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Hallow ween
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Advice?   Advice? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 11, 2013 8:53 pm

So, tomorrow I'm going to have to open up a chicken wing for Science class. I'm freaking nervous. I thought it would be good but some girls have done it and they say its gross. A girl threw up and another girl cut her finger with the scissor. (She's fine though.)

I'm going to use gloves and special scissors and knives and stuff.
Well, at least its not a frog, and we're going to be instructed step by step.

Have you got any advice about this things? I want to surprise the teacher.

She said you can press some kind of nerve and its and goes up. That sounds fun to me.
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Hallow ween
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Hallow ween

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PostSubject: Re: Advice?   Advice? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 11, 2013 9:23 pm

well, i've never did anything like that but i think you should just be sure to listen carefully and try not to hurt yourself or throw up. if you hurt yourself, your teacher might think you dont listen or something if you throw up, everyone will be staring at you(atleast that's how it would be at my school.)
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Advice?   Advice? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 11, 2013 9:30 pm

I had to do that same experiment last year. I ended up just looking up a YouTube video instead of getting/touching a chicken wing. I believe if you look it up on YouTube, you can find that special nerve thing to move the wing. The video I watched showed how you can do it. Good luck!
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Advice?   Advice? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2013 3:36 pm

You'll be fine!

I've dissected a pig and cat and it's not all to bad! There shouldn't be blood and everything will be preserved. I do suggest wearing gloves and I warn you it'll smell.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Advice?   Advice? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2013 3:39 pm

If this bothers you at all, then don't be a doctor. Ever. They make you dissect a dead guy.

Just close your eyes and hope the person next to you has a stomach of iron. It'll be fine.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Advice?   Advice? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2013 8:31 pm

Well, I did it today. It wasn't really that bad. It did stink and I got to pick my partner. We did a good job but some people had brought their parents to help them out but mine are on a trip. We had a worksheet and it told us the steps. We also had to draw and describe some things. The teacher said she was proud of us (the class) and we did a pretty good job, unlike the others that spread rumors making me feel nervous.

So, in the end, I kinda liked it but I wouldn't volunteer to do it again. Now that we're done doing  bones, joints and muscles, we're starting on Chemistry. Anybody know about that?
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Advice?   Advice? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 13, 2013 8:46 pm

Chicken wings is not that yucky or something like that. I've tried it before, You could only see some bloods and flesh and that's all. yeah, chicken wings is better than the frog. Frog could jump even if you already sliced it as long as it's heart is alive. hahah creepy frog. xD
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Beauty Guru
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PostSubject: Re: Advice?   Advice? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2013 1:49 am

Chickens are alright.  It's not like they jump up like a frog. (referencing Sebastian's comment above)
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Regular Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Advice?   Advice? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2013 6:50 pm

Ribbon wrote:
Well, I did it today. It wasn't really that bad. It did stink and I got to pick my partner. We did a good job but some people had brought their parents to help them out but mine are on a trip. We had a worksheet and it told us the steps. We also had to draw and describe some things. The teacher said she was proud of us (the class) and we did a pretty good job, unlike the others that spread rumors making me feel nervous.

So, in the end, I kinda liked it but I wouldn't volunteer to do it again. Now that we're done doing  bones, joints and muscles, we're starting on Chemistry. Anybody know about that?

Well, I'm gonna be taking chemistry next school year, but I heard it's a lot harder than a biology class :c

Like, you have to remember A LOT of things. :< Like the periodic table and stuff.
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PostSubject: Re: Advice?   Advice? Icon_minitime

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