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 Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS}

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Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS}   Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeSat May 18, 2013 5:56 pm

I remade Queen's Roleplay, Living Crystal. I changed a few things though.

My app!:

Last edited by Witch on Mon May 20, 2013 12:08 am; edited 8 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS}   Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeSat May 18, 2013 6:09 pm

OHMIGOSH I loved this roleplay! I'll use my old character. I made some changes to the old app.

Coal -
Thank you for the food!

Name: Timothy, but likes to be called Timmy
Age: 13
What part does your character take in mining? [[ Building vehicles, Working with Equipment, etc ]]: Working with the heavy equipment.
Does your character have a little good in them? [[ Yes or No ]]: Yes.
Does your character join the crystal's side? [[ Yes or No ]]: He tries to.
Personality: Timothy is quiet most of the time. He doesn't feel comfortable being around other coals. He doesn't know why, he just doesn't. He likes to be alone and be in quiet places.
Image/Description:Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Timoth10
Any more details you want?: Timothy has two different colored eyes. The eye that is covered with his eyepatch is blue. He rarely removes it, but when he is alone, he removes the eyepatch.
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Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS}   Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeSat May 18, 2013 6:11 pm

@Heather thanks for joining, your app is accepted. I actually changed the apps a bit, but its minor so you don't need to change your app.
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Hero Fantagian

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Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS}   Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeSat May 18, 2013 11:18 pm

Thank you for the food!
Crystals -

Name: Symphony (AKA Symph)
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Type of Crystal [[ Diamond, Ruby, and etc ]]: Diamond
Special crystal power: Spawning weapons (specifically diamond pistols)[buhuhu puella magi]
Any more details you want?:

aaa im too lazy to even do it now lool

Last edited by Rin on Sun May 19, 2013 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS}   Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeSat May 18, 2013 11:33 pm

Thank you for the food!
Crystals -

Name: Periwinkle
Gender: Female
Type of Crystal [[ Diamond, Ruby, and etc ]]: Turquoise
Special crystal power:
Any more details you want?:
Laaaaater reserve my spot
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Veteran Fantagian

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Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS}   Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 1:54 am

;; Glad this is back, felt bad it got inactive. //shot

I'll re-make my character, the other one was bleh. xP


Thank you for the food!

Crystals -

Name: Phoebe McNeal
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Type of Crystal [[ Diamond, Ruby, and etc ]]: Opal
Special crystal power: Subjective Reality [[ Meaning she can let the fantasy world into reality. Like dragons can suddenly appear from fantasy to reality. ]]
Personality: Phoebe is very short-tempered and hotheaded, she is easily annoyed. Sometimes you would just walk in the room talking then she snaps at you like it's your fault that you broke a vase. Though, she tends to hide her feelings towards others. Not bringing up her history and past. Phoebe may sometimes look happy go lucky but she is actually shattering inside. Only people who can really accept her can see this happening. She is also quite intelligent, Phoebe tries to reach the top of her class but always downgrades to the second place.
Biography: Phoebe lives as a not-so average teenage girl. She has a thing for tricking people, it's her way of revenge from her childhood. As a child she didn't have much people paying attention to her. It was always business trips, conferences and paper works. Phoebe only wanted to bond with others, but since she lived in the suburbs. Not many children lived near her residence, they mostly lived in the city or town. Once she was pre-teen her adopted parents and other people had a million hours for her; they wanted to go hiking but she would just decline in a snappy way and go back to her studies. Near middle school Phoebe made a goal and promise to herself that she would be the top of the class; it was not completed due to one boy who kept bumping her down by one.. Making her fall to the second. Phoebe practiced her special 'crystal' powers at her kiddy ages; six to eight.
Any more details you want?:
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Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS}   Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 6:05 pm

@Rin and Silverbell be sure to finish your apps soon! Please do make them detalied ;w;
@Queen accepted
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Veteran Fantagian

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Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS}   Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 6:25 pm

Thank you for the food!

Coal -

Name: Cole (How ironic)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
What part does your character take in mining? [[ Building vehicles, Working with Equipment, etc ]]: Pulling the mine carts
Does your character have a little good in them? [[ Yes or No ]]: technically yes, with the right people
Does your character join the crystal's side? [[ Yes or No ]]: No, he despises crystals
Personality: He is usually grumpy. He is grumpy about being an unlucky child. He is on the quieter side. He will talk to only certain people. He doesn't care at all about people's feeling and if he did he must really like them. He usually keeps his feelings to himself, he is sad he will work it out on the mine carts.
Image/Description: He used to have light blond hair, his hair has gotten so full of coal that it is literally gray. He almost looks all grey but he isn't. His skin used to be super pale, not tan at all. He then got it so full of coal that it is a grey kind of skin. There is a bunch of coal under his finger nails. His eyes are light blue. He used to have blue pants but then again they turned get from the mine. His shirt is grey also.
Any more details you want?:
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Veteran Fantagian

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Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS}   Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 11:31 pm

Witch wrote:
@Rin and Silverbell be sure to finish your apps soon! Please do make them detalied ;w;
@Queen accepted

Thank you~ ^^ Hope it starts soon. c:
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Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS}   Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS} Icon_minitime

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Living Crystal REMADE {RP APPS}
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