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 Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS

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5 posters

Do You Think Players should be allowed Ghost/Zombie Characters? o:
No!It ruins the RP!
Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Vote_lcap17%Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Vote_rcap
 17% [ 1 ]
Yes Totally!
Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Vote_lcap50%Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Vote_rcap
 50% [ 3 ]
I don't care -.-
Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Vote_lcap17%Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Vote_rcap
 17% [ 1 ]
Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Vote_lcap16%Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Vote_rcap
 16% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 6
Poll closed

Amour Allure
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Amour Allure

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PostSubject: Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS   Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Icon_minitimeMon May 20, 2013 3:21 pm

Okay,before I post the story and stuff.I would like to say that,if your going to join please try to post AT LEAST 4-5 times a day. Also, another thing is that if your gonna join and not post for like 3 days then decide to with-drawl because no one interacts with your character than please don't join.

Okay,lets get this show on the road shall we!?




If you'd think Players should be allowed to be Ghosts/Zombies than please vote on the Poll,this is OPTIONAL.

My App:

Will Do Later!


Last edited by Justice♡ on Mon May 20, 2013 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS   Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Icon_minitimeMon May 20, 2013 3:28 pm

Name; Emma
Age and Birthday; 13, October 21st
Sexuality; Straight, Female.
Biography; Emma's whole family was killed by the virus; Other than her Aunt Maggie and her Aunt's little five-month old baby boy, Jet. Emma wasn't killed because It was soon discovered she's immune to the disease, along with her Aunt and Jet.
Personality; Emma is a very pessimistic girl; Although, she can be happy-go-lucky when she wants to be. She's shy, but will be brave and determined when it comes to protecting what's left of her small, fragile family.
Description Of Character; Emma has long, curly red hair, tat reaches her waist. Her skin is smooth and pale, and she's very short and curvy. She has dark seaweed coloured eyes, and usually wears tang tops and shorts.
Occupation?; Student.
Anything Else?; Ava's Beware The Living RP
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Amour Allure
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Amour Allure

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PostSubject: Re: Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS   Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Icon_minitimeMon May 20, 2013 3:48 pm

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS   Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Icon_minitimeMon May 20, 2013 4:28 pm

Ava's beware the living Rp
Name; Selene
Age and Birthday; 15, April 1
Sexuality; Bisexual
Biography; Selene doesn't have any family left, her mom died from a car crash before the virus. Her dad died because of the virus he then infected her brother and sister. Selene later found out that she might be immune to this virus. In order for her to live on she would walk like the people with the virus and hope it doesn't rain. Selene has been trying to kill a bunch of these things. But they just come back. She has been on the run for a while. She doesn't like trusting people anymore because sometimes the people with the virus don't look sick at all she would get scared and run away.
Personality; Selene is not a very trust worthy person. She will sometimes back stab you (literally) She lies and lies.
Description Of Character;
Anything Else?;

Rest later
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Amour Allure
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Amour Allure

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PostSubject: Re: Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS   Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Icon_minitimeMon May 20, 2013 4:30 pm

Your accepted ! You can finish the APP when you have time c:
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS   Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Icon_minitimeMon May 20, 2013 4:56 pm

I will be joining Ava's Beware The Living RP. ^^


Name; Elsie May
Age and Birthday; 19
Sexuality; Straight
Biography; Elsie's family was quite wealthy, living near the mountains every Winter season and always in a manor during the summer. Elsie wasn't exactly happy to be a part of this family, she loved action. But her parents liked to be mannered, clean and so called 'perfect'. Years later her parents gave the permission to let her move out to the city. So she did, she moved and never saw her parents until she finally got her permanent papers to actually live there all her life. They visited her and tried to make her come back, but all she said was that she was grown up and that they should just move along with their lives. Now her parents visit her now and then; giving her presents and money to help her get through to her life.
Personality; Elsie likes to get her adrenaline going, she loves action and is very hyper. She can be very focused on her work and doesn't like people getting in her way while she's at it. Elsie can get annoyed easily and is lazy when she has nothing to do. Like when she has no work she would just sit there on her couch and watch a marathon of movies to her liking. Like James Bond movies.
Description Of Character; Elsie has jet black hair that goes up to her waist with long bangs that is swept to the side, she has light green eyes; you can see the small pupil of hers easily. Her skin is lightly tanned and is pretty short for her age. She normally wears baggy clothes, or her normal job outfit.
Occupation?; A police officer / motor officer
Anything Else?;
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Amour Allure
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Amour Allure

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PostSubject: Re: Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS   Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Icon_minitimeMon May 20, 2013 6:04 pm

Accepted ! Very Happy
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS   Fear The Dead-Beware The Living RP APPS Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2013 4:53 pm

Ava's Beware The Living RP
Name: Lily Woods
Age and birthday: 16 and July 1st
Sexuality: Straight
Biography: Lily's family was abusive. Her parents divorced and she lives with her dad. Her dad was poor always spending money on drinks for himself. One day he came back moaning I pretended not to hear him and I went to bed I woke up a hour later finding someone banging at Alice's door (My little sister) I hear a door opening and someone screaming I hurry to my sisters room finding my dad on her, eating her. I looked at them paralyzed at how my sister looked. I regained my senses and ran into my dads room shutting the door, I grabbed his gun and I wondered what to do. I finally decided to run when I noticed the television was on it was something about a infection I remember my dad moaning, one of the symptoms of being infected. I just hoped my sister was in a better place. And so I jumped out of the window running to my dads car I got in. And I felt so lucky the key was right in place, I turned it and it started to run and I drove away. I learned how to survive within the incoming years not trusting quarantine zones..
Personality: Lily was pretty nice but the minute your bitten she'll backstab you and kill you. She doesn't trust people either
Description Of Character: Has long dark brown hair, blue eyes, and some scars on her face
Occupation: Student
Other: The abuse she went though made her strong she also acted like if the scars never existed
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