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 Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]

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PostSubject: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 7:39 pm

Welcome to the Apparitions RP! This is mostly sci-fi, fantasy, action and romance together. This is a collaboration between Hop, Lance, and I (Anna/Taost). Lance and I thought out the plot, goals, etc., while Hop and Sarah each helped work on the appearances and roles, as well as drawing them.

You will be allowed to recreate this role-play with PERMISSION, at any time, even if this one is still going.

Plot and Extra Info:
*Morgan freeman voice* This takes place in the U.S., the same year. People say many strange apparitions have appeared on Earth, like ghosts and demons. Our main goal in the role-play is to get people to understand these apparitions, as well as get what the apparitions want.
> Soul Gems are basically gems that can contain souls. It varies depending on the species/role. *dramatic opening scene*


Roles & Guidelines:

Creator’s Characters:

Character List:

I s2g if no one applies im jumping off a 258 story building

Last edited by Taost on Mon May 20, 2013 8:04 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 7:40 pm

-adds app-

Yo if you guys have questions send Toast/I a pm or just post on here~
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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 7:41 pm

Demon App

*Name: Owen Kennedy Weathers
Age and Birthday: died at 18, around 103 right now. Pretty young.
Gender: dude
Sexuality and Romanticity: heteroromantic, pansexual
Good or evil?: kind of neutral. generally considered evil.
Biography: When he was alive, he was one of the top serial killers in the country! Everyone was looking for the polite killer "Weathers." known for leaving intricate warning cards, and even more complex cards of the dead victim. Also known for leaving a small bite mark in each of his victims neck. Though he killed primarily woman, everyone could get ruined by the young fellow! Shy, unathletic, unattractive and introverted, no one expected him to kill! But that's how it went. Until death got him, as it gets most killers (by firing squad). In death, instead of killing tends to eat souls almost every day, but can stop for longs periods of time. Tends to eat the souls of people he's close with, and leave strangers alone. Not many regrets from his past life, just sad he got caught.
*Personality: Shy, big stutter and tends to laugh and say sorry in basically every sentence he speaks. Looks away from people and has a very introverted aura. Self conscious and hard to talk to, he's not one for many friends. Bites his lips a lot. He has a lot of habits and tries to stop himself whenever he starts one. His voice is quiet and hushed, and he'll never start a conversation.
*Physical Appearance: An overweight big nosed ginger with a round face and short stature. He uses round brown glasses that really need to be fixed, and t-shirts, sweater vests, and typically shorts. His hair is curly and greasy, reaches to the top of his ear with big bangs. Hie eyes are a bright blue and he has a large amount of freckles. Skin is olive, looks like he didn't sleep. Lots of leg and arm hair.
*Pet: a ladybug called Nancy. Takes extremely good care of her.
Anything else?: most people call him "Weathers", what people called him as a killer. his victims were usually killed through choking.

example of warning card he'd send to victim:
"Oh dear, I'm so sorry to say your life will soon come to an end, and by no one other than me! I wish this wasn't how it had to be, but sometimes this kind of thing happens, you know? I'll meet you soon, and I sure do hope you're excited! If you're not, it is understandable. I sure am, though! See you!!
-Love, Weathers."

example of card you would find on the victims body
"God, what a pretty body we have here... Shame it has to be dead now! I am so sorry, I really didn't mean for it to get this bad! Oh dear, I messed up again, didn't I... Don't worry, though, they're doing great now! I can feel it. I hope you guys are, too, though its understandable if you aren't. I wish both the victim and the family the best! Once again, I am extremely sorry this had to be done by me, I wish it could have been someone else, oh dear! Well, at least now what's done is done. Their pretty flesh and silky hair is now no longer going to move. That's good, in a way. Now you can use them for whatever you want! How fun!
-Hope to see you again, Weathers."


