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 Homestuxk Act 1 part 2 ( my verison)

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**♥ Anni Hart♥**
Regular Fantagian
**♥ Anni Hart♥**

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Homestuxk Act 1 part 2 ( my verison) Empty
PostSubject: Homestuxk Act 1 part 2 ( my verison)   Homestuxk Act 1 part 2 ( my verison) Icon_minitimeSat Nov 12, 2011 6:40 pm

You decide to leave your computer alone for a while. You pick up your KnifeKind and put in it in your sylladex. You go downstairs and smell something awful.. Ugh your dad is baking MEATLOAF! You go into the kitchen and see your dad with a huge pan of smelly meatloaf. You get your KnifeKind. And began to do the fight. After a few seconds you notice a smoke pellet on the floor! This might be your chance! You Capchulog the huge book and let it out. THE smoke pellets let out smoke everywhere! While your dad is trying get the smoke to go away. You safely crawl to get the table where the mail is and you see you're dad's PDA. You grab all the stuff and your needle and thread go flying. Oh well you might as well kiss that stuff goodbye. You run to you're to your room safely. You put down the the mail. No no no. Huh? You notice a green package on the floor of your mat. You open the present and see something small and furry.

Sorry it's so short My hand hurt..
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Homestuxk Act 1 part 2 ( my verison) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuxk Act 1 part 2 ( my verison)   Homestuxk Act 1 part 2 ( my verison) Icon_minitimeSat Nov 12, 2011 7:14 pm

It's nice, bur once again there are some spelling errors and grammar errors. It's "capalouge", I think lol.
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Homestuxk Act 1 part 2 ( my verison)
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