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 The Haunted Hospital ( Very Short Story )

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Veteran Fantagian

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The Haunted Hospital ( Very Short Story ) Empty
PostSubject: The Haunted Hospital ( Very Short Story )   The Haunted Hospital ( Very Short Story ) Icon_minitimeWed Feb 06, 2013 5:20 am

The Haunted Hospital~

I was in the hospital staying with my sick mother. I was staying with her side until she fall a sleep then I just go to sleep too. Then when I hear noise '' to-tot-to-tot-to-tot'' At first its still a soft sound until it become louder and louder. I woke up nervously and looked at my mother. That sound I heard suddenly gone so I think its only a dream.

That time I got thirsty so I go outside the room and will gonna asked to a nurse to where I got get some water. When I was in the Aisle, I started to have a bad feeling while I'am at the Aisle. The lights are starting to turned on and off. I ran into the nurse that I saw but when I grabbed her back for help, she faced me slowly and then I just saw that her face is like a Zombie.

I ran towards the room of where my mother is sleeping. I hug her and cry. I looked at my mother's face but then I saw blood all over her face! I shout and shout but to my dismay all people that looked like a zombie came inside the room and coming towards me. Then a wall block me so I don't have any choice but to close my eyes. I closed it then I just felt someone is touching me already. But then I heard someone is calling my name. '' Josey! Josey! I opened my eyes and then I just realize it was just a dream.

Hope you liked it!.
And BTW I know my grammars are bad so please check some grammars for me. ^^ I would be glad. :>
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