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 Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]

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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2013 4:33 pm

Just Imagine.
You should be in college. You should be working your way to getting a degree that allows you to work. Afterwards, society expects you to get married and have a couple of kids. You don’t care.  You decide to live your normal everyday life, until it happens.  
You’re caught, and the police are after you.  Though its not a whole fleet, there's two of them, nd they've got a car and weapons.  You're alone, and if you don't find a way around this issue, you'll be in that prison cell forever.  You decide to run to the nearest alley, jump over a fence, and make your way into an eerie corner.  As quick as you can, you go down a sewer hole, and that's when your adventure as a wanted criminal begins.  
Unfortunately, you eventually get lost in this disgusting sewer.  But you want out, and there's a way.  There always is, right? The trick to finding it is pretty simple; you just have to imagine.
Gangs And Travel Groups:
Apps- (Starred Items are mandatory.):

-elliot and anna
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Veteran Fantagian

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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2013 5:58 pm

*Name: Andres Crobett
*Age (College age, 19-25): 23
*Gender/sexuality: Male, pansexual
Biography: how about no
*Appearance: Andres has a somewhat muscular build, but nothing special or over the top. He has a light olive skin tone, dark brown eyes, and brown hair. He dresses by his gang's dress code, wearing a blue t-shirt with a black jacket covering it. Andres wears black pants, with a silver belt accompanying them. He also has a pair of dark blue and black gloves, but doesn't wear them all the time. Finally, he has a tattoo on the side of his neck.
*Personality: //i'll finish this later sorry// Andres has a very carefree personality. He attempts to make jokes whenever he can. Many people find him annoying, but there are others who think he's a pretty fun person to be around.
*Are they swaggy?: Swaggy as a swagaroo
Gang: Hell's Heroes
*Travel Group: Blue
*Likes/dislikes: i'll get to this later
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2013 6:00 pm

accepted since this is our rp anyway and ur app is also quality (degdeg)
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Veteran Fantagian

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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2013 6:39 pm

h*ck yeah go me (degdeg)
degdeg doesn't show up properly on ff i'm gonna cry Sad
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Veteran Fantagian

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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2013 7:39 pm

*Name: Michelle
*Age (College age, 19-25): 22
*Gender/sexuality: Girl  She doesn't really care about sexuality
Biography: One day, a robber broke into someones house. When Michelle was 7, she went to go look at what was happening in her neighbors house. The robber running away with a bag in hand, he dropped it and ran. She picked up the bag, and by the time the cops came, they sent her to Juvy, thinking that she robbed the house. So, she decided to advenge herself.
*Appearance (No pictures unless you have drawn them yourself, and they are detailed): Blonde hair, usually in a ponytail, big scar from her eye to her corner lip, usually wears the color green, green skirt, green tank top, But covering that is a black hoodie, tied around her waist. She has a tattoo of a wyverin going along her arm. She has wounds all over, but she cant feel them.
*Personality (You don’t need to get super detailed, as long as you don’t leave your character with a couple of traits.): Shes bubbly on the outside, but deadly on the inside. Very clever.
*Are they swaggy?: Swaggy as a swagaroo
Gang: Wyvern's Recruits
*Travel Group: Green
*Likes/dislikes: Loves making things.

Last edited by Marshy on Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2013 7:46 pm

I can't accept or decline your app until it's finished. Good luck!
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Loyal Fantagian

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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2013 9:08 pm

*Name: Willow H.
*Age College age, 19-25: 22
*Gender/sexuality: Female, Asexual
*Appearance No pictures unless you have drawn them yourself, and they are detailed: Willow has dark blue hair along with green streaks down to her neck. She has light cocoa skin along with piercings and freckles on her nose. She also have blood red eyes but haves a torn up eye patch on her right eye from a fight. Her cheek has a deep cut with dried up blood. She has a skull tattoo on her upper back with snake surrounding it. Usually, she'll wear a white solid tank top with dusty jeans. However; she wears her black leather jacket with the word "BEAST" on the back. In her pocket, she'll have a pocket knife for emergencies only.
*Personality You don’t need to get super detailed, as long as you don’t leave your character with a couple of traits.: Willow is a goth who hates anything 'cute' or 'girly'. She rarely communicates or talk with other people. Usually she'll give a nod or a fake smile. She doesn't have much energy in her body and is considered "weak" and not active. When she was in high school, she was considered 'popular'. She loved the feeling to boss people around and be mean. Then, she stopped all of a sudden, and started being a goth.
*Are they swaggy?: swaggy as a swagaroo
Gang: Wyvern's Recruits
*Travel Group: Blue

i did terrible :/

Last edited by Wizzy on Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:53 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : sorry bout that L)
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 21, 2013 8:37 am

Wizzy, you can't be both Asexual and Homosexual. That doesn't make any sense. Asexual means you aren't sexually attracted to anyone, and homosexual means you're attracted to your own gender. You can't be attracted to no one and yet be attracted to a certain group of individuals.

