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 Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))

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Amour Allure
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 17, 2013 9:16 pm

Firefly Islands is an archipelago of multiple islands. They might seem like paradise in day, but they're in complete chaos at night. It is very unusual to arrive there, but once you do, there's no escape. You can't leave. You just can't.
One hot summer day, you and your friends are invited to a beach party. You go out on a large kayak, surrounded by others in more kayaks. When it starts raining, you can't get back to land. You faint, and wake up on an island. It is all green and inhabited by nothing but squirrels, mice and sheep. There are large ponds on the island. You have everything you need. It seems like paradise. However, at nighttime, all the water turns into acid, and the trees grow spikes on them. You didn't know that, but you suspected something was wrong when the animals ran away before sunset. Now, you must explore the islands searching for survival. The sea is warm and has many waves as well. The sand is white, but the sea turns into acid too.

-Water is abundant. You may pick up water from the ponds, and as long as it doesn't make contact with the pond or sea water during night, it won't turn into acid. It also works with wood. Even if the wood is treated, if acid splashes on it, the wood will become rough and spikey, not only for the night, but forever. Acid is toxic too, so it can melt your skin, make it rot or simply dissolve you.
-Acid can be mixed with chemicals to be used as healing potions. It can also be used to start controlled fires, if it is mixed with the right things. If some acid falls in a bear and a pig, there is a chance it might mutate. If a tiny amount of acid gets onto a fruit, it becomes inedible. Its simply toxic. If you eat a contaminated apple, you faint. Your skin turns very red, irritated and swollen. If you are treated with the right medicine in the next 12 hours, the chance is you'll probably survive. If it isn't healed within the next 12 hours, The person's organs shut down and its body rots away.
-I recommend building shelter in higher grounds. A treehouse could be good, as long as the wood on the tree is treated, or the poison spikes will poke you, making you bleed and any wounds could get infected.
-Other creatures live in here. They were probably mutated humans or animals, or just an unknown creature that residents the area. You can either be good or bad.

[u][b]HUMAN APP.[/b][/u]
[b]Short Bio (optional).[/b]

[u][b]CREATURE APP.[/b][/u]
[b]Gender (its okay to say none).[/b]
[b]Sexuality (its okay to say none).[/b]
[b]Your reaction to human 'invasors'.[/b]

Name. Nate (Nathalyn) "End" Thomspon
Age. 16
Gender. F
Sexuality. Bisexual
Grade/Job. 11th, works at a hotel.
Personality. She's trapped inside a shell of insecurity. She's mean, rude and bossy but she's just shy. She doesn't really talk much, but all she wants is a friend. Be nice to her. Break her out and she'll treat you the right way.
Picture/Description. Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Flaky10
Short Bio (optional). She was an exchange student from Australia. She lost all her childhood friends, and she couldn't make any friends at her new school. She didn't fit in, so she became the avoided girl. She became different and created her own style. It mainly consisted of matching old school clothes with modern, wearing small, retro, glasses. She also became very attached to technology.

Name. Rhyme
Age. Real age unknown, looks 18.
Gender. F
Sexuality. Straight
Good/Bad. Average
Personality. Rhyme is a music elf. She controls many things with music. She is also the leader of a tribe that has taken over one of the Firefly Islands. She is nice and sweet and protective but she can sometimes become over-attached to someone and become jealous.
Picture/Description. Rhyme has a slim figure, she has no extra fat and big chests. She is very pale and has very pink cheeks. Her eyes are a light blue and very long eyelashes with a defined nose. She has round hips and wavy dark brown hair that fades into a blonde. She wears a simple white robe decorated with flowers and jewellery. She also has pointed elf ears with flower earrings.

Last edited by Symphony~. on Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:00 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 17, 2013 9:23 pm

are you reserving spots or no?

Also, how strong is the acid?  Judging from stomach acid to rain acid to immediate burning.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 17, 2013 9:40 pm

Well, somewhere inbetween. Its supposed to be a very strong, killer acid that makes the skin start bubbling, sting and itch, and it lasts for a while until it burns the skin off.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 17, 2013 10:36 pm

Name. Luna Maress
Age. 13
Gender. Female
Sexuality. Straight
Grade/Job. 7th grade
Personality. Always positive and full of energy, Luna loves excitement. She always loves a new adventure, but hates whenever that adventure includes horror. Luna's peppy and a bit of a sadist too. She's loud and never can keep her mouth shut. Luna also likes talking, maybe a little too much and often creeps people. She doesn't have many friends, but she intends to keep her current friends. She's also quite charming
Picture/Description. Luna has white-blonde hair and she ties in a ponytail. She wears a vanilla polo with a denim jacket over it and white short shorts. Her eyes are a shade of red and she wears glasses.  Her shoes are hiking boots with socks that go up to her knees. She wears a lucky, silver bracelet in her left hand. She's 5'2.

