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 Boarding School ~Role Play

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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Boarding School ~Role Play   Boarding School ~Role Play Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2013 1:09 pm

Mirai: Naomi
Janelle: Jessica
Miranda<3: London
Asuna: Sophia
Angelina: Kerri
Primrose: Rachel

Alright! Lets get to role playing~ You start off meeting your roomate. 1st year is rooms 120-200, 2nd year is 201-279 and last year is 280-344. You all have 2 other roomates and you can be room mates with other girls in the role play if you like Smile I'll start. **Renimber You have to get ready for orientation!!**

London went serching for her room. It had it on her ID card in her wallet. "Okay 123, 124,125....." The card said her name her dorm number and her classes. "Found it! 143!" She said proud of herself. She slid the card for the lock thingie and walked in. It had light pink walls and had some posters that some other girls probably put on there. There was some gold fish crackers with a ribion that said To New Room Mate! Love the cutest girls IN THE WORLDDD!! London smiled. Then a 2 girls walked out of the rest room. "Ugh, I can't seem to get my hair right for orientation! It'll be my first impression and I wanna show everyone up Lala!" The girl with brown hair said to the girl with the dark hair named Lala. "Oh! Hi. I'm Lala and this is Nancy! We got here a bit early 'cause we took the bus." Lala said. "Yes, so what's your name?" Nancy said to London. "I'm London..." London said shy. "Nice name! Mine and Nancy's are kinda boring... I wonder how my name would be like if it was Asia..." Lala said. "Hey! My name is wonderful!!" Nancy yelled. "Here let me curl your hair my mom worked at a salon so I can do your toe nails and hair for orientation." Lala smiled and took the curling iron. "Your hair is so nice and blond..." Nancy said with the straighten iron in her hair. Maybe this year will be okay.
Nancy(top) and Lala (botumn):
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Boarding School ~Role Play   Boarding School ~Role Play Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2013 1:17 pm

{My room-mates are going to be NPCs that I control.}

Kerri stood in-front of her room. It had a metal plate that had the numbers 284 carved into it. Excited, Kerri quickly looked down at her pamphlet, double-checking the number. "This is it!" She giggled, using her keys to open the door. Surely enough, it creaked open, and she pulled her two brown suitcases in. She examined the room, in awe. "Wow! It's so much bigger than last year's!" She smiled. "Looks like I'm the first one here. Wonder where the two other gals are..Might as well claim my bed!" There was a bunk-bed and a single bed. Kerri decided to choose the single bed. She had slept in a bunk bed too many times when she was at home, and they made her feel concealed and crowded. Kerri dropped her two medium-sized brown suitcases on the bed, and flipped them open. "I should get settled in before the other gals come!" She chuckled to herself.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Boarding School ~Role Play   Boarding School ~Role Play Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2013 1:32 pm

London's toes and hair was done and her uniform was straight. "Okay one last piece if your going to be in our dorm you need this hair clip." Nancy said. It was a pink flower clip. London put in in. "Nice. We all look perfect for our first impressions! Anyways what club are you guys going to join?" Lala asked. "I will be in Fashion club and crafting club. Because I like making clothes and learning about fashion." London said. "I'm going to be in basketball club and crafting club." Lala said and gave her a High five. "I'm going to be in crafting club and try out for the cheer team." Nancy said. "Watch this." and Nancy did a double back flip and landed on her tippie toes straight. "Nice." London said. "Okay guys lets take the stairs down to the the stage room." Lala said. They ran towards the steps and went to the stage room early. And got good seats.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Boarding School ~Role Play   Boarding School ~Role Play Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2013 1:37 pm

Just as Kerri was about to start unpacking, the door burst open and two almost identical looking girls poured into the room, stopping their conversation about puppies as soon as they saw her. "Hello!" Kerri sang cheerfully, "I'm Kerri, your other roommate! Pleased to meet 'cha!" The girls' stone expressions immediately turned into smilies. "Hi!" one of the girls began. "I'm Simone, and this is my sister, Bridget! We're identical twins. She has brown eyes, though, while I have blue!" "Oh! I see!" Kerri smiled, holding her hand out to Bridget, who shook it immediately.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Boarding School ~Role Play   Boarding School ~Role Play Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2013 2:02 pm

They sat down at the fourth row and watched as they set up. They started texting each others numbers. "Wow, a Nokia Lumiac! London that's for photography!" Lala said. "Well my father is a co-presdent of Samsung." London said. "That's sooo cool!!" Nancy said.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Boarding School ~Role Play   Boarding School ~Role Play Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2013 11:36 am

"You guys can take the bunk-beds!" Kerri said, pointing to the bunk bed across the room. "Sure! Just like at home." Simone's blue eyes glowed with excitement, while Bridget just nodded, a small smile creeping up her face. Kerri watched as Simone took the top bunk, and Bridget climbed into the bottom one. Their suitcases remained at the door. "We'll unpack later. Hey, wanna exchange numbers?" Simone asked Kerri. Kerri nodded, taking out her iPhone. "You've got an iPhone? LUCKY!" Simone shouted. She took out her Samsung Galaxy s4. "I've got this stupid Samsung!" She pouted. "Bridget has the iPhone 4s, though. She was smart enough to choose it. I listened to the dumb commercials!" "Oh, this is just the iPhone 3." Kerri sweat-dropped.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Boarding School ~Role Play   Boarding School ~Role Play Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2013 4:10 pm

"About an hour till' it starts..." London said playing happy jump on her phone. "Do you guys want to go around and serch around the school?" Lala said. "Yes!" They both said.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Boarding School ~Role Play   Boarding School ~Role Play Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2013 4:18 pm

"It's still an iPhone!" Simone pouts. "Here, put your number into my phone, I'll put mine into yours!" Simone snatched Kerri's phone, and dialled her number. Kerri did the same to Simone's phone, and then the same with Bridget. "Well, now it'll be easier to contact each other!" Kerri laughed. Bridget was concentrated on something on her phone. "What're you doing?" She asked Bridget. Bridget looked up. "I'm playing Temple Run." She whispered, returning to her game. Simone rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. "She just LOOOVES video games." Simone sighed, and Kerri laughed, looking at a red-faced Bridget.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Boarding School ~Role Play   Boarding School ~Role Play Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2013 5:24 pm

Rachel found her room and opened the door. Room 329. Rachel had made sure her parents payed extra money to allow her to expand her room. They had made her room bigger in summer vacations. Rachel was going to make sure that her room-mates pay her for the bigger room. There was one bed and a bunker. She took the bed and sighed. She took out her iPhone 5 and called a nearby decoration store. She made a long order of bedsheets, bedspreads, wallpaper, lamps, wall paint and more. A few minutes after, someone rung her door. 6 workers in uniform came into her room, with multiple boxes and bags.
Rachel went into her bathroom and put on her uniform. She tied her hair into a high ponytail and went outside. The workers were setting up the room - putting wallpaper, painting walls, placing decorations, doing the beds, and more. They left about twenty minutes later. She placed the mini-fridge between the bunker-beds and her bed. Then she placed a mirror on top and decorated the mini-fridge with colorful magnets. "Perfectly perfect!"
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Boarding School ~Role Play   Boarding School ~Role Play Icon_minitimeSun Aug 11, 2013 2:27 pm

At the school they looked at the lunch area and got to know some staff. "Only 56 mins...." Lala said. "I still have some unpacking to do.. you guys probably don''t want to help me with my sheets and closet..." London said. "Of course we do!" Nancy said. They went back to their dorm and decorated the walls and personalized London's bed and closet.
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