*Name: Cedric Frasier
*Age : 22
*Gender/sexuality: Male, Heterosexual
Biography: No.
*Appearance: Cedric is quite tall at 5 feet 11 inches. However he is thin and not particularly muscular, so he avoids hand combat whenever possible and prefers guns and large knives. His hair is sandy blond, shorter in the back than in front, and tends to fall over his left eye. His skin is pale and doesn't tan easily. He tends to dress in dark clothes and leather. He has three piercings in his left ear and two in his right eyebrow.
*Personality: Cedric tends to talk a bit more than he should, but has good common sense. He's a pretty quick thinker, using that to gain the upper hand in fights and such. He's not easy to manipulate, but beating him into submission isn't a hard task.
*Are they swaggy?: Swaggy as a Swagaroo.
Gang: Hell's Heroes
*Travel Group: Yellow.

Likes: Teamwork, taking risks, thinking of something before everyone else.
Dislikes: Stupid people, fighting with his hands, pain, losing. 

Tell me if there's anything wrong with this.
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 21, 2013 4:42 pm

Wizzy: Your characters appearance seems unnatural, seeing as she has red eyes and blue-green hair. It's not possible unless, in rare cases, you're albino, so yeh.

Jeff: You're accepted. I'll message you your death order or if you survive later.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeMon Nov 04, 2013 7:34 pm

*Name: Alexandra Dim (Aex)
*Age (College age, 19-25): 22
*Gender/sexuality: Female, believes to be Asexual but she's Heterosexual. She just doesn't know it yet.
Biography: Alexandra was born as an albino. She has delicate white skin, colorless eyes (pink-ish) and very light blonde hair. She had really bad eyesight. Her parents thought she was exaggerating. They didn't want to waste money. Alexandra would be taken as 'clumsy' and 'stupid' for bumping into walls. She has her first crush when she was 13. She was walking calmly when she bumped into him. Not only did she make a fool of herself, she accidentally kissed him. She was yelled at, made fun of, and teased because of that. She rejected her previous feelings about love and shielded her heart from those distractions. Finally her dad agreed to take her to the eye doctor a few weeks later. There were shocking results. Alexandra had gotten worse and worse. She was almost blind. She was the only one in her family who wore glasses. With those big, heavy ones she had, that was noticed. Her house was a simple country house, and money became scarce. Her parents started to fight. When she was 15, almost 16, her parents divorced. She moved into a small apartment in the city with her aunt. She begged for an explanation. In her 17th birthday, she got it. She blew her wish away with the fire of the candles, the truth was what she wanted. Her mother had committed suicide, her father became alcoholic and he didn't want her. Alexandra's heart was beating hard. She started starving herself, eating a snack, like a cookie, once or twice a day. Her aunt noticed it and took her to a rehabilitation center. She came back two weeks later, but after a suicide attempt, she was put back. This time, it took a year. Alexandra acted like she was learning, like if she had gotten wiser. Some nights, her brain would make her question, should she really be doing this? maybe she should pay attention. She would fight herself in confusion. When she was 19, she moved out, to a small house in the outskirts of the city, in a small town near the beach. She went to the beach for a couple hours to relax and clear her mind. When she returned, she had been robbed. She found out she had been robbed by a gang. She researched on the gang, found out their name. So she robbed too. Got money, and bought herself an expensive scholarship. She hoped to endure her mean room-mate, but she couldn't. At the age of 20, she murdered her and escaped through the window, leaving shallow cuts in her feet. She lived in a factory, a tiny illegal drug factory. She would be fed by a mysterious stranger, owner of the factory, who would give her bread and butter for breakfast, and soup or chicken for the nights. Sometimes, when she exceeded herself at cleaning, she'd get an extra snack. Like a cookie, or a soda, or a muffin. But right before she turned 22, her boss drugged her. He dragged her into a room. Tortured her in many ways, (some I can't mention) until she had enough. She murdered her boss and ran away. That's when the police found her and she had to escape. Meeting with the very gang that once robbed her was quite a coincidence, but instead of killing them all, she decided to join them.
*Appearance (No pictures unless you have drawn them yourself, and they are detailed):
*Personality (You don’t need to get super detailed, as long as you don’t leave your character with a couple of traits.):
*Are they swaggy?: swaggy as a swaggaroo, maybe even swaggier.
Gang: Hell's Heroes
*Travel Group:

ill finish later.
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeMon Nov 04, 2013 8:14 pm

Accepted, Primrose! Just fill in travel group and appearance and you're done. For personality, you can just develop it as you go along, if you want. ^^
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Katerina Petrova
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Nov 05, 2013 10:38 am

is this still open or?
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Nov 05, 2013 5:59 pm

Yep, it'll be open until the RP is started and reaches 2 pages!
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 10:36 am

name: Lydia 
age: 23
gender/sexuality: female straight 
bio:no thanks
appearance: black hair, hazel eyes, camouflage t-shirt, grey sweat pants.
personality: Lydia is a very blunt person but quit caring and sweet once you get to know her. She has always been very afraid of everything once she hears it can harm you in any way.
are they swaggy? no but swaggy as a swagaroo.
gang: 14th street kings ( is my characters dressing violating the dress code?
travel group: green
+ turtles
+ roller coasters
+ books
+ internet
- dancing
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Katerina Petrova
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Katerina Petrova

