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PostSubject: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2013 6:49 pm

The year is 2022. The U.S.--which is where you live-- has been reborn and is now ruled by the "New Founding Fathers of America". To maintain low crime and unemployment rates throughout the year, the government has instituted an annual event called the Purge. This event is kind of hard to explain, so listen carefully. The Purge begins on June 30th at exactly 5 P.M. At 5 A.M. the next morning, it is over. Then it begins again at 5 P.M. THAT night, ending at 5 A.M. the NEXT morning. This keeps going until July 7th at exactly 5 A.M. At that time, the Purge is over until the next year. Understood? (In the movie, the Purge only lasted for 1 night each year. I changed this because, if I didn't, the RP would be way too short.)
Anyway, while the Purge is on, this means that any crime is commitable without punishment. Murder, theft, whatever. It's all legal. The Purge is designed to act as a catharsis for the American people, so that they may vent all negative emotions however they desire. This is your chance to go crazy. Or not. It's up to you. Just remember this: you can't trust anyone.
( - I used this site to write some of that stuffz b/c I never watched the movie)
The application forms are coming up
**Remember to follow all general RP rules, I'm too lazy to write out my own set of rules so... yeah.**
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2013 6:56 pm

I watched the movie in the theaters, it was really funny but freaky at the same time. (I laugh at horror movies, but I love horror at the same time) I am going to join when the apps are out.
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2013 7:05 pm

do you mind if i reserve a spot??? i remember we were going to do something like this on magnithus, but i dont think anyone ever did get to it
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2013 7:07 pm

Orca wrote:
I watched the movie in the theaters, it was really funny but freaky at the same time. (I laugh at horror movies, but I love horror at the same time) I am going to join when the apps are out.
The apps are out right now c;

[b]ANY FAMILY?[/b]
~Also, the setting is in a busy city. Please write down whether your character lives in an apartment, has his/her own house, or whatever. Then put the address. Unless he/she is a homeless person or something.~

@Anna's I don't mind!
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2013 7:39 pm

NAME? Kayla Jennings
AGE? 17
GENDER? Female
SEXUALITY? Straight, Conservative
ANY FAMILY? Yes a mom, dad died of skin cancer (sun screen does wonders children)
ANY FRIENDS? Yes, Stacy and Kenzie
WILL YOU PARTICIPATE IN THE PURGE? She thinks she might go to the mall. She plans to bring a gun with extra amo and pepper spray. Her mom is going to get Kayla and herself a car.
PERSONALITY? She is smart, courageous, wise, but yet a little soft spoken
APPEARANCE? She also has some light blue highlights, likes to wear her make up and hair and clothes like this:
hair makeup clothes:
BIOGRAPHY? She lives in a house around downtown. Her mom has always been very scared of the purge. She keeps some extra supplies in the basement in a locked safe. Kayla mom is a well known lawyer. Her dad was a social studies teacher for 10th grade at a private school. Kayla is going to beauty school this year. She loves make up and hair and wants to spread her wisdom to the world.

Last edited by अनंत♥ on Tue Nov 26, 2013 5:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2013 7:53 pm

NAME?Henrietta Kwon (call her Henny)
ANY FAMILY?She has a twin brother.
PERSONALITY?Henny is very sweet and cheerful when around others, but alone she is different. She still acts cheerful, but in a different way. Maybe even a horrifying way. She is not depressed. She did not turn dark from being "depressed". She thinks it is wonderful to feel this way, and she does not understand that it is a horrible thing to be. Though she is a very fun person to be around when she is not acting crazy. She rarely acts odd unless she is alone or with her brother. She can hide her feelings very well.
APPEARANCE?He hair is originally blond, but it is all dyed bright blue. it is long and wavy. She is short for her age, and thin. Around people she knows, Henny wears cute dresses and bows. But alone, she just wears jackets and jeans. She also wears contacts, but in night when awake she wears glasses.
BIOGRAPHY?Henny was adopted by a loving family. A mother, a brother, and a father. Though one year in the purge, someone broke into their house before lock down. They killed her parents. They live in an old apartment building, close to a ghetto.
ANYTHING ELSE?Her dad had a hunting gun. (forget what it is called) She has never used it before, and is pretty bad at aiming. She has bad eye sight. She has never actually killed anyone, though she has tried to do it before. She treats her  brother nicley, but only in public and right before school starts because she is tired.

