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 Boarding School ~Remade~ Rp Apps

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Dedicated Fantagian

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Boarding School ~Remade~ Rp Apps Empty
PostSubject: Boarding School ~Remade~ Rp Apps   Boarding School ~Remade~ Rp Apps Icon_minitimeFri Sep 13, 2013 5:58 pm

You are a girl or boy (12-18) in a boarding school. You live there. You share a room with two other boys or girls. Its just the starting. There are many school school clubs to try and limited space. You want to join clubs and have friends when your 1st year. If your last year (17-18) you can't wait to start your last year and go off to the real world. Which path do you take?

Rules** Read
1. No Mary Sues! You can't start out your first year popular and every one knows!
2. If you first year (12-14) you can know people from elemtry school.
3. Pg 13 Romance you can have a boy friend or girl friend but no bad things.
4. Pg Violence No ripping each others Guts out.
5. No swearing
6. You can only be in 2 clubs you do have home work some times.
7. You can be club leader if your in 2 year (15-16) or higher
8. Pm me if you want to be a teacher and I'll make a app for you.
9. If you read the rules say School
10. Must wear uniform


Age and year:
Club (Only 2) your in:
Club leader (year 2 and up)
Bio optional:
Appearance/ Description:
Anything Else?:

My App:
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