Last edited by Oliver on Sun May 19, 2013 8:02 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 7:41 pm

btw this is a Sintamon app,,,,
*Name: Core Six
*First Life Age: 15
*Sintamon Age: 661
*Gender (girl/boy/agender/etc.): hot chick
*Sexuality and Romanticity: Bisexual, Homoromantic
*Death (must be tragic): Core was walking through the meadow when she saw an old woman collapse in front of her. She went over to see what happened; the woman was dead. Core was traumatized, and blacked out while walking home. She woke up in her bedroom ill, and she had red spots all over her stomach and chest. She was slowly suffering as her family and friends watched her die from the raging plague.
*Birthmark/Tattoo (based on their death): Three overlapping circles on her chest, representing the plague.
*Soul Gem Appearance (around their neck): A red flower, representing the meadow where she collapsed after the woman died.
*Physical Appearance (disguise and true form): DISGUISE: Long platinum blonde hair and black eyes, Core is gorgeous. She has long eyelashes, a tan, and a nice, slim body, including a wide chest. TRUE FORM: Core has long, rotted fingernails and pointed teeth. Her dirty blonde hair is shaped like Medusas, and she is very pale.
Biography: She didnt realize she died. She woke up with boys and woman surrounding her with a soul gem around her neck, like the others. Core strolled out of the building, not realizing it wasn't there, and that it was actually the underworld. As a Sintamon, she naturally used her disguise to capture souls, and she gave some to the demons. She has been doing that since 1352.
*Good or Evil?: Evil
*Personality: Very rude and self-absorbed, unlike her old human self, Core is very outgoing. She plays hard-to-get with the men, and often starts fights with other Apparations.
*Goal: To find a boy who she finds is fairer than herself, and capture him to marry.
Anything else?: N/A
aaa and "fruit babes"

i am slightly involved but i helped 0%
i just gave my app early and stuff

Last edited by Rin on Sun May 19, 2013 7:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 7:54 pm

*Name: Rocky Douglas
*Ghost Age: 768 Years.
*First Life Age: 14
*Gender: Female
*Sexuality and Romanticity: Straight.
Biography: Rocky's life wasn't exactly anything interesting. She grew up with her mother and father, and her little sister, Marisa. When Rocky was six, ( Marisa was only four,) She witnessed her grandmother die of a heart-attack. Ever since then, She's been terrified of death. She continued growing up with her family, until Marisa died of a rare disease when six was six, and Rocky was eight. Rocky's parent's were so devastated, that they adopted a little girl named Mia who was six. She got a lot of attention, while Rocky got none.
*Death: Rocky's death was quite disturbing. When she was walking home alone, a masked man knocked her out and put her in his van. She was tortured, beaten, Lost a lot of blood and starved for six weeks, R*ped, then murdered and her body was dumped in a river, never discovered, her case went cold and never solved.
*Soul Gem Appearance: Her Soul Gem is Red, because she bled a lot and lost a lot of blood.
*Key Appearance: A knife, with a drip of blood.
*Personality: Rocky is a very pessimistic girl; She's often alone, since whoever or whatever approaches her gets scared away. She's revenge seeking, and always tried finding the man or descendants of the man who murdered her, and has killed multiple people, mistaking them to be him, or related to him.
*Physical Appearance: Rocky's body is a translucent red; She has Short black hair, and hollow black eyes.
Anything else?: Nope.

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Amour Allure
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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 7:57 pm

Ava's demon? I didn't make an app.

*Name: Harmony Simmons
*Age and Birthday: Harmony is 17 and her birthday is August 17th
*Gender: Girl
*Sexuality and Romanticity:[/b ]Bisexual , Bi-Romantic
Harmony was born and raised by a crazy alcoholic mum named Jamie Lynn.Her dad passed away at the age of 48 when Harmony was at Boarding School.Harmony dropped out of School when she was 15 years old.Harmony had to find a way to keep her mum Jamie alive.After her dad died,Jamie Lynn has gone crazy.Harmony ran away 2 times,and tried to overdose 3 times.Harmony's life was difficult.
*Personality: Harmony is a bit quiet,she likes to do this her way.She hates snobby people,and has quite the rude mouth.She is really Sarcastic and is very Confident although sometimes she just breaks.She cares much about her appearance and likes to leave an impression.
*Physical Appearance: Harmony has long dirty blonde hair that reaches her waist,she has a nice Oval shaped face,and a few freckles scattered around her cheeks and nose.She has an unusual colored Eye thats between Blue and Brown with a bit of golden specks.She has small hands,and a curvy figure.She has long legs,and small ears.Harmony has thick eye brows and curly eye lashes.
What do others think of them?: Usually people think of Harmony as a rude,disrespectful person.But if you actually get to know her,she can open up more.
*Attached with....?: Myself.
*Relationship with Cursed Soul/Mangeblix: Can i have some time to think about this?
Anything else?: Nope!

fruit babes!!!