ANY FAMILY?his twin sister
ANY FRIENDS?yes. He is friends with three people, though they are not going to be named.
PERSONALITY? He is shy, and keeps his emotions to himself. He is actually pretty used to it by now. At school, he is known as the quiet guy who never talks or works with parterns. The only time he can not keep his emotions inside is when something trully horrible has happened. When Scott is in a good mood, he seems to not take anything seriously and talks a little more than usual.
APPEARANCE? Yellow-ish blond hair, with lots of bangs poking out of his head. Like his sister, he is short and skinny. He wears jackets and sweat shirts with hoodies to hide his face, and wears really any pants he has.
BIOGRAPHY? The same night his parents died, Scott was shot in the leg.  Though it was awfully close to when the purge was ending, so his friends parent got to take him to the hospital.
ANYTHING ELSE? Scott thinks that Henny is becoming insane, but he is too scared to say it. He can't stand looking at blood, though he has been forced to see it a lot. As much as he hates his sister, he loves her too much to give her up.

As you can see, these two are very close to each other.

Last edited by Orca on Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:37 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Officer Number Two
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2013 9:45 pm

Will finish soon
NAME?Christina Jones
ANY FAMILY?Her mom and dad died in a purge. She has her sister, May, who is 17.
ANY FRIENDS?She is very popular and all the kids know her, but for a special reason. Her best friend is June, who is also 16.
WILL YOU PARTICIPATE IN THE PURGE?Why, yes. A week before the purge, Christina tells every kid in the entire city or whereever she sees one to come to the school before the purge, and to bring weapons. Then they totally wreck the school and any other one if the kids are from more than one school. Afterwards they have about enough damage to win them a vacation of at least a few days, and sometimes weeks or months, depending on the amount of kids who are willing to risk their lives. But Christina is good. She releases rats into the school, smashes lights out, rips the wires out of the fuse boxes, steals the school supplies and anything that would buy them a nice vacation.
PERSONALITY?Christina is rebelious and has a problem with holding in her temper. She can hold it for a really long tims, but sometimes enough is enough. She's nice to everyone, and feels that the purge was a poor excuse to trying to control themselves. It's not that simple to her. She is understanding and caring, but not one to hesitate. She will kill without a second thought. Steal. She never doubts what she does, because doubt is her worst enemy. She is independent and a leader, so she is okay with teaming up with others. She is very popular because of her history with the purge, but isn't snobby. She is intelligent, but not academically. She is good with computers and hacking and is sneaky as a sneakaroo Razz. She is good at gymnastics.
APPEARANCE?Long brown har and green eyes She is tall and strong, and isn't too skinny or too chubby. She has pale skin and she likes to wear t shirts and jeans.
BIOGRAPHY?Christina was born into a family with nice parents and siblings. They were always good-natured people and were one of those picture perfect upper middle class families. When Christina met June when they were little, they became best friends. But soon enough came the time when Christina and June first heard about the purge. June was estatic and wanted to become a first-class criminal every time. Christina was the opposite. So Christina's family went on vacation to Mexico until the week was over. They brought everything they owned with them so that no one would bother to rob their house. It went well, for a few years, until Christina turned 12. Her parents lost their jobs, and a lot of money. They had to move to an ugly old town as soon as possible, and Christina never got a chance to even say goodbye. June was completely unaware of this; and she lived in the same place. Christina's family created a safe house for five dollars a day people would be able to hide with them. So when the purge came, and June was out to start some murders and robberies, she heard about the safe house, full of people hiding with their valuables. Finding this a gold mine, June's family went to Christina's house, unaware of who lived there. Inside were 16 people, and Christina's family. June killed everyone but Christina's family, but her parents killed Christina's parents. Christina and May hid in the closet, to be found my none other than June herself. She told them to stay hidden and June reported that no one was left in the house. Christina and May lived there ever since, and June would visit them at times to bring them food when times were tough. Eventually Christina came up with her school-destroying idea and June helped her make it big. So to this day Christina destroys schools every purge.
ANYTHING ELSE?Christina is a fast runner.

Last edited by Cookie~ on Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:07 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2013 10:08 pm

This movie was really interesting..I have to join this RP.