Last edited by Kozakura on Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Legendary Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 18, 2013 5:08 am

Age. 10
Gender (its okay to say none). Male
Sexuality (its okay to say none). None.
Good/Bad. I'd say neutral. He lies and steals but doesn't have truly evil intentions.
Personality. Break has shapeshifting powers, able to turn into any creature between the size of a mouse and a panther at will as long as he isn't knocked out or being physically restrained. (Being chained/tied up or held so that he can't move his arms or legs counts. Being grabbed on the arm does not.) He has a sarcastic sense of humor and is rather unable to keep quiet. While in human form he is fairly small and weak, his powers make up for that to an extent. All in all he's not a bad person, even though he has a few behaviour issues.
Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) 9k=
Your reaction to human 'invasors'.
He finds them highly amusing.

Last edited by Jeff on Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:01 am; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Making something more clear so that I don't look like such a Gary Stu.)
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 18, 2013 4:24 pm

@Jeff ~ Mice, squirrel and sheep are the animals, while the other creatures are not included in the animal category. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.
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Legendary Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 19, 2013 5:17 am

Symphony~. wrote:
@Jeff ~ Mice, squirrel and sheep are the animals, while the other creatures are not included in the animal category. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

Sorry about the weird quote problem.
Okay, I understand now. Thanks. -Jeff
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Junior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 19, 2013 7:00 am

Name. Mercury Dugan 
Age. 15
Gender. Female
Sexuality. Straight
Grade/Job. 10th Grade. 
Personality. Mercury is a very optimistic girl. She's always up to finding the good sides of even the most horrible situations, and she's very sweet and determined. She's always trying her best to make people feel good about themselves, to boost their confidence so they can do better in whatever she's complimenting them on. Mercury is very smart, and is creative her her intelligence. She always thinks things through before acting, so she never does anything rash or uncalled for. However, at times Mercury can become impatient or stubborn. Even so, she's a great team-player, and a really sweet girl!
Picture/Description. Mercury has long, wavy black hair that reaches her shoulders. She has icy blue eyes, tanned skin with no blemishes, and is somewhere on the under-weight side. She suffers for anorexia; Although no one other than her parents know about this condition. Even so, she looks somewhat healthy even though she's extremely under-weight. her nails are usually in a french manicure, as she likes taking care of her appearance. She usually wears nice, dressy outfits, but when going on the boat, she wears a grey tang top, cargo shorts, work boots, a bandana, and she brings a backpack with a water canteen, her phone, and a candy bar. 
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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 19, 2013 9:52 am

Name. Irina
Age. 14 1/2
Gender. Female
Sexuality. Homosexual
Grade/Job. 9th grade and no job
Personality. Irina is pretty vain and snobby. She always tries to be better than others and put then down. However, she's very eager to make friends but she does a horrible job in keeping them. Although her attutude may suggest otherwise, Irina is very caring. She also has fairly good observation skills. Irina is also very hasty and makes bad descions sometimes. She also has a few gearing problems and says "WHAT?" often, but other than that, she's physically healthy.
Picture/Description. Irina has golden blond hair that falls to her shoulders, big chocolate brown eyes, and peachy skin. Her nose bridge is dotted with a few freckles. She wears aqua blue jeans (which were messily cut so they would be at her knees), a peach pink t-shirt, a pale grey hoodie/jacket thing over it, and pale tan loafers. She is of French and German descent.
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Legendary Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 19, 2013 12:28 pm

When can we start?

I'm hoping we can keep this alive as long as the original Stranded or Survivor. I'm kind of sick of seeing so many RPs die so quickly because no one bothers to post.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 19, 2013 12:45 pm

Name. Sarah
Age. 14
Sexuality. Sraight
Grade/Job. 9th, McDonalds 
Personality. Happy, Sweet, quiet
Picture/Description. Auburn hair, light blue tank top, jean blue shorts, black converse.

Last edited by Moka on Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 19, 2013 1:07 pm

I finished my app~
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Veteran Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 19, 2013 2:39 pm

Name. Charlotte
Age. 18
Gender. Girl
Sexuality. Straight
Grade/Job. A professional kayaker
Personality. Adventorous and brave.
Picture/Description. Later
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Legendary Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2013 5:07 am

Can we start now? We have 7, possibly 8 applications as of yet and we might get more after we get going.
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Amour Allure
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Amour Allure

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PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2013 6:37 am

Name. Mackenzie Rose Ross (Kenzie)
Grade/Job. High School Dropout - Restaurant Waiter 
Personality. Kenzie is very quiet,when it comes to conflict she prefers to stay out then in.She doesn't have many friends,but because of her singing talent a lot of people don't bother her.Kenzie is very independent she likes to do things on her own,and hates it when people offer to help her.She simply shakes her head and continues to try,you can say she never gives up.Kenzie likes to explore,due to constant moving Kenzie has been to many states/countries and have found out amazing things.One day,Kenzie hopes to become an explorer.
Picture/Description. Kenzie has wavy platinum blonde hair,with long curly eyelashes and a pimple clear face.Her right eye is a nice icy blue,and her left eye is a nice leafy green.Her cheeks are a nice blush color and she has freckles on her nose and cheeks.She's quite curvy,and has nice long legs.Kenzie has small thighs and has a healthy weight.
Short Bio (optional). Kenzie's life is ordinary,she has 2 loving parents and a younger sister Abby.Kenzie hates her life,although her family is high class and lives in a medium sized home with 10 rooms 5 bathrooms and 2 livings rooms and 1 kitchen.She hates it,she always wondered what it was life to live in the lower classes.Kenzie is a straight A student and studies her behind off.