*Name:Harmony Simmons
*Age and Birthday (must be the same age as the possessed soul/human they are attached to):17,August 20th
*Gender (boy/girl/agender/etc.):Female
*Sexuality and romanticity (usually don’t have a romantic or sexual relationship with the soul they are attached to, but do what you want—I don’t really care):Bisexual,Bi-Romantic
*Death:Got killed in a Car Accident
*Good or Evil?:Evil
*Wish/Goal (can be to get revenge, kill someone, etc.):Goal is to kill many humans,to find her true love.
*Personality: Harmony is a bit quiet,she likes to do this her way.She hates snobby people,and has quite the rude mouth.She is really Sarcastic and is very Confident although sometimes she just breaks.She cares much about her appearance and likes to leave an impression.
*Attached to… (can be an actual user or yourself):Myself
*Relationship with Possessed Soul (could be friends, enemies, dating, whatever!):Anyone wanna be in A Relationship PM me?
Anything else?:Nope!

Last edited by Justice♡ on Sun May 19, 2013 8:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:03 pm

^^ avas demon is a webcomic. (

i forgot to say, if you want to do a possessed soul with yourself as a mangeblix, you have to fill out the mangeblix form, too.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:03 pm

Taost wrote:
^^ avas demon is a webcomic. (

i forgot to say, if you want to do a possessed soul with yourself as a mangeblix, you have to fill out the mangeblix form, too.

Am I accepted?
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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:06 pm

yeah, sorry, i didnt see your app
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Amour Allure
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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:10 pm

Am I accepted..?
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:11 pm

Edit: here it is

*Name: Maddox Talbot
*Age and Birthday: 15; March 21, 1998
*Gender (girl/boy/agender/etc.): male
*Sexuality and Romanticity: heterosexual and biromantic
Biography: Maddox lived a nice, 'normal' life with his two parents and his one-year-younger sister. He was on the school basketball team and had been playing piano for years. Last year, in the middle of July, something terrible happened to their family. His sister was supposedly in a serious drunk driving accident and the impact caused both of her legs to be permanently paralyzed, preventing her to be unable to do many of the things she had done before. Maddox was devastated by this; he and his sister had been the best of friends through childhood and they always had each other's backs in the long run! He thought it was just a tragic accident, but while his sister was in the hospital for recovery, she told him something that sparked his interest. She said that as the car was coming towards her, a figure appeared in front of the car just before the impact and caused the injury to not be as bad. Others thought this was crazy talk, but Maddox had always been interested in ghosts and supernatural, so he immediately wanted to know if it was true. Even more, who's ghost was it?
*Personality: Friendly, understanding. Tends to make rash decisions and always wants to do, not think. Hates stereotypes and gets p-o'd whenever people act that way, but he is too afraid to tell them off. He tries his best to stay loyal to his friends and is not very good at making his own choices. He grew up always being the "yes man" in the face of decisions. Definitely not strategic.
*Physical Appearance: caramel-tan skin, ask brown hair. hazel eyes. tall, around 5'9", and has some arm muscle. normally wears plain t shirts and half-faded jeans, nothing fancy or stylish.
*What they want to find out: if a ghost really saved his sisters life and who's ghost they were
Anything else?: fruit babes

Last edited by hop on Mon May 20, 2013 7:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:12 pm

Justice♡ wrote:
Am I accepted..?

no, not yet. you have to do the mangeblix app.
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Amour Allure
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Amour Allure

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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:17 pm

>_< Toast please pm me .. i'm a bit confused.
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Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:18 pm

I'll edit this post and fill out an app here later after I decide what I want my character to be.
Also for some reason, when i click on the spoiler for human information nothing shows on either one?

