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 Boarding School Rp Apps Remade

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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Boarding School Rp Apps Remade   Boarding School Rp Apps Remade Icon_minitimeSun Nov 17, 2013 12:11 pm

I made this and it was like my first rp.
You are a girl or boy (12-18) in a boarding school. You live there. You share a room with two other boys or girls. Its just the starting. There are many school school clubs to try and limited space. You want to join clubs and have friends when your 1st year. If your last year (17-18) you can't wait to start your last year and go off to the real world. Which path do you take?




Name: Kalani Fields
Age and year: 13, year 1
Gender: Female
Club (Only 2) your in: Cheer club and Crafting club
Club leader (year 2 and up) No
Personalty:  Cries easy at movies, likes being center of attetion, can be indesicive, not that neat, she is very nice to everyone, crafty, artistic, very smart, can be stubborn, can be come off to be a little spoiled.
Bio optional: She was sent to boarding school because her Mom got remarried to a man Kalani doesn't like. Her father left her when she was 10. Kalani loves her new school in compare to her old school (online). She is a dancer and still goes to her dance school.
Appearance/ Description:

Likes/ Dislikes:
+Diet Soda
+Her Iphone5s
+Her name (means hevan's sky, royal one)
+Snap Chat
-Her Step Dad
-Rude people
-People who tell her what to do
Anything Else?: She is allergic to Tuna

Last edited by अनंत♥ on Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Boarding School Rp Apps Remade   Boarding School Rp Apps Remade Icon_minitimeSun Nov 17, 2013 12:51 pm

Age and year:13 and in the 2nd year
Club (Only 2) your in:Math club and art club
Club leader (year 2 and up)
Personalty:She is not a nerd and hands in her homework she is a bit emotional at stuff like charity clips and it's people who have problems Clips like that.She has recently got purple read glasses 
Bio optional:
Appearance/ Description:She has brown long hair with blue eyes she never wears fake eyelashes she thinks you look like a barbie doll if you wear them.
Likes/ Dislikes:Likes
Pot noodle
Nice people 
Mean people
Vegetables but not carrots or lettuce. 
Hard homework that Takes a long time to finish
Anything Else?:School
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Boarding School Rp Apps Remade   Boarding School Rp Apps Remade Icon_minitimeSun Nov 17, 2013 2:47 pm

@Chirstmas_Snow is accepted
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PostSubject: Re: Boarding School Rp Apps Remade   Boarding School Rp Apps Remade Icon_minitime

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