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 Homestuxk Act 1 Part 1( My verison)

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**♥ Anni Hart♥**
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**♥ Anni Hart♥**

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PostSubject: Homestuxk Act 1 Part 1( My verison)   Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 7:22 pm

I decided I'm going to make it so if you don't know who it is go to the link ->

Okay lets get started!

A very young girl sits in her bedroom all alone. What will her name be?

FARMINNA BUBBLESTINK X! Oh gues not! SORA ECHIA Yes lets go with that.

Your name is Sora. You like to play the computer. And grow gardens. You like to draw BUT YOUR NOT VERY GOOD AT IT.
Your faviortie color is black and blue and many weird colors. Your mother died so you are with your father. YOU HAVE BLACK HAIR WITH BLUE EYES. And you have GREEN GLASSES. And you EXTREMELY LOVE CATS
Sora stares at her beta worried. She thinks " What if I lose it?!!?" Oh look Sora one of your friends is pestering you!

Bubbleblast has began pestering EctoSkull

BB: Sora Sora guess what?
ES: Please don't tell me EB is looking at one of his stupid movies.. >_>
BB: Who really cares about that.. I just wanted your attention
ES: Wow really >o>
BB: Anyways did you get the beta yet?
ES: Dude of course I did what do you think?
BB :c Oh.. I didn't get mines yet..
ES: Aw man.. well good luck getting one!
BB: Okay thanks I have to go!
ES Ok bye!

Bubbleblast has stopped pestering EctoSkull

Ugh,Another one of your friends is pestering you..Oh well the dude will have to hold his horses.
Today is your birthday you see a litte note with a present on top of your drawer. You pick it up and read it: Happy birthday Angel I'm so proud of you!
You rip open the package and peer into the box. You jump happily you finally get those new glasses you want! You decide to remodel your room. You stare at your room disgusted your room is filled with horrible drawings and stuffed animals. Well,atleast your not one of those retards who have stuffed dragons and um.. well who cares anyways. You look outside your window. Ah... Your favorite Blue pogo-stick is smiling at you. But when you were younger you thought that was always creepy. You pick up your KnifeKind you don't go out the house without that. But people try to stay away from you, because of your KnifeKind. You open your gold chest. It has in it a bunch of junk,wow you need to clean this. The Chest contains: Needle and thread Fake arms A large How to book and one of your friends packages. WAIT WHAT!?! You rip open the package! Something smelly and slimy is in here.. OH GOD YES! Its one of the REAL SNAKE SKINS! You FELL LIKE HUGGING IT BUT you can't.. You Can't...

You Capalouge your snake skins in your sylladex but you have no idea what that means however..
But seriosly you should go check the mail-UGH your dad is from the store! UGH HE ALREADY BEAT you TO THE MAIL! You decide to stay in your room because if you went outside to get it that would be a waste of TIME! You decide to talk to your friend and check out MSPAINT adventure the best website ever created.

EctoBioligist began pestering EctoSkull

ES: o.o
EB: oH my god your on sorry my dad beat me to the mail!
ES: IKR mines to <3
EB: whats the heart for? lol couldn't you have did this ->♥
EB: Okay okay Ms. Bunny rabit
ES: I'm going to crush your head-Goodbye =_=
Eb: Awie No wait!

EctoSkull has logged off

DerpZena Began Trolling EctonSkull
Hmm? Whats this Sora? Somone is trolling you!

Last edited by **♥ Anni Hart♥** on Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:12 am; edited 4 times in total
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Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuxk Act 1 Part 1( My verison)   Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 7:23 pm

Welp, there's alot of spelling errors+grammar errors. [[I need to pm you how my character types+chum handle lol]] but it's awesome. : D
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Veteran Fantagian

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Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuxk Act 1 Part 1( My verison)   Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 7:29 pm

it's good for episode 1
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Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuxk Act 1 Part 1( My verison)   Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 7:31 pm

There's a few grammar errors, with homophones; especially. There are also a lot of spelling mistakes in there, like "favorite" or, "favourite" in British English. You really don''t have to say how the character looks, or thinks. And everything is happening too quickly. Don't you mean chapter one?
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**♥ Anni Hart♥**
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**♥ Anni Hart♥**

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Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuxk Act 1 Part 1( My verison)   Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 7:35 pm

Mr.Taost wrote:
There's a few grammar errors, with homophones; especially. There are also a lot of spelling mistakes in there, like "favorite" or, "favourite" in British English. You really don''t have to say how the character looks, or thinks. And everything is happening too quickly. Don't you mean chapter one?

I fixed the title thats all c:
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Homestuxk Act 1 Part 1( My verison)   Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 7:50 pm

This is really awesome!!!!! Please pm me if you need additional information, like what Ani said.
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Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuxk Act 1 Part 1( My verison)   Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 8:12 pm

Mr.Taost wrote:
There's a few grammar errors, with homophones; especially. There are also a lot of spelling mistakes in there, like "favorite" or, "favourite" in British English. You really don''t have to say how the character looks, or thinks. And everything is happening too quickly. Don't you mean chapter one?
Don't you mean act 1? Wink
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Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuxk Act 1 Part 1( My verison)   Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 8:16 pm

Ani wrote:
Mr.Taost wrote:
There's a few grammar errors, with homophones; especially. There are also a lot of spelling mistakes in there, like "favorite" or, "favourite" in British English. You really don''t have to say how the character looks, or thinks. And everything is happening too quickly. Don't you mean chapter one?
Don't you mean act 1? Wink

god im so stupid
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PostSubject: Re: Homestuxk Act 1 Part 1( My verison)   Homestuxk Act  1 Part 1( My verison) Icon_minitime

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