*Name: Kaitlyn Williams
*Age and Birthday: 14 years and July 19th
*Gender (girl/boy/agender/etc.): Girl
*Sexuality and Romanticity: Heterosexual, biromamtic
Biography: I'll fill this out when I can think of one
*Personality: Kaitlyn is a emotional girl. She's quite sensitive, the smallest insults can make her break a tear or two. She usually doesn't get annoyed or angry, and if she does, she'll just keep the grudge to herself for a long time. Kaitlyn is a little forgetful and is somewhat gullible. However, she still wants friends, but doesn't know how to make then easily. She insists on talking to her Mangeblix often.
*Physical Appearance: Her hair is a milk chocolate brown. However, its rough and messilly cut, and unevenly tied in twin tails, the left one (right from our POV) is longer. Her eyes are a dark greyish brown and she has a cute splash of freckles on her nose. Kaitlyn likes to wear t-shirts and jeans, anything that feels comfortable.
What do others think of them?: Others tend to think she's odd and one of the kids who need speech therapy. They notice how she seems to be talking to herself and another person at the same time so they all assume she's schizophrenic.
*Attached with....?: Erika (Fuko Ibuki's character)
*Relationship with Cursed Soul/Mangeblix: They're working their relationship out, they don't really know what to think of each other.
Anything else?: None yet.

Anyways, fruit babes.

Last edited by Witch on Mon May 20, 2013 12:11 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:25 pm

@witch: idk, i know i put text for human info.. it should be there.
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Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:28 pm

@Taost I'll go check on my computer later and see if it's showing there
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Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:30 pm

@witch, quote my post and see if the info and apps are there.
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Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:32 pm

@Taost I did so and nothings showing in those places, just an empty space? I'm really sorry for troubling you ^^'
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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:33 pm

@witch, its fine, honestly! don't worry, ill fix it right now.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:34 pm

*Name: Felix
*Ghost Age: 40
*First Life Age: 17
*Gender :Boy
*Sexuality and Romanticity : bisexual, biromantic
Biography: Felix in his past lived an okay one. He had one brother and two sisters. His parents got divorced when he was 12 but Felix didn't mind very much. Felix's dad was a total jerk to his mom. His dad would spend their money on alcohol and get drunk all the time. He would come home at 1:00 or 2:00 am. His dad also would smoke. Felix was a depressed most of his life until his mom finally decided to devorce his dad. Felix then got a bit happier but the pain started to eat him a live. Literally. Felix decided if he died would he have a happier death? Felix had been thinking about suicide for a while but his mom loved him so much he didn't know how to do it without hurting her feelings. Felix knew that his only hope was to die someone other way on accident. He didn't know how he was going to do this but some how he knew that his life should die tragically. So he took a match put it on the wood wall. It started burning. The firefighters came to early he didn't die that way. He tried multiple suicides. Until one time he decided he didn't want to die. That changed the next day.
*Death: His dad had to pick him up from school one day, his dad almost forgot his dad picked him up half drunk. They then got into a car accident. Felix got a huge cut on his head. It was to deep the next day he didn't make it.
*Soul Gem Appearance : red as blood,
*Key Appearance: The handle looks like a shard of glass, but it actually isn't that sharp
*Personality: He is usually depressed, he will smile if there is something to smile about but otherwise don't expect him to smile, mental pain like really deep depression it hurts him.
*Physical Appearance: Body is translucent red, short black hair, black hollow eyes
Anything else?:

Fruit babies!

Last edited by Weeping Angel on Sun May 19, 2013 9:39 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:41 pm

@weeping angel: declined. please use the actual template. and there were no cars 400 years ago. i could tell you did not read the info about ghosts, either.

guys, you dont have to make your ghosts so old. seriously, if you're going to make it something historical, do the research and make it realistic.
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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 8:53 pm

Rules + info updated.
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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 9:02 pm

App updated if I did something wrong again just pm what i need to fix.
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Lord Voldemort
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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 9:04 pm

*please reserve a spot for me*
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PostSubject: Re: Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS]   Knowledge of the Apparitions [RP APPS] Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 9:11 pm

Weeping angel, you still did not use the template. It's hard for me to read without the bolde words. Also, ghosts don't have a hair color, they simply are one color with hollow white or black eyes.

Joy, you have 24 hours till your reservation is gone.
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