NAME? Mandarine (Mandara) Somphson
AGE? 15
GENDER? Female
ANY FAMILY? She lives with her Mother, Step-Father, and two step-siblings, Trish and Trist. (They're twins; girl and boy.)
ANY FRIENDS? Not really. She has a few girls in her regular social group with whom she eats lunch with, but other than that, she doesn't have any friends that she can depend on and trust. She doesn't really mind this, though, claiming friendship isn't seen as a very important aspect of life in her eyes. She believes friends use you, then dump you, and the cycle begins with a new set.
WILL YOU PARTICIPATE IN THE PURGE? Yes. This is her first purge, -Her family just moved from Eastern Canada to the USA- and she's very excited to vent out of anger without getting thrown into jail. She's made a plan and is ready to go. Her family is unaware of her plans for this year's purge.
PERSONALITY? Mandarine is bland and boring. She follows fads and basically what goes. She doesn't like standing out and believes humans who constantly get tattoos and dye their hair are disgraceful to the gift God's given them. She's very religious and her religious beliefs have led her to countless arguments. Whenever she does something, she does it in the name of the lord. She's quite weird and ignored by her classmates. In fact, they barely know she exists at all. When she eats lunch with them, she's a listener rather than a talker. She spends most of her time looking up old murder cases of the past, and writing unseen reports on them. She's obsessed with violence and often unleashes her anger on animals and nature. She once drowned a rabbit and abused many pigeons before getting found out by her parents, whom grounded her and barely let her out of the house.
APPEARANCE? Mandarine has long, light blonde hair -almost white- that is straight and becomes wavy, then eventually curly. It reaches just below her waist. Her skin is porcelain pale, as well as her lips. Her nose is very small and is splattered with a few orange freckles. Her nails are brittle, but she doesn't care. Her eyes are a deep blue filled with mystery, and hate. She usually wears big sun hats and old style dresses.
BIOGRAPHY? Mandarine was born in Eastern Canada. Her father died when she was three months old in a car crash. Her mother re-married a millionaire when she was about 10 years old, and he had also lost his wife in a car crash. Her had two five year olds, -the twins, Trish and Trist- and they all formed a big, happy, five member family. They moved to Canada in April due to business, and were surprised to learn about the purge. They had doubts, but decided that since they could afford protection, they'd be safe.
ANYTHING ELSE? She's allergic to broccoli, has a phobia of the sunlight and usually wears a very frightful red mask with devil markings when her parents aren't around.
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeMon Nov 25, 2013 6:40 pm

Save me a spot please
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeMon Nov 25, 2013 7:56 pm

Okiedokie, Primrose!
(Wow, wasn't expecting so many applications, I will read them all tomorrow and accept them, since I have to go now.)
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeMon Nov 25, 2013 8:14 pm

I have a question:

Are we allowed to make another character during the RP if our other one dies?
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2013 10:18 am

@Orca - Sure! Make as many characters as you want.

