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 Visiting my sister [5/5/12]

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Passionate Fantagian

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Visiting my sister [5/5/12] Empty
PostSubject: Visiting my sister [5/5/12]   Visiting my sister [5/5/12] Icon_minitimeSat May 05, 2012 4:36 pm

So this morning I went to go visit my sister at the hospital before she got surgery on her wrist/arm I'm not sure. She broke it yesterday morning because she got in a car accident. She forgot about what happened and she often forgets things. What I'm really mad about is that the police didn't even care if my mom got hurt.
Ok, back on to today.
We were talking for a while until the nurse came in and said it was time for the surgery. My mom and I were just sitting around waiting for it to be over. After they finished my dad came to pick me up to bring me home. My mom stayed with my sister and she is still with her right now. They said they might let her come home today but they're still not sure.
So now I'm just hoping my mom will go see a doctor later on today and that nothing bad happens to her when she goes to court. I really hope my sister gets well soon. c:

Last edited by EatsRainbows on Sat May 05, 2012 4:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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Visiting my sister [5/5/12] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visiting my sister [5/5/12]   Visiting my sister [5/5/12] Icon_minitimeSat May 05, 2012 4:44 pm

Aw. I really hope both you mom and sister are okay. Once I read about someone who got in a car accident, and they are still here today. I'm sure your sister and mom are okay.

Did you get hurt or did you just get informed about this by your dad or mom or etc?
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Passionate Fantagian

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Visiting my sister [5/5/12] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visiting my sister [5/5/12]   Visiting my sister [5/5/12] Icon_minitimeSat May 05, 2012 4:51 pm

Abstract wrote:
Aw. I really hope both you mom and sister are okay. Once I read about someone who got in a car accident, and they are still here today. I'm sure your sister and mom are okay.

Did you get hurt or did you just get informed about this by your dad or mom or etc?

Thanks and I was at school when this happened. When I got home from school my mom told me my sister was in the hospital and they got in a car accident. My mom wasn't seriously injured like my sister, my mom only got cuts and bruises but we're still worried because my sister said she might be bleeding from inside her head or something.
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PostSubject: Re: Visiting my sister [5/5/12]   Visiting my sister [5/5/12] Icon_minitime

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