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 Seashell [[RP APPS]]

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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 17, 2013 8:46 pm


You have broken the laws of reincarnation.  Somehow, you remember everything from your past life-- your relatives, your friends, your job, your school... It's simple, and the only way this is possible is through a tiny blue flower.  This flower is known as the forget-me-not.  It had to have been touching somewhere on your body, otherwise all your memories would have been lost in your new life.  

But there's a catch to this little reincarnation thing.  

You don't want this new body you've been put in.

It doesn't fit you.  You didn't get to choose it.  You don't want it.  You don't like it.  Maybe it's because it's too old, or too young, or too rich, or too poor.  Perhaps it's not even the body, instead, the world surrounding it.  Whatever it is, you don't want to be in it.  Sadly, getting out of it isn't as easy as you think.  

In order to leave, you must fill in that person's life goal.  You took their body.  Now, you must pay the price and pay them back, too.  Once you do that, your soul will be free and you may ascend to the second death world.  Awesome, right?  ...And no, you don't have that body's memories, unfortunately.  Only your own!

One more thing-- you'll have a pretty little flower shaped birthmark wherever you left the forget-me-not on your body.  I guess that's a good part to it!

....Welp, since that's over, I wish you the best of luck on your journey.



My App:
Rules will be added later on.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.  This may be confusing or incredibly crappy since I only had a few minutes.

((this is off magnithus, the original one is here in case you want to join.  Ask to recreate.  Thanks!

Last edited by Klaviel on Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:29 am; edited 2 times in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 17, 2013 8:57 pm

could i use my app that i had already made on magnithus?
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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 17, 2013 8:58 pm

Elliot wrote:
could i use my app that i had already made on magnithus?
sure go ahead
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Veteran Fantagian

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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 17, 2013 9:06 pm

longest app known to earth right here
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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2013 11:30 am

Accepted! I'll add you in right now.
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Expert Fantagian

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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2013 3:04 pm

First Life Name:Bob Lemon.
First Life Sexuality:Straight
Second Life Gender: Female
Second Life Age:24
Second Life Name:Lilly Happy
Second Life Job (if any):Servant
Second Life Appearance (include where your flower is): The flower is on her leg at the top and she has Brownish Blondish hair and has green gem eyes.
Second Life Goal:To become the best citizen in the world.
First Life Personality:Bob Lemon loved his life he was popular in school and became the best person known on earth untill someone was so jelous They planned to rob him and murder him Bob Lemon loved children and his Children were good Children he had 1 son and 1 daughter and they weren't enmies they were like bffs.He never got bullied even his children didn't
Why don't you like this body?: Because she thinks she'll never turn out like her 1st life.
Roleplay Example: Emma came into the room and looked for her bestie Sally,Sally was at a unkown house Emma phoned the police and Sally wallked out the house drunken and beaten up and went asleep outside Emma's house,In the morning when Emma came out she saw Sally and looked after her inside.
Other info:???
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2013 3:13 pm

First Life Name: Jayden Correl
First Life Gender: Female
First Life Sexuality: Straight
Second Life Gender: Female
Second Life Name: Hayley Jones
Second Life Age: (15+) 16
Second Life Job (if any): Hayley works in the drive-through at a fast food restaurant. Sometimes she is hired to sing in high-class restaurants.
Second Life Appearance (include where your flower is): Hayley has long blonde hair and long bangs. Her tips fade into a dark brown. Her eyes are a light blue-grey with some golden dots. She has lots of freckles and is a bit chubby, making her look younger. She's tall, about 5'6. She has a classy style. She wears blouses and dresses and loves light blue shorts and jeans, specially if they look a bit distressed and a bit broken. She's got soft and smooth skin. She doesn't wear much make-up, but black eyeliner, mascara and a little bit of blush is her everyday look. Her flower is a pastel pink, and you can find it on her right ankle. However, she usually covers it with makeup. The flower's color really blends in so it is barely noticed.
Second Life Goal: To be a hairstylist.
First Life Personality: Jayden was a 13-year-old girl who was obsessed with electronic music. She would wear headphones all day and play with her phone. Jayden wasn't exactly good at socializing or schoolwork. She would get bad grades at school and was a troublemaker.
Why don't you like this body?: Hayley has a beautiful singing voice, however, Jayden absolutely hates music, except electronic. Jayden can't stand working or being a 'good girl'.
Roleplay Example:
Extra Info: Jayden died at 13 years of age, when she followed her parents and spied on them while recording with her phone. Her parents got in the car and she sneaked into the back trunk which was filled with heavy luggage. It turned out they had planned a surprise trip to Hawaii. She died when a bag pressed against her chest and lungs, and another one fell on her face and crushed her. All of this has been recorded on video. Somehow, Hayley has that video in her phone.
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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2013 3:26 am

@Purple: Declined, sorry.

@Primrose: Accepted. I'll add you in.
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Expert Fantagian

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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2013 3:49 am

Sad iv'e got declined accept for 1 :l Sad(
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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 9:22 am

?? sorry?? its not rly my fault,,
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 10:18 am

Can we start now pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 12:47 pm

I'm going to wait until we get a few more people.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2013 11:46 pm

i'm using my old app from magnithus b/c i'm a lazy baby
put app under spoiler b/c i'm too lazy to censor it rn so wARNIng there is osme cussing i think i forgot

ew grosse:
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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 23, 2013 1:22 am

Accepted, I will add you in. Once another person joins, I'll start the roleplay.
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Seashell [[RP APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seashell [[RP APPS]]   Seashell [[RP APPS]] Icon_minitime

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Seashell [[RP APPS]]
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