__MY APP__
NAME? Veronica Ingrid Samuelson (she goes by V and HATES her middle name.)
AGE? 18 y/o
GENDER? Female of course.
ANY FAMILY? Well, yes, but she killed her close family (parents and little brother,) so basically no.
WILL YOU PARTICIPATE IN THE PURGE? Duh. Veronica loves the Purge.
PERSONALITY? To sum it up? Twisted. Veronica hates people, animals, bright colors, and so much more. She loves horror movies/scary books and anything that involves violence or pain. She enjoys pain so much that she even inflicts it upon herself; both physically and mentally. Veronica does not trust anyone, and it is suggested that nobody trusts her, either. She knows how to use people, then turn on them. She has almost no sense of humor, but she does laugh at her own jokes (which are always dark.) Ever since she killed her parents, it's like the only emotions she can feel are anger/hatred and sadness. Occasionally, she does regret causing her parent's death, but no one knows this. Veronica hasn't felt love after that day, but another thing nobody knows is that she secretly WANTS to feel love. But before she can do that, she needs to remember how to love others and she must find out how to let go of the past. Also, Veronica was always home-schooled because she would not pay attention in class, or was disrespectful to the teachers. So the day that she killed her parents was also the day that she basically "dropped out" of school. This is why she is not very good at math or language arts; instead, she has street smarts.
APPEARANCE? Veronica is deathly pale, skinny, and very tall. Her narrow eyes are bright blue and her thin, black eyebrows have a high arch. Her eyelashes are naturally thick and, frankly, beautiful. Veronica has a button nose, but a pointy chin. She almost never smiles, but when she does, it makes her look insane (which really fits her!) Her jet black hair is waist-length and straight. The sides are framed unevenly around her face, done with a razor herself. Brown freckles are randomly scattered across her face. Veronica has 3 piercings; one nose piercing (on the right side of her nose) and dolphin bites. She has 365 cuts on both of her arms, the reason is because she cuts herself once every day. She started doing this the day after her parents died. It's been exactly a year since that day. Also, she has a gray tear tattooed just below her right eye.
Veronica's nails are painted silver. Her thin lips are always colored with blood red lipstick. She usually wears dark colored t-shirts with the names of screamo bands and ripped, gray skinny jeans tucked into her favorite black combat boots. There is always a ring on her right index finger-- and it is engraved with the initials Z. A. S. Those were her little brother's initials. She also wears a locket made of silver with pictures of him and their parents. On her left wrist is a black leather watch that used to belong to her father.
BIOGRAPHY? Up until last year, Veronica lives her life as a normal girl... almost. She wasn't AS evil as she is now, but you see, mental ilness runs in her family. All her life, she's had to deal with hallucinations. Sometimes she hears voices or sees things that aren't really there. They make her do horrible things. They even forced her to kill her own parents, right infront of her 6 year old brother. Veronica didn'twant him to run off and tell the cops or anything, so she killed him, too. After commiting their murders, she drove off far into the country and buried the bodies where nobody could find them. Then she drove back to the city and made a new home for herself in an abandoned house on Lincoln Avenue. She's never been the same since that day.
ANYTHING ELSE? She lives in an abandoned house by herself; the address is 611 Lincoln Avenue. The ugly old house is at a dead end, at the rundown part of the city. Also, she keeps a collection of weapons in her room. She bought them off of online shopping sites. Veronica was able to find out how to USE these weapons by a few quick Google, Bing, and Yahoo! searches. Veronica also learned things like where the human pressure points are and a couple of fighting moves.

Last edited by Simply Me on Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:16 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2013 4:01 pm

Name: Hannah Green
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Any family? Yes, she is very protective of her close family 1 set of girl twins, a mom and a dad.
Any Friends? 2 very close ones
Will you participate in the purge? Yes, but only to steal from close stores and if she sees anybody going to her house she will shoot them
Personality: She is very wacky but has a dark side if you dig deep enough. She calls herself a " geek because she loves sci-fi and doctor who. She is a animal lover and is always willing to help someone. She is an expert at combat and is an perfectionist.
Appearance: Her hair is half red half brown she has a nose ring she is 5ft 8 inches and her hair is down to her shoulders. She has purple eyes (look it up ), her style is very very bright colors round head, she is naturally tanned and skinny and has red lipstick and smokey eye shadow. She also has black nail polish.   
Biography: She was told at a young age about the purge and also was taught that she needs to protect and support her family. When she was 13 she went out for her first purge. She had aim with a gun great but needed to figure out how to pick locks so she went out to the library once it was over she pulled out every combat book in the library and read them until she knew them by heart. The next Purge she was able to steal 200 pounds in grocery's in total. She had been doing the purge ever since. When she died her hair red and got a nose ring her family was very, very afraid that she was going to kill them the next purge. They hid from her the entire time and during that time period she felt extremely lonely and they wouldn't come out. Her dark side comes from this time period.
anything else? nooooooope
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Officer Number Two
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2013 4:07 pm

I finished my app :3
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2013 4:37 pm

Colorora & Cookie = accepted!
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2013 4:40 pm

Simply Me wrote:
@Orca - Sure! Make as many characters as you want.

Okay! I changed my app a lot. My first character sounds like she had a lot of changes, but I just described her horribly the first time I made the app. I also added a boy character:3

I think that this will be an awesome RP!
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2013 5:09 pm

Simply Me wrote:
Colorora & Cookie = accepted!
Am I accepted? It I'm not tell me what to change please.
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dewey decimal system
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2013 5:14 pm

@Orca - Okay! You're still accepted x3

Please nobody ask when this RP will start, because I don't know yet. A lot of people have reserved spots so I'm going to wait until they finish their apps and I have finished mine aswell.
But, once I DO start, the RP will take place on the morning of June 29th (the day before the first Purge of the week!). This way our characters have time to arrange plans for the Purge or go out and meet the other characters, whatever.

