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 RP: Pain [Remade]

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Hero Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2013 7:01 pm

Roleplayers and their characters:
-Italy; Heather, Reborn Hunter
-Flower; Connect Feel, Reborn
-Jeff; Break Forester, Reborn Hunter
-Cherry235; Cookie, Reborn
-ello_love; Ziyan Lumex, Reborn
-Symphony~.; Isabelle Venus, Reborn
Relora; Spirit, Reborn
I'll start later. You guys can go ahead and start roleplaying!

If you need help starting, you can start off by your character(s) getting ready to go to school.

Last edited by Italy on Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:37 am; edited 2 times in total
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Ultimate Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2013 7:24 pm

Venus woke up as usual. She went to the bathroom and took a relaxing hot bath. Venus got out and changed into a blouse and shorts with flip flops and then tied her hair up in a bun. Venus went downstairs and smiled at her cook. "Elise, what did you do for breakfast?" Elise, the cook, smiled back. "We've got french toast, scrambled eggs, toast, cereal, pancakes or waffles, what do you want?" She licked her lips. "Get me some waffles, chocolate milk and orange juice."

((her name is Isabelle Venus, not Naomi Isabelle Venus.))
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Dedicated Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2013 8:08 pm

Ziyan sauntered down the steps grabbing a breakfast bar and a glass of orange juice. Her two older sisters were up and her two younger sisters were asleep. "Hi" her sister Zoe said, eating a waffle. She was 15 and had bright red hair and had a cute green shirt one and grey floral shorts. Zala looked up from her magazine and muttered "Hey" Ziyan walked out of the room and did her hair in a pony tail. She walked upstairs and put one a pair of shorts and a pink tank top. In the mirror she looked at her hair. "huh, I wonder why my hair is like this..."
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Ultimate Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2013 9:25 pm

Venus was lucky. Today was a holiday on her school. After eating breakfast, she jumped right back onto bed and turned on her flat-screen TV.
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Legendary Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2013 5:17 am

Break woke up in the alley behind the department store. He couldn't really remember if this is where he decided to camp out for the night, but he supposed it didn't really matter. Today was a school day, after all. Honestly going to school at this point was more of a hassle than anything else. He had to hide the fact that he was living on the street from the school staff while still worrying about being dead the next day. He really had no way of being prepared for this kind of life. He didn't know the first thing about basic survival skills. So far he'd been living off food he stole from shopkeepers and the like. Break stalked out of the alley unnoticed, weaving through the crowd towards the school. He aimed not to be there before everyone else, but not after everyone else to avoid suspicion. Also, he wouldn't talk to anyone but wouldn't give a reason for this other than being simply antisocial. He had the sense that this wasn't really worth it, but if he dropped out of school now he'd be asked why he did it and likely get found out.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2013 10:14 am

Ziyan walced outside. It wasn't a school day... why bother? She scrambled up to her tree house and sat on the cushined chair. This is her place where she writes and goes for quiet. Being the middle of a 5 sisters she was always lonely. But quiet was good for her.
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Hero Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2013 10:55 am

Heather slept in. She went downstairs feeling all groggy and tired. She made herself some breakfast and sits down at the table to eat. Her older sister should be at work at this time. Since she slept in, she's not going to school.
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Legendary Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2013 11:01 am

It dawned on Break that today was not in fact a school day. He grinned, turning back towards the city. At this point he was entirely out of money, so today he'd be back to stealing. Even if he happened to get caught, he doubted he'd get in much trouble. A couple days in jail, at least, so long as they didn't find out he was living on his own. That, Break had to admit, was rather unlikely. It was starting to become increasingly obvious due to both his physical and mental state. If he got in legal trouble, chances are he'd wind up in some kind of orphanage. Break had considered this possibility from the start, but eventually decided against it. Being basically trapped with a bunch of other kids sounded like torture.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2013 5:31 pm

Venus yawned, and fiddled with her hair. Her hand got tangled on her curls, and she pulled it out forcefully. "Ow!" Venus said in pain, taking out her Mac and used it on her bed, switching between the laptop and the TV screen at the back of her room.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2013 6:36 pm

Ziyan came down the steps and it started to pour rain. She rain inside and woke up her to other sisters Lali and Lily. "Come on guys! Its like 10:00 now!"
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Legendary Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2013 6:41 pm

Break weaved his way in and out of the crowds of people that filled the streets. Judging by the fancy buildings and lavish attire of those around him, he had somehow or another found himself in the richer part of town. He must stick out at least somewhat due to his physical state of being and the like, but he didn't appear to be a huge spectacle. As a matter of fact, he was being ignored for the most part. Break grinned. These were good conditions for thieving. He started looking for someone stupid, someone who wouldn't notice a buck or two gone missing.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2013 6:45 pm

Venus put on some of her most expensive clothes and put a couple hundred dollars in her wallet, which she later tugged into her pocket. "Mooom!! I'm going out!" Venus yelled, fiddling with her hair. She took out her phone and played an APP as she walked out of her house.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2013 6:52 pm

Ziyan went outside. She tugged on her shoes and put her phone in her pocket. She so needed to talk a walk and just run around. She went into town to buy clothes.
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Hero Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2013 8:22 pm

Heather has passed out on the couch. She has woken up from her nap. Her sister was still at work. I guess I'll go take a walk around town. As she got up, she noticed her knife on the floor. She stared at it for a moment before going over to pick it up. I might bring this along with me...
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Dedicated Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2013 8:28 pm

