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 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]

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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeMon Aug 12, 2013 7:09 pm

What if Haymitch or Maysilee were never born? What if completely different tributes were reaped?
This is the RP of the 50th Hunger Games. Double the tributes. Yet, only 1 victor will be crowned.


Mentoring and Sponsors:
Combat Rules:
Arena description:

My APP --

Tribute APP
Name - Roselyn Jackson
Age - 13
Gender - F
District - District 11
Personality - later
Sexuality - Straight
Picture/Description - Orange hair, which is very wavy. She has pale skin and light blue eyes. She's not very tall. She's about 5"2. She has a small nose and cherry red lips.
Survival Skills - later
Biography (optional) Roselyn knew 13 was a bad number. Since her 13th birthday, she's been very miserable. She was forced to work much harder and would fall asleep very late. The teachers would complain about her being sleeping and not concentrating at school. Then her father passed away. Her mother took her off work and let her train instead. However, once, she twisted her ankle while training and continued after she healed. She was forced to take more tessarae now that her family was near starving. That is when the reaping came, and her theory is now proved.

Tribute APP
Name - Sapphire Cosby
Age - 18
Gender - Female
District - District 1
Personality -
Sexuality - Straight
Picture/Description - Wavy dark brown hair up to her neck and golden green eyes. She's got fairly tanned skin and is not very tall.
Survival Skills - Climbing trees, making fires, finding water, knowing which plants are poisonous and which are not.
Biography (optional) - later

Tribute APP
Name - Connect Jackson
Age - 15
Gender - F
District - 3
Personality -
Sexuality - Straight
Picture/Description -
Survival Skills -
Biography (optional) - Connect was born into a rather wealthy family. Her father was the owner of a large academy for training, specially meant for survival skills, fighting and more. Connect trained since she was born with professionals in private lessons. Sometimes her dad hired a pair of previous victors to teach her. Connect's mother worked at designing many electronics so Connect had so many electronics you could say her entire house is automatic. Her father's academy was very successful for many wealthy people that were willing to pay money. The academy was very modern and most survival lessons were taught by teachers or learned with computers, tablets, remotes, games and exercises in many different modern ways. The dummies were all electronic and automated. There were many levels -
Pre - Trainee
Lower Adv. (advanced)
Medium Adv. (advanced)
High Adv. (advanced)

Connect received such great training she became a Top-ranked student in the academy. Connect thought all of this was insane. She refused to use her knowledge in actual fighting. Connect, being the quiet girl she was in school, wouldn't even hurt a fly. Once, she couldn't hold it in and punched a bully as she was made fun of. The bully's nose started bleeding and her eye swelled up. Since that day, Connect has felt eternally guilty and had never done it again. Connect was sometimes feared of in school, and she was usually alone. When she was 9, her mom gave birth to a set of twins, two boys, and later a girl. Connect grew up. She turned 11. Her mom got a promotion and her dad's academy had over 500,000 people. They were away all day long. Connect had to take care of her siblings when her mom and dad left. Her parents would leave so early that Connect would have to spend all her own money buying food for her and her siblings. She would sometimes have to go hunt in the nearby woods or threaten others to get money. On her first reaping, she got reaped, and no one was willing to volunteer.

Mentor APP
Name - Jayleen Toro
Age - 19
Gender - Female
District you're mentoring - 1
Picture/Description - Jayleen has long, straight ash blonde hair up to her hip. She has side bangs that covers one of her eyes. She's pale and has light blue eyes. She's very tall. She has medium-sized breasts.
Biography (optional) - Jayleen was born into the merchant zone in District 12. However, her parents died in an oven fire at the workshop and she was adopted by a rich family in District 1. With only 7 years of age, she moved into District 1. She became member of a large family, of all adopted children, one or two from each district. She became friends with a little girl who was dark-skinned, named Lotus, from District 11, with dark curly hair up to her shoulders. Every child started training for years. And when Jayleen turned 13, her 'mother' revealed the truth - they adopted children, trained them, and then they submitted their names multiple times behind their backs and got their wealth. It did work. So most of them got reaped. When most of them left, 2 children, a boy and a girl, were bought a house and so they would continue the tradition of adopting. Jayleen wasn't reaped, but instead she volunteered for Lotus when she was 16 and Lotus was 14.
She won by acquiring an awl and a pack of throwing knives. When only her and the District 8 male were left, the District 8 male had just killed the District 3 female, and when he got on his knees to pick up District 3 female's weapon, she threw a knife and it hit him on the back of the neck. Then she finished him off by stabbing him everywhere with the awl multiple times.