अनंत♥ wrote:
Simply Me wrote:
Colorora & Cookie = accepted!
Am I accepted? It I'm not tell me what to change please.
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2013 6:29 pm

NAME? Venus Bent
AGE? 17
PERSONALITY? She's talkative, a chit-chatter. Not the smartest, or the "sharpest tool in the shed", but she can make almost anything into a weapon. She's great with guns, knives, and bows and arrows. Her mom also taught her to play violin, sing (she reaches extremely high notes), do ballet, play the piano and fence.
APPEARANCE? Long black hair, green eyes,
BIOGRAPHY? Her mother was always protective of her, since her father died in the Purge when she was 8. Her mom locked her up in her house. She was home-schooled. Venus was looking for freedom. One day, her mom was around the house, when Venus just ran away. With a gun, and some other things. Transitioning from a rich girl's life, to living in the streets was super tough. But she made it.


Last edited by Primrose on Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2013 8:23 pm

NAME? Marcus Barnaba
AGE? 20
SEXUALITY? Heterosexual
ANY FAMILY? He lives alone in an apartment building, but both his parents are alive, his dad injured (in a wheelchair) permanently.
ANY FRIENDS? not unless any1 wants to his friend then sure,...i mean he has a few college friends but thOse r npcs
WILL YOU PARTICIPATE IN THE PURGE? No, but he will defend himself if the time comes.  He's into sculpting, so it's not hard for him to make his own weapons.  He owns many wooden. spears and daggers. (unless u mean that me as in me will participate then definitely,,)
PERSONALITY? He was raised in a family that disciplined him for any bad deeds.  That led him to be aware of himself and his actions more often, especially with The Purge.  He's extremely desperate not to die, which one of the main causes why he tries to get people to like him. When he's annoyed by someone, he'd most likely confront the person (if he can do it a good way).  Most of him is very reasonable and persuasive, which is why he usually gets his way.  Since he witnessed his father murdering a man in self-defense, he's easily triggered by gore-- even little cuts.  He doesn't enjoy talking about such things. Overall, his true person is hidden, but expresses his natural self in a passive-aggressive way.

When he gets angry, nervous, or disappointed, his entire personality may change.  He might tell the truth in a nasty way, or put himself down repeatedly in certain situations.  He panics frequently and usually cries out of frustration.
APPEARANCE? Marcus has a scraggly and triangular body shape.  His upper muscles are fairly toned, however.  He styles his hay-colored hair lazily, letting his bangs fall into a wavy mess. (kind of like the old matt o learys hair... U feel) His eyes are hooded and hazel, against pale, red-toned skin. His features aren't too plain, yet they are very pointed.
BIOGRAPHY? whispers "no" silently......
ANYTHING ELSE?  He has a special hiding spot, buried under a creaking floor panel. (every apartment has two floors so yeh)

i feel weird rping a guy so idk but maybe ill make a chick later

im way too specific and use too many adjectives when im writing appearances ugh im a gay baby ok

Last edited by Anna on Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:10 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2013 8:48 pm

Am I accepted? You never said so.
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2013 9:30 pm

Winter wrote:
Am I accepted? You never said so.
Woops, I accepted you a while ago but I must've erased it accidentally >w<
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeWed Nov 27, 2013 11:47 am

Simply Me wrote:
Winter wrote:
Am I accepted? You never said so.
Woops, I accepted you a while ago but I must've erased it accidentally >w<
What about me? I asked and you never said anything...
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Expert Fantagian
dewey decimal system

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The PURGE *RP APPs* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeWed Nov 27, 2013 12:05 pm

अनंत♥ wrote:
Simply Me wrote:
Winter wrote:
Am I accepted? You never said so.
Woops, I accepted you a while ago but I must've erased it accidentally >w<
What about me? I asked and you never said anything...
Yes, I accepted you earlier (it's in the third post on this page) but you must not have seen it because I had to edit that in after making my post. x3
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Expert Fantagian

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The PURGE *RP APPs* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitimeWed Nov 27, 2013 12:50 pm

ANY FAMILY?Yes but she has her own home now.
ANY FRIENDS?Anyones friend.
PERSONALITY?She is a Dentist very kind and confident she used to be a chief/waitress. Nearly everyone knows her.She hides each month and prays on her own.

BIOGRAPHY?Her first Purge was when she was 11 Her Mum and dad have fell out but they still live together they just sleep in separate beds they don't argue they act like friends.
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PostSubject: Re: The PURGE *RP APPs*   The PURGE *RP APPs* Icon_minitime

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