Ziyan felt self conicouss about her hair... no one has blue hair around here. She saw her friend Tila at the shop- she had pink shorts on and a black crop top. She had pretty blonde hair. "Hi Tila!" Ziyan gleefully called and ran over.
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Legendary Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeTue Jul 02, 2013 6:43 am

Break took notice of Venus as she walked out. She appeared to be playing with an electronic device. Doing such things while walking was a sure sign that said individual might not be that bright. Break decided to let her get closer, so he ducked behind a large fountain across the street. From where he was he tried to determine whether she kept her money in her pockets or in a bag, and how easy it would be to outrun her.
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
Officer Number Two

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeTue Jul 02, 2013 9:37 am

Cookie woke up and hopped off her bed on all fours. Remembering to act human, she slowly stood up and wobbled a bit. Walking like a person was the most important part of making sure her true identity as a black cat would not be revealed. She looked at the clock. With surprise she quickly threw on her clothes and ran to the bathroom. Another thing she'd have to learn was to get up early.
After brushing her teeth and hair, she ran out the door. She looked at her schedule. " What are all these squiggly things?" she thought. Cookie decided to go to the library and figure out what the squiggles meant. After all, they had gazillions of squiggles there.
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Hero Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeTue Jul 02, 2013 11:40 am

( AHH! Sorry for being late! >.<)

Connect groaned, as the soft sun-light filled her dark room. She pulled the covers over her head, turning her back towards the window. Finally, she sighed, and sat up. She stretched her arms, and yawned loudly. She observed her surroundings before standing up, and walked toward her vanity. She stared into her mirror, scratching her head as she pulled her long, silver hair out of it's braid. It reached bellow her bottom, and it was quite a challenge to brush every morning. She began to brush her hair, until her hair was tangle-free and smooth. Connect placed the brush back onto her white vanity, and blinked her icy-blue eyes a few times before tying her hair up into a sock-bun. She walked up to her clothing drawers, and took out her long, doctor's robe, and put on a rubber-like material dress underneath before slipping the robe on. She washed her face, grabbed her shoes, and ran out the door. " MOM! I'M OFF TO THE HOSPITAL!" She yelled, darting down the stairs and running out the door, and slammed the door behind her.

( I forgot to mention she doesn't go to school anymore; She works at a volunteer at the hospital.)
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
Officer Number Two

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeTue Jul 02, 2013 12:18 pm

Cookie opened the door to the library. She saw the librarian and asked, "Meow- I mean, what are these squiggles on my schedule?" The librarian gave her a funny look and read it to her. " April 24, School Development Day. No classes are scheduled today." "Oh," Cookie said, disappointed. " Can you teach me how to read these squiggly lines?" "Don't be ridiculous!" The library said. " A child your age should know how to read!"
Cookie walked out of the library sadly. She stared into the window and saw the librarian teaching a younger kid how to read. "That's it!" Cookie thought. She saw another child walk by. She hid in a bush and transformed into the child. This time when Cookie asked the librarian, she said yes and began to teach Cookie the alphabet.

Last edited by Cherry235 on Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dedicated Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeTue Jul 02, 2013 12:20 pm

Ziyan manuvered towards Tila. "Hey Ziyan! Question, blue or pink?" Tila questioned. "Uhm, Pink. It's your color." Ziyan touched her blue hair. She went over to the skirts. "Tilie, black or green?" Ziyan asked. "Hmmm, black is slimming but you're already skinny. The green goes with your eyes.... Green."
She went and grabbed the green. They went and bought maching black crop tops with pink sequins at the seems. They went out and talked and walked around.
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Legendary Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeTue Jul 02, 2013 1:18 pm

Break decided that Venus was unlikely to be too much of a threat. She looked like the kind of girl who was spoiled to the point of incompetence, the kind who would go crying to her mom instead of chasing after the thief or calling the police. Break waited a couple seconds more, watching her for when she wasn't paying attention. It was of utmost importance to maintain the element of surprise when stealing.
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Hero Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeTue Jul 02, 2013 1:24 pm

Connect walked out the door, and was struggling to zip her large bag filled with medicine, healing silk, bandages, and pills closed. Finally, she snapped it closed, and flipped it over her shoulder. Connect began walking down the street, waving high to old patients and pedestrians every now and then.
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Hero Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeTue Jul 02, 2013 1:27 pm

Heather grabbed her backpack. She uses it as her school backpack, but she hides her weapons in it when she goes elsewhere. She flings it over her shoulder before she walks out the door.
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Legendary Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeTue Jul 02, 2013 1:33 pm

Break ducked out from behind the fountain soundlessly, not wanting to lose sight of Venus or be seen by her. For something that seems so easy, stealing was a pretty advanced maneuver. The streets were starting to clear up a bit, which was both good and bad. He had a better line of sight, but he would be easier to spot once he had her wallet. Break was determined not to get caught. He slowly reached his hand out, ready to pull it away if Venus turned around.
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Hero Fantagian

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RP: Pain [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP: Pain [Remade]   RP: Pain [Remade] Icon_minitimeTue Jul 02, 2013 1:57 pm

Connect walked by the water fountain, but not before she stopped and threw a penny in, making a wish. She smiled, then continued on her way to the hospital.
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