

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS)   Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 13, 2013 8:20 pm

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS)   Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 13, 2013 10:55 pm

Name: Adrianna (Ari) Taggart
Age ( 4-12): 12
gender: female
Personality: Adrianna prefers to be called Ari by people she knows. She's rather introverted, but when it comes to things she cares deeply about, she has to speak her mind. Normally Ari won't disagree with somebody until another person does, for fear that her opinion will come off as rash. She's a pushover a lot of times, too. She wants to become an explorer to get away from her life and try something exciting for a change.
Is she/he an explorer or does she stay behind?: explorer
Looks/Description: Caucasian, slightly tanned skin. Rather pretty hazel-brown eyes and a few freckles on her face. Round head and shoulder-length reddish-brown hair. Average height, around 4'10". Skinny, but not stick thin. Normally wears plain t shirts and shorts or jeans.
Family members ( Living, please! You DO role-play as them, too. The role-play is as if there is narrating.) mom, dad, and 4-year-old little sister

edit: dream

Last edited by blu on Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Hero Fantagian

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Age : 23

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS)   Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 13, 2013 11:07 pm

blu wrote:
Name: Adrianna (Ari) Taggart
Age ( 4-12): 12
gender: female
Personality: Adrianna prefers to be called Ari by people she knows. She's rather introverted, but when it comes to things she cares deeply about, she has to speak her mind. Normally Ari won't disagree with somebody until another person does, for fear that her opinion will come off as rash. She's a pushover a lot of times, too. She wants to become an explorer to get away from her life and try something exciting for a change.
Is she/he an explorer or does she stay behind?: explorer
Looks/Description: Caucasian, slightly tanned skin. Rather pretty hazel-brown eyes and a few freckles on her face. Round head and shoulder-length reddish-brown hair. Average height, around 4'10". Skinny, but not stick thin. Normally wears plain t shirts and shorts or jeans.
Family members ( Living, please! You DO role-play as them, too. The role-play is as if there is narrating.) mom, dad, and 4-year-old little sister

You're accepted, But you forgot one more little thing Razz

Read the rules again c:
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS)   Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS) Icon_minitimeSun Apr 14, 2013 12:35 am

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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS)   Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS) Icon_minitimeSun Apr 14, 2013 5:26 pm

Anymore more apps
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS)   Welcome To The World Where Dreams Become Nightmares ( APPS) Icon_minitime

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