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 Side Effects ; RP APPs.

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Side Effects ; RP APPs. Empty
PostSubject: Side Effects ; RP APPs.   Side Effects ; RP APPs. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 05, 2013 4:27 pm

*Based on a story I am currently writing...<3
You live in a fairly small village, ruled by an old & very wise ruler. Everything is going good when suddenly a terrible plague breaks out. The ruler, Cornelius Winsted (I wanted to make him sound lik professional n stuffz), has chosen a handful of people to search for the Root of Illusion. The Root of Illusion is a flower root that is supposed to cure all diseases/illnesses, but no one has ever been able to find it. That is because it is on a secret island that was once hidden but is no longer. You and the other chosen ones must go to this island, which is now named "Illusion" because it is not a normal island. There are carnivorous plants and many other oddities. Once you find the Root, however, that is when the "fun" begins. It turns out, once you eat it, strange side effects begin to happen. Some of you will be able to fly, shape shift, become invisible... anything can happen. You may even turn into a potato! Another twist: If you cannot rid of the side effects within 13 days, they will become permanent. And there is only 1 way to do that; you must befriend the natives of "Illusion". Seems like an easy task, doesn't it? But it's not. The natives do not like foreigners coming to their island, taking their things. They are a small group of people who have learned to live off the environment, and are usually very kind. But they don't appreciate rudeness and lose respect for others easily. They also have short tempers and will not tolerate people who are unkind to them. It will take a lot to make peace with them, and then you will have to convince them to make the medicine to cure your side effects.
[b]How you feel about the foreigners:[/b]
[b]Have the plague?[/b](if so, how long)[b]:[/b]
[b]Your side effect[/b](only answer if you had the plague)[b]:[/b]
Name: Taryn Airing
Age: 16
Gender: F
Have the plague?(if so, how long): Yes; had for 2 months, near death.
Your side effect(only answer if you had the plague): Light blue skin and telekinesis.
Biography(optional): Rest later
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Side Effects ; RP APPs. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Side Effects ; RP APPs.   Side Effects ; RP APPs. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 05, 2013 7:49 pm

Name:Amaya Chiharu
Have the plague?(if so, how long):Yes, for 1 month (i really did not know how long)
Your side effect(only answer if you had the plague):for some reason, can throw out anything out out her hands like wind, fire, water, etc, etc (natrual things)
Personality:Whines a lot, talks too much, and is very annoying.

i just looked at pictures of the plague and it will haunt me for life
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