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 Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]]

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4 posters

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Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]] Empty
PostSubject: Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]]   Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]] Icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 4:10 pm

Today was the math olympiad. Woke up at 6:15 and stayed there for like 5 minutes.
I failed badly on the individual event. T-T
Did pretty good on the team, and on the tiebreakers where you have 3 minutes to solve 4 questions, ohohohohohoho we were badasses.
Missed one out of four. 3/4. snaps.
But, we didn't even win a ribbon. Cameron & Leah did, though.
At our 30 minute lunch break, our coach bought us some tacos. omg it was so good.
I ate 2, everyone else ate like 1, and Cameron ate 5. o__o
THEN, we went exploring. The place is huge, btw. o; My friend & I almost got lost in the bathroom. lol.
it was pretty fun though. c:
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Veteran Fantagian

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Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]]   Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]] Icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 4:29 pm

Get lost...? In the bathroom...?

That must be huggeee.
Anyway awesome. c:
How dare people eat only 1 taco?! Then again it means more for the 2 of you. XD
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Hero Fantagian

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Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]]   Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]] Icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 4:35 pm


psh 5? I woulda ate like 7 ;]

Sounds like it was fun even if you didn't win a ribbon.

I woulda enjoyed it after the depression of losing left me LOL
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Hero Fantagian

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Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]]   Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]] Icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 4:44 pm

Some interesting! Good job...
I wish i was there*
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PostSubject: Re: Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]]   Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]] Icon_minitime

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Math Olympiad. [[ 11/5/11 ]]
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