Last edited by Primrose on Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:02 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeMon Aug 12, 2013 9:04 pm

are we able to make a mentor and a tribute?
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Hero Fantagian

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50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 13, 2013 6:16 am

Tribute APP
Name - Yahonna Mason
Age - 14
Gender - Female
District - 5 {Power}
Personality - Can I figure this out as the role-play starts and expands?
Sexuality - Straight
Picture/Description - Yahoona has long, red hair, that reaches just a few inches below her knees. It's straight at the top, but starts getting crimped and eventually turns curly near the end. Her skin is pale and flawless, and she's very skinny and fragile. She has a lot of beauty marks. Her left eye is crystal blue, while her right one is seaweed green. She has a small nose, thin lips, and big, wide eyes. She's quite tall.
Survival Skills - She's very stealthy, and can run quickly and climb trees quickly. She's a quick learner, and knows the basics such as starting a fire or finding edible plants/fruits.
Biography (optional) Too lazy xx Will figure this out along the way.

Finishing this later.

Poison Paradise

Last edited by Angellina on Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ultimate Fantagian

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50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 13, 2013 4:25 pm

Elliot wrote:
are we able to make a mentor and a tribute?
sure. you're allowed.
Angellina wrote:
Tribute APP
Name - Yahonna Mason
Age - 14
Gender - Female
District - 5 {Power}
Personality - Can I figure this out as the role-play starts and expands?
Sexuality - Straight
Picture/Description -
Survival Skills -
Biography (optional)

Finishing this later.

Poison Paradise
You'll be accepted as soon as you finish! And about the Personality thing, you're allowed.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 13, 2013 5:03 pm

@Primrose I have finished my application! c:
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Ultimate Fantagian

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50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 13, 2013 5:07 pm

Angellina wrote:
@Primrose I have finished my application! c:
accepted!! thanks for joining!
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Hero Fantagian

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50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 13, 2013 5:12 pm

Yay! I cannot wait to start! How many applications do you need until we start? Smile
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Ultimate Fantagian

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50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 13, 2013 5:17 pm

Angellina wrote:
Yay! I cannot wait to start! How many applications do you need until we start? Smile
I'd say 9 or something like that. You can have up to 4 characters so ya.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 13, 2013 10:06 pm

Tribute APP
Name - Ruby Goldworth
Age - 17
Gender - Female
District - 1 (ily district 1)
Personality - Very competitive, Ruby can be rude at time, but usually she's very perky. She mostly looks on the bright side of things, and doesn't easily back down from a fight.
Sexuality - Bisexual (leaning more toward straight)
Picture/Description - Medium, straight, red-brown hair, and hazel eyes. She has some freckles around the arch of her nose, and fair, olive skin. She has some hair on her arms, but she doesn't mind it at all.
Survival Skills - She's very good with a bow and arrows, and she's very nifty when it comes to making a fire, hunting, other things of the sort. She's a quick learner when it comes to using weapons, and in combat, her strength is high due to having a lot of experience.
Biography (optional) (small) She went to a training academy for 13 years. That's Pre-K through 11th!

poison paradise

Tribute APP
Name - Quartz (no last name)
Age - 18
Gender - Male
District - 1
Personality - Very competitive, cool, and strong, Quartz is very difficult to get in with. He sticks with the careers as it's a big help for them. He won't turn on his friends... until they reach the finals.
Sexuality - Heterosexual
Picture/Description - A dirty blonde buzz-cut and green eyes, he's very tan, and he's pretty muscular. His skin doesn't get burnt too easily, and he has a medium-sized nose.
Survival Skills - He's good with spears, and anything he can throw. Though he's not very good with other survival stuff, so he relies on the other tributes in his district for catching food, making fires, camping out.
Biography (optional) N/A

Last edited by Madoka on Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:45 am; edited 4 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 14, 2013 5:12 am

Ok I know this is really random and off-topic, but Madoka, I love your character's name. Especially her last name.

Ok bye.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 5:16 pm

please join more people..

@Madoka - accepted.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 5:24 pm

I've finished my application, just to let you know. c;
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 27, 2013 9:25 pm

Anyone else wants to join? 1 more app and ill start it.
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Rookie Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 5:27 am

Tribute APP
Name - Rosie Huntington.
Age - Eighteen.
Gender - Female
District - 2
Personality - Quiet, Brave, Smart, Sly, Stubborn and Sarcastic.
Sexuality - Bisexual, but leans more towards the guys.
Picture/Description -
Survival Skills - Rosie is skilled with knives. Most of the times she hits the target. She doesn't know most of the plants, nor know how to lit a fire. But she is good at finding sources and hiding.
Biography (optional)

Pioson Paradise.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 11:07 am

Smaz wrote:
Tribute APP
Name - Rosie Huntington.
Age - Eighteen.
Gender - Female
District - 2
Personality - Quiet, Brave, Smart, Sly, Stubborn and Sarcastic.
Sexuality - Bisexual, but leans more towards the guys.
Picture/Description -
Survival Skills - Rosie is skilled with knives. Most of the times she hits the target. She doesn't know most of the plants, nor know how to lit a fire. But she is good at finding sources and hiding.
Biography (optional)

Pioson Paradise.
accepted! may the games begin!!
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PostSubject: Re: 50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]]   50th Hunger Games [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitime

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