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 Pokemon RP APPS!

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3 posters

Who's Your Fave Starter Pokemon?
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Regular Fantagian

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Pokemon RP APPS! Empty
PostSubject: Pokemon RP APPS!   Pokemon RP APPS! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 14, 2013 8:59 pm

I'm super excited to do this and I hope I get some apps!
Rules: Your character has to be from the TV show.
NO SPAM! No Stuff that I shouldn't even be talking about! Laughing 

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Ultimate Fantagian

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Pokemon RP APPS! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokemon RP APPS!   Pokemon RP APPS! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 15, 2013 7:27 am

What is the RP about? I know that it is about Pokemon, but Is there a story to this?
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Regular Fantagian

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Pokemon RP APPS! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokemon RP APPS!   Pokemon RP APPS! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 15, 2013 10:22 am

Christmas Tree wrote:
What is the RP about? I know that it is about Pokemon, but Is there a story to this?
Well, It's kinda like you make it up as you go. I thought that would be interesting.
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Miranda Sings
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Miranda Sings

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Pokemon RP APPS! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokemon RP APPS!   Pokemon RP APPS! Icon_minitimeFri Dec 27, 2013 9:44 pm

Partner Pokemon: Meowth.
Town: I couldn't find out.
Region: " " " ".
Character: James.
Picture:Pokemon RP APPS! 120px-James_anime
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PostSubject: Re: Pokemon RP APPS!   Pokemon RP APPS! Icon_minitime

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