Last edited by Sugenny on Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2013 7:06 am

Name. Shiloh Messi Bladford 
Age. 14
Gender. Female
Sexuality. Confused ATM 
Grade/Job. 9th grade; No job. 
Personality. It is very hard to define Shiloh's personality, as she emotionally died when she witnessed her Father being shot at the age of 12. Since then, she's been caught in grief and regret. However, before the incident, Shiloh was seen as a very cheery, peppy, colourful girl. She loved attention, and being entertainment for people. She was sweet, kind, and was determined; She never gave up on anything, or anyone. Well, except for herself. Now, she talks without feeling and doesn't display her emotions. Her face remains neutral, like a robot. Her tone stays regular; She never whispers or raises her voice. Now, she's not willing to take control, because she doesn't feel comfortable with the role as " leader" like she used to. 
Short Bio (optional). When Shiloh was twelve, she witnessed her father being shot by a gang that owed him money. The police were never able to find who did it, and Shiloh became emotionless towards everyone in her family; Including her Mother, after they announced his case turned cold and was closed. 
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Legendary Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2013 10:04 am

I just noticed I have the only guy character. Again.
Could someone else please please please play a guy? Or else this is going to be intensely awkward.
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elsa ♡
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elsa ♡

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2013 10:25 am

Name. Airi
Age. 14
Gender. Female
Sexuality. Straight
Grade/Job. Grade 10. She is immensely smart.
Personality. Sweet, bubbly, creative, smart, but she has a temper if you bother her.
Picture/Description. icon<<<
Short Bio (optional). Airi was the plus one to the party. She really does not enjoy them and she knew she should have stayed home. All of her family is alive and well.
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Legendary Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2013 10:39 am

Edited my app. I wanted to change my characters name.
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Amour Allure
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Amour Allure

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PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2013 3:03 pm

Updated my bio! ~
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2013 5:29 pm

I'll start it now. You can still join. Creature apps please? Male humans please?
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Hero Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2013 5:45 pm

Another boy character on the way!

Name. Timothy
Age. 13
Gender. Male
Sexuality. Straight
Grade/Job. 7th grade, doesn't have a job
Personality. Timothy is what you would call an 'otaku'. He doesn't go outside much and spends all his time on electronics. Timothy is a quiet and shy boy.
Used Bannedstory 4:

Short Bio (optional).

Got lazy to do Short Bio...

Name. Melody Willow
Age. 17
Gender (its okay to say none). Female
Sexuality (its okay to say none). Straight
Good/Bad. Good
Personality. Melody is an athletic and energetic creature. It is a little hard for her to keep quiet, since she is a bit of a loud mouth. Overall, she is a sweet young lady willing to make friends.
Used Bannedstory 4:
Your reaction to human 'invaders'. She was surprised at first.

Last edited by Canada on Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2013 6:30 pm

Nya wrote:
Another boy character on the way!

Name. Timothy
Age. 13
Gender. Male
Sexuality. Straight
Grade/Job. 7th grade, doesn't have a job
Personality. Timothy is what you would call an 'otaku'. He doesn't go outside much and spends all his time on electronics. Timothy is a quiet and shy boy.
Used Bannedstory 4:

Short Bio (optional).

Got lazy to do Short Bio...

Stupid Quote problem. Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING A MALE CHARACTER GOD. (Sorry about the caps.) Lately I've been the only boy of the RP, and it's pretty awkward at times. -Jeff
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2013 7:53 pm

Name.Catrina (cat for short)
Grade/Job.9th grade
Personality.She is a person who gets over excited a lot, loves action, and gets mad super easily. When she is sad, scared or mad she wont take directions or follow what anyone is telling her to do.Also, she gets annoyed at other people and can drive an argument too far.
Picture/Description.Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Ohh10
Short Bio (optional)
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2013 8:21 pm

Teto Kasane wrote:
Teto Kasane

Name.Catrina (cat for short)
Grade/Job.9th grade
Personality.She is a person who gets over excited a lot, loves action, and gets mad super easily. When she is sad, scared or mad she wont take directions or follow what anyone is telling her to do.Also, she gets annoyed at other people and can drive an argument too far.
Picture/Description.Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Ohh10
Short Bio (optional)

accepted! by the way, the rp has already started so feel free to post!
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PostSubject: Re: Firefly Islands ((RP APPS))   Firefly Islands ((RP APPS)) Icon_minitime

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