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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 12:44 pm

*Name: Dylan Colton
*Age (College age, 19-25):23
*Gender/sexuality:Male, straight.
Biography: Ever since a young age his parents have always blamed him for the problems they've had,whether it be money or even ruining their lives. He was depressed since a young age and has never had an  opportunity to have a good child hood like any other child. He left his parents house as fast as he got a job because he was just fed up and lived off on the tips he made. In school he was fairly smart but always failed when trying something hard, this was when he started to think his life was pointless and he came across a gang called Hell's Heroes and in the end he joined them.
*Appearance (No pictures unless you have drawn them yourself, and they are detailed): Dylan is quite thin and has is muscly which explains why he likes to fight so much, he is 6 ft and his hair is curly and brown but you can always find a hint of gold in his hair. Hi skin is pale and wet because he is always outside scavenging for any useful things.
*Personality (You don’t need to get super detailed, as long as you don’t leave your character with a couple of traits.):Will do anything to get away from annoying people, this might explain why he hunts for food alone to get away from life. It might also explain why he left and started in a gang. He was smart but gave on up his life which caused him to fall behind.
*Are they swaggy?:Swaggy as a Swagaroo
Gang:Hell’s Heroes
*Travel Group:Blue
*Likes/dislikes: Likes: Jokes, books, peace and quiet
                             Dislikes: annoying people, stupidity, government.
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 1:24 pm

*Name:Ruby Mell
*Age (College age, 19-25):20
Biography:She lived on her own at the age of 18 After that she bought flats and moved to diffrent ones.But she stayed in one one day....She is really tough You can never beat her after an accident when she was 14 it toughened her up.
*Appearance (No pictures unless you have drawn them yourself, and they are detailed):Brown long hair With blue eyes she wears the Hell's heroes dress code.
*Personality (You don’t need to get super detailed, as long as you don’t leave your character with a couple of traits.):She is friendly,Nice She will never have hurt feelings.Her heart is like metal.
*Are they swaggy?:Swaggy as a Swagaroo
Gang:Hell's Heroes
*Travel Group:Yellow
-Being a team
-Cheering people up
-Having a fun time
-Mary sues (which will not be in this rp of coruse Smile )
-Stupid people
-People who bug her alot (follow her around but not her gang their all her bffs)
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 2:16 pm

Ulfette and Colorora are accepted. Snowy, please try correcting your grammar and spelling a bit.

By the way, please remember to remove the parenthesis.
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Lord Voldemort
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 3:20 pm

*Name:Jenna McLatchie, Jen.
*Gender/sexuality:Female, open to all
Biography:Will I be declined if I don't do this?
*Appearance:Dirty blonde hair that extends to the mid back, usually braided in some way or in a ponytail. Thin, medium shaded eyebrows. Her eyelashes are a light brown just over average length (nothing special) her eyes being a intense green with a light almost off grey blue surrounding the pupil area. Petite nose with a small diamond stud ring on the left, full lips that are usually painted red. Has small freckles here and there. Muscled legs and fragile looking frame that seems "innocent and harmful", almost flat chest. Long arms with average sized hands, size 9 feet and average sized mid section. Height 5"7. Has the ying yang symbol tattooed on her left arm and a small tattoo of the gangs logo on her right palm. Wearing the crew shirt with plaid sweater/jacket tied around her waist, black high waisted jeans with high waisted shorts underneath (it was cold the day she last changed) and black leather combat boots.
*Personality:Jenna is the type of girl that can either be your best friend, or your worst enemy. She tries to be nice to everyone until they stop being nice to her. Usually takes on the role of leader but is always open to having other people lead as long as she helps with plans etc. Gets annoyed/aggravated easily and uses sarcasm like a second language.
*Are they swaggy?: Swaggy as a Swagaroo
Gang:Wyvren's Recruits
*Travel Group:Yellow
Likes: Dark colours and shiny objects, doesn't mind red. Sarcasm, books, dancing (street, hip hop, and jazz), daisy's, stars, planning, organized fights and meaningful tattoos.

Dislikes: Stupid people, sitting around, government, "extremely happy" people, cheating.

((are we going to start the rp as we just jumped over the fence and are running into the sewers or just we're in the sewers and find our group while wandering?))
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Veteran Fantagian

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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 4:01 pm

I finished my app... just sayin Very Happy
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 7:40 pm

Marshy and Voldemort are accepted. Good job, to both of you!

Also, either one is fine! You can be in the sewers or just about to go in.
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Expert Fantagian

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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeThu Nov 07, 2013 1:26 am

Okay I don't know what parthesis means so ill look it up later
P.s if nowone posts on here after this I'll say when it's edited when i edit my post.
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Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Imagine [[RP APPS]]   Just Imagine [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitime

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